Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 433
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lty and strength. ?He attained
great age, and was never known to
taste of any kind of meat.

Tolland, Mass.

Hampden co. Tolland is situated
on tHe border of Litchfield county,
Connecticut, ami is watered by the
upper branch of Farmington river.
The surface is elevated, but the
lands are finely adapted for graz-

There are .manufactures in the
town of shovels^ spades, forks,
hoes, and wooden ware; and here
is a large tannery, but the inhabi-
tants are chiefly farmers.

Tolland was incorporated in 1810.
Population, 1830, 570. It lies 110
miles W. S. W. from Boston, and 20
W. from Springfield.

Tolland County, Ct.

Tolland is the chief town. This
county was taken from Hartford
and Windham counties in 1786. It.
is bounded If. by Massachusetts,
E'. by Windham, S. hy New Lon-
don, and W. by Hartford counties.
Its greatest length from N. to S. is
30 miles. It covers an area of 337
square miles. Population, 1320,
14,330; 1830, 18,700. Inhabitants
to a square mile, 56.

The western part of the county
lays within the great valley of the
Connecticut: it is generally free
from stone, undulating, fertile and
productive : the eastern section is
within the granitic range which
extends through the state: much
of this portion of the county is.cov-
ered with forests; that part which is
cleared affords good grazing. In
1837, there were in the county
23,096 sheep. The Scantic, Willi-
mantie, Salmon, Hockanum and
Hop rivers, with their tributaries,
afford the county a good water
power, and manufactures flourish
within its limits.

Tolland, Ct.

Shire town of Tollamd0:cqunty.

This town has a population of 1,700
inhabitants, and is situated on the
nearest mail route from Hartford to
Boston. Its products are English
grain, grass, potatoes, &c. It con-
tain^ two small woolen'-manufacto-
ries, with water power sufficient to
operate a greater number with cor-
responding machinery. It lies 18
miles E. N. E. from Hartford, 17
N. froai Windham, 27 W. N- W.
frpm Brooklyn, and 30 If - from Nor-
wich. The land is rather sterile,
mountainous and uneven. The in-
habitants are industrious and intel-

Topsfield, Me.

Washington co. This township
was number eight in the second
range north of the Bingham Penob-
scot Purchase. It was incorporated
in the year 1838. We
guess that
this town lies about 25 miles N. N.
E. from the mouth of
keag River.
We should like to
know “ how the land lies.” See
“ Down East.”

Topsfield, Mass.

Esses co. This is a very pleas-
ant town, watered by Ipswich river
and its branches. The surface is
agreeably diversified by hills and
valleys. There are some fine tracts
of intervale in the town,, and the
uplands, possess a strong sol], ren-
dered productive by industrious and
skilful farmers. The principal
manufacture is.that of boots and
shoes,in which between 500 and 600
hands are employed, making annu-
ally about $100,0'00 in value. This
town lies 21 miles N. by E. from
Boston, and 9 N. by W. from Sa-
lem. Population, 1837, 1,049.

Topsfield was first settled about
the year 1642. It was incorporated
in 1650. Among the names of the
first settlers were Peabody, Per-
kins, Clark, Cummings, Bradstreet,
Gould,' Town, Easty, Smith, and
Wildes; many of whose descend-


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