Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 435
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West river passes through the
town with considerable rapidity:
along its banks are some tracts of
good intervale; but the surface of
the town Js generally hilly, and the
soil more calculated for grazing
than tillage. There are Some manu-
factures in the townj a high school-
of good reputation, and twoi pleas-:
ant villages. Townshend lies 12
miles N. N. W. ,from:,Brattlebo-
rough, 23 N. E. from Benning-
ton, 95 S. from Montpelier, and is
hounded S. by Newfane. Popula-
tion, 1830, 1,336.    '

Trenton, Me.

Hancock co. Trenton is situated
on a navigahie passage between
Frenchman’s bay on the E., Union
river on the W., and N* of the island
town of Eden. It possesses great
advantages for. navigation^ "and a
large portion’ of its- people is en-f
gaged in ship building, the coasting
trade and fishery.. Incorporated in
1739. Population, in 1837, * 9241
Trenton is 7 miles S.. by E‘. from.
Ellsworth. • • *    \

Trescott, Me.

Washington co. This is an At-
lantic town, and bounded N. E. b.y
Lubec. It comprises JVIoose cove,
Bailey’s mistake and Haycock har-
bors, and is flourishing in its trade
and navigation. It was incorpora-
ted in 1827. Population, in 1830,
480; 1837, 713.

Trout River, Vt.

Franklin co. This river is form-
ed in Montgomery, by several
branches ; it runs in a N. W. di-
rection and falls into the Missisque
on the border of Enosburgh and
Berkshire. This is a .good mill
stream, and with its .tributaries, fer-
tilizes considerable tracts of coun-

Troy, Me.

Waldo, co. This territory was
called Joy from 1812 to 1828 : it
was then called Montgomery, and
changed again in 1827, to its pres-
ent name. If these Trojans- are
fickle-aboutthe name of their town,
they are good farmer's, and produc-
ed in 1837, 9,194 bushe!s*of wheat.
The surface of-the town is undula-
ting and fertile ; ,a-large part of it is
covered with heavy timber. It is
watered by a branch'of the-Sebas-
ticook, from which river it lies
ab'ou-t 6 miles S. E. . It is 39 miles
N„ E. from Augusta; and 25‘N. W.
from Belfast. Population, in 1S30,
803; 1837, 1,140.

Troy, IV. H.

Cheshire co. This town is bound-
ed N. by Marlborough, E. by Jaf-
frey, Si b.y Fitzwilliam, and W. by
Richmond and S.wanzey. It is
about 60 miles S’. W. from Concord,
and 12 S. E. from Keene. The in-
habitants are principally agricultu-
ralists. This to.wn vv.as taken from
Maryborough and Fitzwilliam, and
incorporated in 1815.. Population,
in 1830, 676.

Troy, Vt.

Orleans co. Troy lies 47 miles
N. from Montpelier, 51 N. E. from

Burlington, 11 N. N. W. from
Irasburgh, and is bounded N. by
Canada. * Firet settled in 1800.
Population, 1830, 608. During the
war for “sailors’ rights,” most of
the inhabitants left the town, which
greatly retarded its growth. It is
finely watered by'Missisque river,
and its tributaries : the surface is
generally level, and the soil pro-
ductive, particularly on the sides of
the streams.

The Falls on the Missisque, pro-
duce a great water power, and pro-
pel some machinery. These falls
pass down- a ledge of rocks about
70 feet. . A rock projects over them,
120 feet in perpendicular height.
From this rock, the falls, the deerp
still water in the gulph below, with
the romantic scenery around the
place, present a . spectacle of great


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