were taken up and removed. The bricks of the chimney lay scattered along, partly covering Mrs. T., and covering to a considerable depth two of the children. Mrs. T. was soon taken up with but little inju- ry. The shrieks and cries of the two children, under a weight of hot bricks, next pierced the heart of their father. In removing them; he burnt his hands to the bone. They were at length taken--o.ut_ alive, but in a state of great suffer- ing, one of whom, as I have men- tioned, after a few weeks, died. All were now found but the babe, about one year old. Supposing it to be under the bricks, Mr. T. re- newed his labor ; but soon it was heard to cry in the direction of the wind. Such as could run, ran in search of it, and soon found it ly- ing safe upon the ground' beneath a sleigh bottom, 10 or 15 rods from where the house had stood. When the frind came, the sleigh was in the barn, six or eight rods north or northwesterly from the house. The two last mentioned houses were one story, well built, and well fur- nished dwellings. Their materials were not merely separated, but broken, splintered, reduced to kind- ling wood, and scattered like the chaff of the summer thrashing floors. It was the same with fur- niture, beds, bedding, bureaus, chairs, tables, and the like. A loom was, to appearance, carried whole about forty rods, and then dashed in pieces. The width of the deso- lation here was about twenty or twenty-five rods. On the higher grounds over which it passed it was forty, fifty, or sixty rods. ^The deeper the valley, the narrower and more violent was the current. From the last mentioned neighbor- hood it passed on to the east part of Warner, but met with no other dwelling, houses, and did but little damage, except to fences and for- ests. The appearance of the ground where it passed, was as if a migh- ty torrent had swept over it, up hill as well as down. Near the Boundary, between Warner and Boscawen, the desolation ceas- ed. It was taken up from the earth, but spruce floor boards, which were taken from New London, were borne upon its bosom and dropped in the Shaker village in Canterbury, a distance of about thirty miles. In following its track in Kearsarge gore, I came to a ^considerablestream of water, across which had been a bridge, covered with large oak logs, split in the middle, instead of planks. These half logs were scattered in every direction, some carried, I should think, ten rods in the direction from which the wind came, others sixty rods in the direction it went, and others were dropped near the mar- gin at the right and left. |
One remarkable fact is, that the same day, and aboutthe same time in the day,’two other similar whirl- winds were experienced, which moved in nearly parallel lines, one passing through Warwick, Mass., and the other about the same dis- tance to the northeast.”
Warren, Me.
One of the county towns of Lin- coln county. This town is situated on both sides of St. Georges’ river, at the head of the -tide waters, and is , bounded N. by Union, S. by Camp- den and Thomaston, S. by Cushing, and W.'by Wgldoborough. Incor- porated, 1776. Population, 1S30, 2,030 ; 1837, 2,143. It is 34 miles S. E. from Augusta.
The location of this town is very favorable for manufactures and navigation. The lumber business is not so large as foinnerlv. yet con- siderable quantitie^Bjk-now sawed and shipped. Shipbuilding is an important branch of business, and the manufacture of lime, from a superior quality of limestone, with which this section of country abounds, is .carried on extensively, |