Cranston. An arm of the bay ex- tends westward, giving to Warwick and East Greenwich a number of excellent harbors. Vessels of 50 tons burthen pass to the flourishing village of Apponaug, between 4 and 5 miles from the bay. This vil- lage is pleasantly located, 10 miles S. from Providence, and is the site of considerable enterprize in ship building, the fishery, and the coast- ing trade.
Pawtuxet village is at the moiith of Pawtuxet river, a port of entry, and lays partly in Warwick, and partly in Cranston. This beautiful village, 5 miles S. from Providence, is celebrated for its great hydraul- ic power on navigable waters. War- wick is eminently distinguished as a manufacturing town ; but all we can at present-state is, that but ve- ry few villages in our country can boast of a more valuable manufac- turing interest, particularly in cot- ton goods. As early as 1822, there were 15 cotton and 2 woolen mills in Warwick.
from Kent, in 1786. It is bounded on the E. by Litqhfield, and is 38 miles W. from Hartford. The town is watered by Shepaug river, a branch of the Housatonick, and by a large and handsome pond, called Raumaug. Warren is hilly and rocky, and in some parts mountain- ous. It however produces butter, cheese, beef, pork, some grain, and considerable wool. Population, in 1830, 9S6.
Warwick, Mass.
Franklin co. This town is ele- vated, and contains Mount Grace, from which a delightful prospect is presented. The soil isstrong, warm, and produces excellent pasturage. There are no considerable streams in the town, and its manufactures consist only of leather, scythes and palm-leaf hats. Moose pond, a pleasant sheet of water, furnishes an abundance of fide trout, picker- el and perch.
Warwick was incorporated in 1763. Population, 1837, 1,111. It is 78 miles W. N W. from Boston, and 14 E. by N. from Greenfield.
Warwick, R. I.
Kent co. This important town, tbe Indian Shawomety is situated on fhe W. side of Narraganset bay, 5 miles S. from Providence. Pop- ulation, 1820, 3,443 ; 1830, 5,529. It contains an area of 54 square miles. The surface of the town, along the bay, is generally level, but the westerly part is hilly, so : much so that from some of the el- evations, a large part of the state may be seen in a clear day. The prevailing soil is a gravelly .loam, strong, and productive' of grain, grass, fruits and vegetables. The town is well supplied with a great variety of fish, and forests of wal- nut, oak and chesnut.
Pawtuxet river washes the north- ern part of the town, and meets the waters of the Narraganset at this place, separating Warwick from
Warwick is the birth place of two distinguished patriots and warriors.
Col. Christopher Green was born in 1737. He was in the ill- fated attack upon Quebec, in which the brave Montgomery fell. He was afterwards selected by Wash- ington to take charge of Fort Mer- cer, or Red Bank, N. J. For his gallant defence of that Fort against a superior force, in 1777, he ac- quired the reputation of a brave,
; judicious and faithful officer. He was assassinated in the most bru tal manner, in 1781, by a party of American royalists, while sta- tioned on the border of Croton river, New York.
Major General Nathaniel Green was born in 1741. He died in Georgia, in 1786. General Green early received the particular favor of Washington. This favor was continued throughout the war, and was strengthened by his ardent patriotism, undaunted courage, pru-
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