Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 460
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Waterborough, Me,

York co. This town is watered
by a large and pleasant pond, which
empties into Little. Ossipee river,
a branch otf the Saco, and by the
head branches of the Mousum, a
stream which meets the ocean at
Kennebunk. This is a flourishing
town, with a pleasant surface and
good soil. It lies 81 miles S. W.
from Augusta,
24 W. from Portland,
and is bounded S. by Alfred. Incor-
porated, 1787. Population, 1830,
1,816; 1837, 1,953.

Waterbary, Vt.

Washington co. The surface of
Waterbury is generally level, with
some pleasant, swells. The soil is
warm and fertile : the meadow lands
on the rivers, of which there are
large tracts, are not excelled, in
richness, by any in the state.

This town is separated from
Duxbury by Onion river, which,
with Waterbury river and other
streams, afford the town a good
water power. It was first settled
in 1784. Population, 3830, 1,650.
It lies 12 miles N, W. from Mont-
pelier, and 24 E. S. E. from Bur-

In the southwest corner of the
township, the passage of Onion riv-
er through a considerable hill, is
considered a curiosity. The stream
has here worn a channel through
the rocks, which in times past, un-
doubtedly, formed a cataract below
of no ordinary height, and a consid-
erable lake above. The chasm is
at present about one hundred feet
wide, and nearly as deep. On one
side the rocks are nearly perpendic-
ular, some of which have fallen
across the bed of the stream, in such
a manner as to form a bridge, pas-
sable, however, only at low water.
On the same side the rocks which
appear to have been loosened and
moved by the undermining of the
water, have again rested, and be-
come fixed in such a posture as to
form several caverns or caves, some
of which have the appearance of
rooms fitted for the convenience of
man. Several musket balls and
flints were found in the extreme
part of this, cavern, a few years
since, with the appearance of hav-
ing Iain there many years, which
makes it evident that it was known
to the early hunters.

IVaterbury River > rises in Mor-
ristown, and runs south through
the western part of Stow and Wa-
terbury into Onion river. In Stow,
it receives one considerable tribu-
tary from the east which rises in
Worcester, and two from the west
which rise in Mansfield. It also
receives several tributaries from
the west, in Waterbury, which
originate in Bolton. The whole
length of the stream is about 16
miles, and it affords a number of
good mill privileges.

Waterbury, Ct.

New Haven ,co. The Indian
Mattatuck, a territory comprising
this and some of the neighboring
towns, being 18 miles in length and
10 miles in width, was sold by the
red men to the whites,, in the year
16S4, “ for divers good causes and
thirty-nine pounds.” This piece
of ground was supposed by the
white men, to afford sufficient room
and accommodations for
thirty faIn-
The territory, now contains

8,000 people; and if its population
was as dense as that of England, in
1831, it would contain no less than
20,610, or of Belgium, 35,370 souls.

There are some good lands on
the borders qf the streams, within
the present limits of Waterbury ;
but the surface of the town is gen-
erally rough, and the soil difficult
of cultivation.

This town lies 28 miles S. W.
from Hartford, and 20 N. by W.
from New Haven. Population,
1830, 3,070.

“ The site upon which the bor-


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