Hayward’s United States Gazetteer (1853) page 451

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same of Mendon, probably after Mend ham, in the
county of Suffolk, England. The face of the town
is fertile, producing large crops of hay and grain,
and has for a long time been noted for the variety
and abundance of its winter apples. This is a
pleasant, healthy, and flourishing town. 32 miles

5. W. from Boston, and 18 S. E. from Worcester.

Mendon. N. Y., Monroe eo. Irondequoit and

Honeoye Creeks water this town, the surface of
which is undulating, and the soil of good quali-
ty. 12 miles S. from Rochester, and 209 N. of
W. from Albany.

Mendon, Yt., Rutland co. There is some good
land in the town, but it is generally too high up
the Green Mountains for cultivation. Mendon
was chartered to Joseph Banker and others, Feb-
ruary 23, 1781, by the name of
Medway. Par-
ker's Gore was annexed to it, and the whole
incorporated into a township by the name of
Parkerstown, November 7,1804; and, November

6, 1827, the name was altered to Mendon. 47
miles S. S. W. from Montpelier.

Mentz, N. Y., Cayuga co. Bounded on the N.
and W. by the Seneca River, and watered by
the Owasco outlet. The Erie Canal crosses the
Owasco outlet by a stone aqueduct, in this town,
and the Montezuma Salt Springs lie a short dis-
tance N. from the canal, and communicate with
it by a side branch. Surface undulating; soil
rich, sandy loam. 8 miles N. from Auburn, and
156 N. of W. from Albany.

Mercer County, Is., c. h. at Millersburg. It is
bounded N. by Rock Island co., E. by Henry and
Ivnox, S. by Warren and Henderson counties,
and W. by the Mississippi River, separating it
from Iowa. Drained by Edwards and Pope
River and the N. fork of Henderson River. Sur-
face undulating, much of the middle and E. por-
tions consisting of prairies; soil very fertile.

Mercer County, Ky., c. h. at Harrodsburg. It
is bounded N. by Anderson, E. by Woodford
and Garrard, S. by Lincoln and Casey, and W.
by Marion and Washington counties. Bounded
N. E. by Kentucky River, and drained by head
branches of Salt River. Soil of excellent quality.

Mercery Me., Somerset co. 32 miles N. N. W.
from Augusta.

Mercer County, Mo. On the N. border, of the
state. On the upper waters of Crooked Fork of
Grand River.

Mercer County, N. J., c. h. at Trenton. Bound-
ed N. by Somerset co., E. by Middlesex and Mon-
mouth, S. by Burlington, W. by the Delaware
River, separating it from Pennsylvania, and N.
W. by Hunterdon co. Drained by Assunpink
Creek, a tributary of the Delaware, and by a head
branch of Millstone River, a tributary of the

Mercer County, Pa., c. h. at Mercer. Is distin-
guished for its large extent of water power, for
its bituminous cannel coal, iron ore, lime, and
fine soil, and especially for its being the county
where the Chenango or Mercer potato was first
produced from the potato ball. They were pro-
duced upon the banks of the Neshanock Creek,
which enters into the Chenango, and are called
there the Neshanock potato. Bounded N. by
Crawford co., E. by Yenango and Butler, S. by
Beaver co., and W. by Ohio. Drained by Ma-
honing River, by Chenango Creek and branches,
and by Deer, Sandy, and Slippery Rock Creeks.
Surface uneven; soil fertile, and particularly
adapted to grazing

Mercer County, 0., c. h. at St. Mary's. Van-
wert bounds it on the N., Dark on the S., Allen
and Shelby counties on the E., and the state of
Indiana on the W. The land is level, rich, and
fertile, and is watered by the St. Mary's and
Wabash Rivers and their branches.

Mercer, Pa., c. h. Mercer co. Near Neshan-
dock Creek. 57 miles N. by W. from Pittsburg,
and 234 W. N. W. from Harrisburg.

Mercer County, Va., c. h. at Princeton. Bound-
ed N. E. by New River, separating it from Mon-
roe co., S. E. by Giles, S. by Tazewell, and W.
and N. W. by Logan and Fayette counties.
Drained by Blue Stone and East Rivers, and
Lick Creek, all branches of New River.

Mercersburg, Pa., Montgomery township, Frank-
lin co. On a branch of Conecocheague Creek.
15 miles S. W. from Chambershurg, and 62 S.
W. from Harrisburg. Marshall College is located
here. See

Meredith, N. H., Belknap co There is in this
town a pond adjoining Centre Harbor, about 2
miles long and 1 wide, emptying into the lake
near the village. Besides this, there are several
smaller ponds. There is probably no town in
the country more pleasantly and advantageously
situated, or of a better soil, than Meredith. The
Winnipiseogee Lake and River bound it on the
N. and E. Near the upper part of the town, the
traveller passing along the road is presented with
a beautiful landscape. On the E. and S. E., the
placid Winnipiseogee, the largest lake in New
Hampshire, with its numerous islands, arrests
the eye, and bounds the circle of vision in a S.
E. direction. On the N. E., Ossipee Mountain
rises to view. On the N., the prospect is inter-
cepted by Red Hill. Meredith Bridge is a hand-
some and flourishing village, and the seat of
much business. The water power of Meredith is
immense. It is connected with the principal vil-
lage of Gilford, by a bridge over the Winnipiseo-
gee. The railroad from Concord to Montreal
passes through this town. By the Concord and
Montreal Railroad, 24 miles N. from Concord,
and 1 mile N. W. from Gilford.

Meredith Village, N. H., in Meredith, Belknap
co. At the outlet of Winnipiseogee Lake, 37
miles N. from Concord. See
Meredith, N. H.

Meredith, N. Y., Delaware co. Drained by sev-
eral small tributaries of the E. branch of the
Delaware, and by Oleout Creek, a branch of the
Susquehanna River. Surface hilly; soil suitable
for grazing. 6 miles N. from Delhi, and 77 S.
W. from Albany.

Meriden, Ct., New Haven co. 17 miles N. E.
from New Haven, 17 S. W. from Hartford, on
the Quinepiac River, and the Hartford and New
Haven Railroad. Hilly, but fertile. A flourish-
ing manufacturing town, particularly of hard-
ware, of which it produces a large value and
great variety.

Meriwether County, Ga., c. h. Greenville. Bound-
ed N. by Coweta co., E. by Flint River, sepa-
rating it from Pike co., S. E. by Talbot, S. W.
by Harris, and W. by Troup co. Drained E. by
branches of Flint, and W. by branches of Chat-
tahoochee River.

Merrimae County, N. H., c. h. at Concord. N.
by Grafton and Belknap counties, E. by Strafford
and Rockingham, S. by Hillsboro', and W.
by Sullivan. Its greatest length is 36 miles; its
breadth, at the broadest part, 26 miles. The
surface is uneven; the soil very fertile. The

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