Hayward’s United States Gazetteer (1853) page 552

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ester, a distance of 25 miles, unites with the Ohio
Canal at this place. Eoscoe is therefore a great
depot for wheat and other merchandise on these
canals and rivers. In times of high water, steam-
boats occasionally run up to this point on the
Muskingum. Eoscoe, by its position on the ca-
nals, at an elevation of 40 feet above the level of
the Muskingum, possesses excellent facilities for
being made a great manufacturing place. There
are at present flouring mills, saw mills, and other
establishments of less note, but occupying only
a small part of the privilege which might here be
made available.

This town was first laid out in 1816, by James
Calder, and went under the name of Caldersburg,
until, an additional territory having been united
with it, it was called Eoscoe, from the English
author of that name. From its natural situation
this is a very healthful and beautiful place. From
the hills back of the town a fine view is presented
of the rivers and their valleys, above and below,
which are here united.

Rose, N. Y., Wayne co. Watered by several
small streams flowing N.into Lake Ontario. Sur-
face undulating ; soil gravelly loam. 7 miles N.
from Lyons, and 181 W. from Albany.

Rosendale, N. Y., Ulster co. On the Eondout
Creek, near the line of the Delaware and Hudson
Canal, about 55 miles S. from Albany, and 9u0 N.
from New York. It is 6 miles W. from Kings-
ton. There is a very large water power at this
place not yet occupied to any great extent. The
best hydraulic cement is found here, and manu-
factured in large quantities.

Near the high falls of the Eondout, about 2
miles below this place, is a mineral spring of con-
siderable celebrity. 53 out of 84 parts of its
solid contents consist of chloride of sodium.
The others are lime and magnesia, in various
combinations. Of the gaseous contents, 12 cubic
inches are sulphuretted hydrogen, and 14 carbonic

Rotterdam., N. Y., Schenectady co. Bounded
on the N. by the Mohawk Eiver. Has a rolling
surface and a fertile soil, composed of sandy loam
and alluvion. 4 miles W. from Schenectady, and
18 N. W. from Albany.

Rouse's Point, Champlain, Clinton co. On the
W. side of Lake Champlain. 51 miles N. from
Burlington, and 205 N. from Albany. It is about
half a mile S. of Canada line. At this point the
great railroad route between Boston and Ogdens-
burg crosses the lake. It was a small place,
possessing no special interest until the railroad
was located here. This has made it an impor-
tant landing-place for the boats on Lake Cham-
plain, and a great depot and place of exchange
for merchandise and produce. The distance from
this place by railroad to Boston is 292 miles ; to
Ogdensburg^ 118 miles; to New York, by steam
communication, about 350 miles; and to Mont-
real, 48.

A short distance N. of this place, the United
States, soon after the war of 1812, commenced
the construction of a strong fortification, to guard
the entrance to the lake from the Canada waters.
But after having expended about $400,000, it
was found that the site so advantageously se-
lected was within the Canada line, and the work
was abandoned. The spot has since, however,
been ceded to the United States, and this fine forti-
fication may, at some future period, be completed.

Rowan County, N. C., c. h. at Salisbury. It is
bounded N. by Davie co., E. by Davidson, S. by
Stanley and Cabarus, and W. by Iredell co. -
Watered by Yadkin Eiver. Soil fertile.

Rowe, Ms., Franklin co. This is a mountain-
ous town, with some arable land; but the lands
generally are best adapted to pasturage. Deer-
field Eiver passes its western border. The ruins
of Fort Pelham are situated in the centre of the
town, on Pelham Brook, a small stream, being
the only one passing through the town. Eowe
has a neat village near the centre of the town,
about 22 miles W. N. W. from Greenfield, and
112 W. N. W. from Boston.

Rowley, Ms., Essex co. This town was first
settled by a party of industrious and pious per-
sons from Yorkshire, England, in 1638. They
erected the first fulling mill in New England,
and manufactured the first cloth in North Amer-
ica. There are a great variety of soils in this
town; a large part is salt meadow, and the resi-
due is fertile and productive. It comprises a
part of Plum Island, and large tracts of wood-
land. It is watered by Eowley Eiver, which, be-
fore its junction w'ith Plum Island Sound, forms a
harbor for vessels of moderate draught of water,
where many vessels have been built. By the
Eastern Eailroad, which passes through the town.
Eowley lies 29 miles N. from Boston.

Roxboro', N. C., c,. h. Person co.

Roxbury, Ct., Litchfield co. Boxburv was
taken from Woodbury, and incorporated in 1801.
The town is diversified with hills and vales. The
soil is a gravelly loam, interspersed with some
small tracts of sandy loam. It is watered by the
Shepaug, a branch of the Housatonic. In dig-
ging for silver, a species of iron ore, called steel
ore, was discovered. 32 miles N. W from New

Roxbury, Me., Oxford co. The surface of this
town is elevated, and well timbered, with some
good soil. Eoxbury is wratered by a branch of
Androscoggin Eiver. It iies 30 miles N. from
Paris, and. is bounded S. by Eumford. Incorpo-
rated 1835.

Roxbury, Ms., Norfolk co. This beautiful and
rapidly-growing city is closely connected with
Boston on the S. by “ Boston Neck,'' so called,
over which there are now three broad and pleas-
ant avenues. The distance between the two
cities, centrally, is about 3 miles. This town
and the town of Boston were both incorporated
the same year, 1630. Eoxbury received a city
charter in 1846. Population in 1790, 2226 ; 1800,
2765; 1810, 3669; 1820, 4135; 1830,5247; 1840,
9089; 1850, 18,373.

The natural surface upon which much of this
city is built is rocky and uneven; and a great
degree of taste and skill has been displayed here,
both in horticultural and architectural embellish-
ments, for which the “ highlands '' in the S. part
of the city, especially, furnish a beautiful advan-
tage. Many parts of Eoxbury, which, until re-
cently, were improved as farms or rural walks,
are now covered with wide streets and beautiful
buildings. Several of the church edifices in
Boxbuiw, being located on elevated positions,
make a beautiful appearance.

The first hourly coach in this part of the coun-
try commenced running between Boston and
Eoxbury in 1827. There are now a large num-
ber continually running between the two cities,
and the number of passages back and forth
amounts to nearly a million annually.





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