Gazetteer of the State of Maine, 1882 page 70
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Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney

BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from


stream forms the eastern line of the town, and crosses its northern
part. The water powers are Sheepscot Falls carrying a saw and grist
mill, and “ Head-of-the-Tide Falls,” in the northern part five miles
above the first, having a grist, a stave and a shingle mill. Two miles
above this are the “ Rapids,” which afford a good privilege. The vil-
lages are at the first two falls mentioned, that at the head of the tide
being the largest. It is eight miles north of Wiscasset, and is the
terminus of the stage line from Gardiner, on the Kennebec.

The town was formerly the north precinct of Pownalborough. It
was set off in 1794 and incorporated as New Milford; which name it
bore until 1811, when this was changed to Aina. The first church
was formed in 1796, Jonathan Ward being chosen first pastor. There
are now a Congregationalist and a Baptist church. Aina has six pub-
lic school houses; the school property being valued at $3,300. The
valuation of estate in 1870 was $233,610. In 1880, it was $206,339.

The population in 1870 was 747. In 1880, it was 687.

Alton is situated in the southern part of Penobscot County, 18
miles north of Bangor. Lagrange lies on the north, Bradford and
Hudson on the west and Oldtown on the south. The Bangor and
Piscataquis Railroad runs north-westward through the town. Alton is
the terminus and rafting-place of the Upper Penobscot boom. Dead
Stream in the north-western part of the town, Pushaw Stream, in the
south-western part, arid Birch Stream, forming the eastern line of
division from Argyle, are the principal water-courses. The ponds bear
the names Hallen Large and Hallen Small, Pickerel and Mud. The    

surface of the town is quite level. What rock appears is of a slaty
character. The soil is in general a reddish loam, but in some places
is a dark muck. Hay, potatoes and oats are tbe principal crops. The
forests contain the varieties of trees common to the region. There is
a saw and grist mill at Alton Village Mills, on Dead Stream, in the
north-western part of the town. In the western part is a large tan-

Alton was formerly a part of Argyle, which adjoins it on the east.

It was incorported in 1845. The town has four public school-houses,
and its school property is valued at $1,000. The valuation in 1870 was
$116,362. In 1880, it was $78,959. The rate of taxation in the latter
year was 3 per centum. The population in 1870, was 508. In 1880,
it was 419.

Amherst is situated on Union River, 22 miles north-north-east
of Ellsworth, and about midway of Hancock County. It is bounded on
the north by Township No. 2, east by Aurora, south by Mariaville, and
west by Clifton, in Penobscot County. Its territory is 6 miles square.

It has several good water powers, improved by one saw, one clapboard,
one grain, and two shingle mills. There is also a sole-leather tannery,
using hides from South America and Mexico principally. The village
is near the centre of the town. It is on the stage-lines from Ellsworth
and Aurora to Bangor. The river divides the town diagonally into
two nearly equal sections, the north-west and the south-east. The land
on the east side of the river is favorable to orcharding; but on the
west, excepting intervals, the soil is granitic and the surface hilly. The
principal hills are known as the Springy Brook Mountains. Near the


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