Gazetteer of the State of Maine, 1882 page 104
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Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney

BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from

104    GAZETTEER    OF    MAINE.

on the occasion of the Centennial celebration of the city ; and the full
and clear information furnished by the city clerk, S. O. Rogers, Esq.,
have been of much service in preparing this article.

The climate of the town is salubrious, as is shown by the consider-
able number of residents above ninety years of age. Bath sent 765
soldiers to aid the Government in the preservation of the Union, of
which 117 are known to have been lost. To commemorate this sacrifice
there has been placed in city square an elegant monument, consisting of
a shaft of Georgetown granite on a heavy base; the height of the
whole being of about thirty-five feet.

There are in the city two church edifices belonging to the Congre-
gationalists, one to the Baptists, three to the Free Baptists, one to the
Universalists, two to the Methodists, one to the Episcopalians, one to the
Swedenborgians, one to the Roman Catholics, and there is one Union
church. The charitable institutions of the city are a Military and
Naval Orphan Asylum and an Old Ladies’ Home. Besides the common
organizations, Bath has a Board of Trade, a Medical Association and a
Maritime Exchange Association. The only public library, the Patten,
contains about 3,000 volumes. The city proper has thoroughly graded
schools, and the high school has long borne a reputation equal to the
best. The number of schoolhouses is fifteen, valued with other school
property at $60,000. The valuation of the city in 1870 was $6,402,-
713. In 1880 it was $5,913,192. The rate of taxation in the latter
year was $25 on $1,000. The population in 1870 was 7,371. In 1880
it was 7,875.

Bay View, a post-office at Old Orchard Beach, in York Co.

Bean9S Corners, a-small village in the north-eastern part
of Jay, in Franklin county.

Bedding-ton is situated on the western line of Washington
County, on the road between Bangor and Calais. The town of Deblois
joins it on the south. The area is 23,040 acres. The Narraguagus
and two other ponds in the town form the head waters of the Narra-
guagus river, and a lake in the north-eastern part of the town is the
chief source of the Wescogus, or Pleasant River. The soil is loamy,
but wet. Potatoes, corn and wheat yield well when cultivated. The
principal elevations of land are Humpback and Spruce Mountains,
respectively 2,200 and 2,000 feet in height. The town has one saw and
shingle mill.

Beddington was incorporated in 1832. Israel Dorman and Benja-
min Milliken were formerly valued citizens. This town furnished 12
soldiers to the Union cause in the war of the Rebellion, of whom 4
were lost. The Free Baptists have the only church in Beddington.
The town has two schoolhouses. The entire school property is valued
at $1,200. The valuation of estates in 1870 was $32,034.^ In 1880 it
was $32,605. The population in 1870 was 134. In 1880 it was 129.

Belfast, a city and shire town of Waldo County, is situated
at the north-western angle of Penobscot Bay, about 20 miles from its
mouth, and 10 west of the mouth of the Penobscot. This portion of


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