Gazetteer of the State of Maine, 1882 page 338
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Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney

BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from


The land is fertile, and yields well of the crops suitable to the latitude.
The Meduxnekeag River crosses the north-east part of the town, furnish-
ing several good water-powers. Big Brook, which comes from the north-
west through the town to the Meduxnekeag, also has some good

The Methodists and Free Baptists both have organizations in the
town. The number of public schoolhouses is seven, having, with ap-
purtenances, the value of $800. The value of estates in 1870 was
$94,257. In 1880 it was $126,289. The population in 1870 was 700.
In 1880 it was 904.

Livermore, the north-western town of Androscoggin
County, was incorporated in 1795. It was originally a grant from
Massachusetts to certain persons for services in the expedition against
Port Royal about the middle of the century, whence its early name of
Port Royal. The Androscoggin River, the division between it and East
Livermore and Leeds on the east and south-east, on the south is Tur-
ner, on the west Hartford and Canton, and on the north Canton and
Jay. It contains about 17,800 acres of land. Long and Round ponds,
in the northern j)art of the town, and separated by a few rods only, are
the largest. Bartlett’s Pond is near the centre, and Brettun’s is in the
south-westerly part of the town. Livermore constitutes the high middle
ground between the hills of Oxford and the more moderate elevations
of the Kennebec. Its highest hills are Hamlin’s (or Mount’Seir), But-
ler’s and Birch. These afford extended views toward the White
Mountains, the Penobscot River and the sea. The soil, though stony,
is strong and productive. Apples and dairy products form the largest
items for the market. There are mills for lumber, and turned wooden-
boxes, and a cheese-factory at Brettun’s Mills (Livermore Village
P. O.); a tannery, cheese-factory, two mills, and a grist-mill at North
Livermore ; and a saw-mill near Livermore Falls.

Deacon Elijah Livermore and Major Thomas Fish were the first
settlers, removing to the place in 1779. Major Fish perished in a snow
storm m the following winter while on the way home from Winthrop,
where he had been to visit the lady to whom he was engaged. Deacon
Livermore built the first mill in town in 1782 or 1788 near Long Pond.
Saw, fulling, card and grist mills have since been operated on the out-
let of this pond. Early in the century Deacon Livermore built a grist
and saw mill at the outlet of Brettun’s Pond. The first church was of
the Baptist denomination, and was organized in 1798. The Methodists
organized a society in 1802, under the direction of Rev. Joshua Soule,
afterward a bishop of that church. The town has now Universalist,
Methodist, and Baptist and Free Baptist churches. There are seven-
teen schoohouses in the town, worth about $4,000. The estates in
1870 were valued at $524,267. In 1880 they were $430,709. The popu-
lation at that date was 1,467. In 1880 it was 1,262. Among the noted
citizens were General David Learned, Jonathan G. Hunton, subse-
quently governor of Maine ; Reuel Washburn, judge of Probate for An-
droscoggin ; Dr. Cyrus Hamlin, Israel Washburn, and others. Natives
of the town who have obtained eminence are Israel Washburn, Jr., LL.D.,
member of Congress and governor of Maine ; ElihuB., member of Con-
gress for Illinois, secretary of state in 1869, and later United States min-
ister to France; Cadwallader C., member of Congress from Wisconsin.


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