Gazetteer of the State of Maine, 1882 page 520
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Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney

BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from


The institution has received endowments from F. B. Hayes, of Boston,
Benjamin T. Tredick of Philadelphia, and William L. Cogswell, of
New York. The latter gentleman founded the medal fund, the object
of which is to provide annually three gold medals valued at fifty dol-
lars each, to be awarded to three scholars,—two who excel in English
and one in classics, who have attended the school not less than one year.
There is also a fund established by Hon. John Lord at his demise,
called the Bible fund, which furnishes a Bible to every student who at-
tends a full term. The town has also thirteen public schoolhouses, and
the school property exclusive of the academy is valued at $6,000. The
estates in town in 1870 were valued at $818,022. In 1880 they were
$864,590. The population in 1870 was 2,510 ; in 1880 it was 2,677. The
rate of taxation is .0149. The town has one Discount and one Savings

Several of the noted citizens of the town and natives residing else-
where have already been mentioned, others are Gen. Ichabod Goodwin,
who was a soldier in the last French war and in the Revolution ; Gen.
John Lord, a prosperous merchant, State senator, and the father of
Nathan Lord, D.D., formerly president of Dartmouth college, and
«    grandfather    of    Rev. John Lord L.L.D., eminent as a lecturer upon his-

tory ; Dudley Hubbard formerly leading lawyer of the county; Wm.
A. Hayes, president of York Co. bar for about twenty-five years;
Charles N. Cogswell, lawyer, and Richard Cogswell, merchant; Benj.
Greene, chief-justice of Common Pleas, and speaker of the House in
1824, United States marshal from 1824 to 1830; William Burleigh,
representative to the 18th and 19th Congresses, John N. Goodwin, rep-
resentative to the 37th Congress, governor of Arizona, gnd delegate to
Congress from that territory ; Dr. T. H. Jewett, professor in the medi-
cal college, and an eminent practitioner ; J. II. Burleigh, for several
years the able agent of the Newichawannock Company, and represen-
tative in the national Congress for two terms, beginning in 1875.

The Christian Home, an excellent religious monthly, is published in
South Berwick.

Southport is an island at the mouth of Sheepscot River in
Lincoln County. It "was formerly a part of Boothbay, but was set off
and incorporated under the name of Townsend in 1842, In 1850, this
name was changed for the one it now bears. The island is about 5
miles long and 2£ wide at the broadest part. At its southern extrem-
ity is the ancient and well-known Cape Newagen, with a small har-
bor and village. Another haven is Hendrick’s Head Harbor, on the
western side. On Hendrick’s Head is a light-house. In the northern
part is Southport bay, with several small harbors. Mouse, Capital and
Burnt islands on the east side are parts of the town. The highest land
in Southport is Pitch Pine Hill. The soil is rocky, but yields good
crops of potatoes and other vegetables. As might be supposed, the
the principal occupation of the inhabitants is connected with the fish-
eries, and catering to summer visitors. There are several good hotels.
Southport is 14 miles south of Wiscasset, and 10 miles from Bath,
with both of which it is connected by steamer.

The Metho ’ists have a society and church edifice in the town.
There are five public schoolhouses, and these with other school prop-
erty are valued at $1,950. The valuation of estates in 1870 was


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