The Statistics and Gazetteer of New-Hampshire, Seventh Edition, Compiled by Alonzo J. Fogg. Concord, N.H.: D.L.
65 men; pay-roll, $ 36,000; annual sales, $96,000.
Melendy & Co., planing and mouldings, capital, $20,000; em- ploy 12 men, annual pay-roll, $ 7, 200; business $ 65,000 annually; lumber $ 60,000, and flour and meal ground, $ 13,400. (See tables.)
There are, also, annually pro- duced, monuments, grave stones, and granite cutting, $ 100,000; con- fectionery and baker’s bread, $ 120, 000; matresses, $ 50,000; gas, $ 40, 000; newspaper and job printing, $ 45,000; bedsteads, $ 10,000; be- sides soap-stone work, Underhill’s edge tools, wooden boxes, paper boxes, suspenders, and various other mechanical shops and trades, such as tailors, milliners, shoe workmen, blacksmiths, carpenters, painters, &c., &c. The total cap- ital invested in manufacturing, of every description, is $3,436,300; number of males employed, 1690; females, 1380. Annual amount paid for labor, $1,374,000; annual value of productions, $ 7,393,500.
Resources. Productions of the soil, $ 88,550; mechanical labor, $ 1,374,000; engaged in profess- ional and personal business, trade and transportation, 1080 persons; annual amount received for their labor, $ 648,000; stocks and bonds, $ 188,040, money at interest, $ 53, 098; deposits in savings banks, $ 1, 410,231; stock in trade, $ 994,000.
Churches and Pastors. First Congregational, Rev. F. Alvord; Oliver St. Congregational, Rev. J. S. Blake; Pearl Street Con- gregational, Rev. C. Wetherby; First Roman Catholic, Rev. J. O’ Donnell, priest; French Roman Catholic, Rev. J. Millette, priest; Main Street Methodist, Rev. V. A. Cooper; Chestnut Street Metho- dist, Rev. H. L. Kelsey; Unitari- an, Rev. T. L. Gorman; Univer- salist, Rev. L. A. Philbrook; Bap- tist, Rev. G. W. Nicholson; Epis- copal, Rev. J. B. Goodrich, rector. |
Many of these Churches have very fine edifices. The French Catholic church is new and a handsome and expensive struc- ture.
Schools. There are twenty-eight graded schools. Average length of schools, for the year, thirty-nine weeks. Number of scholars, 2,325. Amount of money annu- ally appropriated for school pur- poses, $ 26,400.65, or $ 11.36 to each scholar in the city. A high school building is to be erected on the grounds of the old cemetery, on Spring Street, at an expense of $ 65,000, also one at the Harbor- borough, costing $ 10,000. When these two school buildings are completed, the value of school houses, including lots, will be $ 170,000. But one other city in the State appropriates as much money for school purposes. The high school is under the charge of T. W. H. Hussey. The Nashua Literary Institution was estab- lished in 1835. David Crosby is the principal. (See Literary In- stitutions.)
Libraries. Nashua City Libra- ry, 6,000 volumes. Persons own- ing private libraries, of 600 vol- umes or over, are A. II. Saunders, Dr. E. Spaulding, William Bai> rett, H. B. Atherton, Judge G. Y. Sawyer, Hon. John H. Goodale, W. W. Bailey, and Rev. J. O’ Donnell.
Newspapers. New - Hampshire
Telegraph, weekly; Daily Tele- graph; New-Hampshire Gazette, and Hillsborough County Adver- |