Gazetteer of New York, 1860 & 1861 page 011
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Xlaitwick Patent, 533.


Hasenclever’s Patent, 341, 345, 348.

Hat manufactory, 160, 198, 247, 286, 368,
510, 707.
by counties, 109.

Hawley, Gideon, 137, 605.

Hay, 101,:163, 241, 331, 332, 547, 554, 665.

product by, counties, 104.

Head Quarters of Washington, Newburgh,

Health Commissioner, 428.

Officer, 116, 428.

Public, 116, 427, 428.

Heathcote, Caleb, 701, 702, 703.

Height of mountains, table of, 19.

lakes and rivers, 20, 22.

Hellgate, 548, 549.

Henderson’s Patent, 341, 348.

Hendrick, King, 298, 343, 671.

Hennepin, Father, 452, 455.

Henry Clay steamer burned, 708.
Herkimer, Gen. N., 264, 343, 345, 409, 410,
461, 538.

High Bridge, 424, 707.

High Falls on Black Kiver, 379.
Highlanders, Scotch, 316.

Highlands of the Hudson, 501, 542.

High Bock Spring, Saratoga, 592.
Highways, 39.

Historical Society N. Y., 435.

Hoe manufactory, 200, 229, 390, 537, 557,
571, 575, 590.

Hoffman, aged 118, 269.

Holland Land Co., 52, 169, 187, 210, 280,
288, 321, 322, 452, 468, 515, 516.
agent of, 322, 390.
co. buildings erected by, 320.
names of members, 321.

Patent, 467.

Purchase, 280, 468, 513.

Holley, MyrOn, 59.

Home Association, 488.

Home Missions, 146.

Homeopathic Medical Societies, 149.
Homestead exemption, 48.

Honey, product by counties, 106.

Hooslck Patent, 556.

Hop culture, 101, 223, 230, 340, 388, 412,
414, 458, 530, 537, 600, 603, 606, 607
Hops, product by counties, 105.

Horse mill, 373.

races, colonial, 546.

Bake manufactory, 716.

Shoe manufactory, 235, 300.

Horses, association for improving breed of,

killed by Sullivan, 221.
statistics of, by counties, 107.
Horticultural Society, Brooklyn, 370.
Hosiery manufactory, 166, 561, 617.
Hospitals, 120,161, 287, 356, 365, 368, 370,
404, 419, 420, 425, 426, 427, 432, 505,
524, 555, 561, 565, 702.

House of Industry, 433, 434.
of Refuge, 42, 404, 420, 425.

Lord, death of) 298.

Huddlestone executed as a spy, 276.
Hudson, Hendrick, 156, 437, 559, 564.
Huguenot settlements, 269, 503, 564, 661,
663, 665, 703.

Hunter Lodges, 354.

Road, 642.
grounds, 232, 636.

Huntersfield Patent, 607.

Hurley Patent, 663.

Hutchinson, Mrs. Anne, 704, 705.
Ilypersthene rock, 296, 346.

Ice, 162,180, 365, 419, 484, 569, 663,-703.
Idiotic, statistics of, by counties, 150.

Asylum for the, 483, 488.

Illiterate, statistics of, by counties, 150..
Immigration, general statistics of, 122.
Impeachment, 33.

Imports, Canadian, 118.

total, since 1700, 112, 114.

Inclined planes on rail roads, 67.
Independence, Declaration of, 244, 697.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows, 149.
India Rubber manufactory, 419, 546, 708.
Indian antiquities, 180,181,188,194, 200,
202, 203, 206, 220, 253, 260, 264, 283,
293,327, 355, 358, 359, 360, 361, 393,
412, 414, 453, 458, 482, 493, 494, 498,
499, 513, 516, 534, 551, 559, 588, 593,
605, 616, 643, 644, 679, 704, 705.

Indian disguise worn by anti-renters, 258.
hung for murder, 198^
invasions, 165, 180, 210, 260, 262, 264,
297, 331. 334, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346,
347, 349, 372, 408, 410, 411, 412, 414,
415, 416, 417, 461, 467, 477, 493, 503,
531, 533, 535, 564, 596, 597, 602, 604,
607, 608, 642, 661, 662,, 664 668, 679,
705, 708.


Indian Purchases, 46, 48, 180, 187, 224,
233, 242, 243, 258, 261, 270, 322, 332,
389, 394, 398, 437, 478, 499, 545, 551,
596, 634, 635, 638, 639, 698, 700, 701,
703, 705, 707, 708.
reservations, 48, 53,187, 280, 308,309,
311, 322, 324, 327, 353, 382, 384, 385,
389, 393, 452, 462, 469, 478, 483, 485,

Pass, 303.

, settlements, 180, 187, 210, 274, 287,
308, 322, 382, 389, 393, 408,415, 452,
458, 465, 473, 476, 483, 493, 495,498,
499, 557, 559, 574, 580, 601, 632, 633,.
637, 638, 655, 678.
statistics, 151.

trade, 157,162, 415, 452, 485, 682.
tradition of, 458, 477,-482, 493.
tribes on Long Island, 632, 634

Indians at Montauk, 635.

Industrial schools, 161, 370, 404.

Inebriate Asylum, 180.

Infirmaries, 370.

Ink manufactory, 593.

Inland Steam Nav. Companies, list of, 82.

Inman’s Triangle, 375.

Inn Keepers, by counties, 152.

Insane, statistics of, by counties, 150.
statistics of, 469.

See Lunatic Asylum.

Insects in grain, 320.

Inspection of steamboats, 115.
of vessels, 428.

Inspector, City, 427.

Insurance companies, 81, 83, 436.
obsolete, list, 85 to 89.
rates lowered by Croton, 424.

Intermitting spring, 310.

Invasions, hostile, 180, 209, 232, 234, 236,
260, 262, 264, 280, 288, 290, 297,299,
308, 310, 311, 312, 316, 331,334, 342,
344, 345, 346, 347, 349, 354, 355, 356,
358, 359,365,372, 404, 408, 410, 411,
412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417,452, 460,
461, 467, 477, 478, 503, 504, 513, 519,
525, 531, 554, 556, 564, 569, 574, 578,
579, 580, 587, 596, 597, 599, 602, 604,
607, 608, 624, 633,634, 639, 642, 643,
661, 662, 671, 679, 681, 682, 694.

Iron bridge, 407.

manufactory, 41,110,166,220,232,235,
236, 238, 241, 243, 245, 246, 261, 270,
271,273, 275, 276, 286, 296, 297, 300,
301,302, 303, 304, 305, 310, 349, 352,
360, 361, 362, 363, 395, 419, 462, 464,
471, 501, 508, 510, 521, 533, 535,549,
561, 573, 575, 577, 579, 580, 582, 617,
652, 666, 668, 681, 699.
ores, 19, 21, 25, 155, 165, 186, 218, 232,
235, 236, 237, 241, 243, 245, 267, 270,
271, 273, 277, 296, 297, 300, 301, 302,
303, 304, 305, 307, 310, 311, 312, 337,
348,349, 352, 355, 360, 361, 374, 376,
377,378, 388, 392, 395, 458, 464, 470,
471, 501. 517, 521, 528, 540, 542, 543,
563, 572, 575, 577,581, 582, 589, 600,
670, 674, 675, 680, 692, 693, 695,717.

Iron sand, 297, 340, 349, 374.

Ives, L. S., 380.

Ivory Black manufactory, 368, 563.

Jail limits, Jefferson co., 352.

Jails. See County Buildings.

Japanned Cloth manufactory, 368.

Ware manufactory, 286.

Jay Ore Bed, 581.

Treaty, 519.

Jemison, Mary, the white woman, 711,712.

Jersey City, relations with New York, 429.

Jersey field Patent, 341, 347,348.

Jervis, John B., 423.

Jesuit missions, 408, 415, 477, 519.

Jews, attempt to collect, 290.

Jogues, Father, 435,477.

Johnson Hall, 316, 318, 409.

Guy, 315, 341, 346, 409, 412.

Sir John, 300, 315, 316, 409, 410, 413,
415, 602, 605.

Johnson, Sir William, 298, 315, 317, 318,
343, 348, 409, 412, 452, 512,592, 671,

Indian children of, 315, 348.

Johnston, Bill, 360.

Joncaire, , French sdventurer, 452.

Jones, Samuel, charity fund, 549, 550.
Judicial Department, 33, 428.

districts, 34.

Julia, encounter of the schooner, 574.
Junction Canal Company, 218.
Jurisdiction, 18, 33, 34, 418.

Justices’ courts, 34.

Juvenile delinquents, 42, 420.

Asylum, 433.

Kakiate Patent, 568.

Kane brothers, 412, 469.

Kaolin, 301, 675, 567.

Kast’s Patent, 341, 348.

Kayaderosseras Patent, 585, 587.

Kidd, William, the pirate, 570.
Kinderhook Patent, 247.

Kingsborough Patent, 317, 318.
Kingsbury Patent, 685.

King’s College. See Columbia College.
King’s District, 241, 243.

King’s Ferry, 569, 699.

King’s Garden, 356.

Kirkland, Rev. Samuel, 461, 464, 485, 499.
Kirkwood, James P., 369.

Klock’s Field, battle of, 410', 417.

Knapp, ITzal, 509.

Knitting mills, 166, 558, 590.

Kortright Patent, 262.

Kosciusko, Thaddeus, 504, 5S6.

Laboratories, 248, 368, 419, 464, 505, 549.
Laborers, number by counties, 152.

La Cole surprised, 234.

La Fayette, Marquis de, 27, 410, 467.

La Hontau, Baron, 288, 404.

Lakes, general sketch of, 20.

Lake George Steamboat Companies, 82.
Lake ridges, 351, 355, 361, 395, 449, 453,
512, 514, 524, 688, 693.

Lallemant, Father, 477, 479.

Lamp and Lantern manufactory, 368.
Lampblack manufactory, 593.
Lancasteriar. schools, 125, 160, 246, 560,
599, 657.

Land Office, 322, 323.

Commissioners of, 46, 494.
attacked by a mob, 210, 322.

Land patents, list of, 49.

Landslides, 303, 413, 560.

Land, State, how sold, 46.
tenure and title of, 46,
under water, 46, 418, 419.

Lansing’s Patent, 341, 343, 348.

Lantern manufactory, 286.

La Salle, visits Niagara Falls, 452, 455.
Last manufactory, 286, 705.

Lath manufactory, 289.

Law, George, 424, 684.

Law Department, New York, 427.

Library & Institute, 435.
libraries, 287, 369.
schools, 161, 275.

Laws, 29, 30.

Lawyers, number by counties, 153.

Lay, Amos, 580.

Lead ore, 25, 241, 243, 267, 340, 355, 374,
378, 407, 506, 528, 573, 579, 581,646,
660, 686, 704.

Pipe manufactory, 362, 657
& Watts Asylum, 433.

Lease, law respecting lands under, 46.
tenure of, 273, 471.
lands under, Delaware co., 258.
Indian, 462.

Ledyard Canal, 484.

Legislature, 28.

at Kingston, 662.
at Poughkeepsie, 276.
dispersed, 26.

New York City, 420.

Leisler, Jacob, 700, 703.

Le Moyne, Father, 479.

Lery, M. de, 460, 467.

Le Roy’s Patent, 603.

Le Roy, Bayard & McEvers, 321, 468.
Lewis, Governor Morgan ,.272.
L’Hommedieu, Ezra, 125. ,

Patent, 341, 343, 348.

Liancourt, Duke de, 498.

Liberty poles cut down, 344, 438,


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