Gazetteer of New York, 1860 & 1861 page 161
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The Albany Female Academy, on N. Pearl St., was established in 1814, and incorp. in 1821, and
the present building was completed May 12, 1834. The institution has uniformly borne a high re¬
putation. The building is in Grecian style, with an Ionic portico.1


The Albany Female Seminary, situated on Division St., was incorp. April 9, 1828. . It is under
the charge of the Meth. denomination.

The Albany Institute, a society for the promotion of science and art, was incorp. Feb. 27, 1829
by the union of Society of Arts and the Albany Lyceum of Natural History.2 It has three depart¬
ments, devoted to—1st, Physical Sciences and the Arts; 2d, Natural History; and 3d, History
and Gen. Literature. During the winter months it holds semi-monthly meetings. It has a valu¬
able library, and an extensive cabinet of minerals and of specimens of natural history.3

The Young Men’s Association was formed in 1833, and incorp. March 12, 1835. It supports a
lecture course during the winter, and has a library of above 7000 vols., and a reading room supplied
with 70 papers and 15 other periodicals. It is the oldest institution of the kind in the U. S., and
has about 1000 members.

A Catholic Young Men’s Association has sustained a course of lectures for several winters.

The Albany Industrial School, erected by the city in 1857, for vagrant children, is not completed,
It is located in the rear of the Penitentiary. The Albany Mercantile College (Bryant, Stratton &
Co.) is located on Broadway. (See p. 748.) ,

The Dudley Observatory, on an eminence in the n. border of the city, was founded through the
munificence of Mrs. Blandina Dudley and other liberal patrons of science. It was, incorp. April.
2, 1852, and its management intrusted to 15 trustees. The building is admirably arranged, and
furnished with instruments, several of which are the largest and most delicate ever constructed.
It was dedicated Aug. 28, 1856, and placed under the charge of a scientific council, to be employed
by the coast survey in the determination of longitudes, and other purposes connected with that
great national enterprise. It has a special library of about 1000 volumes.3

The Albany Medical College, located upon Eagle St., was incorp. Feb. 16,1839. Two courses of
lectures are held annually; and the institution has secured a deservedly high reputation in the
medical profession. It has an extensive medical museum, and a choice library of 5000 vols.

The Law School of the University of Albany was instituted under the university charter of April
17, 1851. Two courses of lectures are annually held in rooms attached to the medical college
building. This school, has obtained an excellent reputation.

The Albany Almshouse, consisting of a poor house,4 insane asylum,6 and a fever hospital,7 is
located upon a farm of 116 acres, 1J miles s. w. of the city, and is entirely owned and managed by
the city authorities. These departments are supplied with commodious and appropriate buildingg.
The Industrial School building is located upon the same farm.

The Albany City Hospital, located on Eagle St., was incorp. April 11, 1849. It was founded by
private subscription, and the present building8 was opened for the reception of patients Aug. 8,1854.®

The Albany Orphan Asylum, on Washington St., at the junction of the Western Turnpike, was
incorp. March 30, 1831, at which time it had been in practical operation for nearly two years. It
was commenced as a private enterprise, and the present building was erected by subscription and
the product of several ladies’ fairs. It is now supported by funds received from the State, the
interest on its endowment, and the proceeds of an annual fair.

The St. Vincent Orphan Asylum was incorp. in 1849. The female department, situated on N.
Pearl St., is under the charge of the Sisters of Mercy. The male department, 2 mi. w. of the capitol,
is under the care of the Christian Brothers.

The first church (Ref. Prot. D.) was formed in 1640. Rev. Johannes Megapolenses was settled
as pastor in 1642, under the patronage of the patroon. A regularly organized Lutheran church
existed in 1680, but the date of its formation is unknown. It was reorganized Aug. 26, 1784,

Swede, and purchased by John F. Bathbone. It is the only one
in existence. A large class of calculations is performed by its
use, and the results are impressed upon leaden plates, ready to
electrotype and print. This institution has been involved in an
unhappy controversy between the trustees and council, which
has embarrassed its plans; but it-is now in active operation
under cheering auspices.

8 The city contracts to support county paupers at $1.25 per
week each. A school connected with this institution is kept
throughout the year.

6 Built at an expense of $12,000, and with accommodations for
80 inmates.

J Cost $5000.

8 This building was erected by the city for a jail.

9 The whole cost of the institution has been about $50,000.


The Albany Library, kept in this building, was incorp. Feb.
14,1792. It contains about 5,000 vols.


Prof. Henry, of the Smithsonian Institution, read his first
scientific papers before this association, and performed his first
original experiments while a pupil at the Albany Academy. The
Society for the Promotion of Agriculture, Arts, and Manufactures,
was established in 1791, incor. 1793, and expired in 1804, by
limitation of charter. Revived as the Society for the Promotion
of Useful Arts: incor. 1804. These were State Institutions, and
the latter became local on the establishment of the Board of
Agriculture, in 1819, and continued a city institution until its
union with the Albany Lyceum of Natural History in 1829.


The building is in the form of a cross, 86 by 70 feet. Among


the instruments is a calculating engine, made by C. Scheutz, a


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