Gazetteer of New York, 1860 & 1861 page 206
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nient was made in 1797, by Hezekiah Mix, from Genoa, on Lot 37, near the village.1 The first
church (Bap.) was formed in 1807; Elder Whipple was the first pastor.2


THROOP3—was formed from Aurelius, Mentz, and Sennett, April 8,- 1859. It is an
interior town, lying a little
n. w. of the'center of the co. Its surface is generally level, broken
in a few places by sand and gravel ridges 100 to 150 ft. high. Its principal streams are Owasco
Outlet and Cayuga Brook. The soil is a sandy and gravelly loam. »Tliroopsville, (p.v.,)
on Owasco Inlet, s.
e. of the .center, contains 3 churches, a grist and saw mill*, and woolen
factory. Pop. 160. The first settlement was made on Lot 2, in 1790, by Ezekiel Crane, and bis
eon Shadracb, from N. J.4 There are 3 churches in town; Bap., M. E., and Disciple.

VENICE—was formed from Scipio, Jan. 30, 1823. It is an interior town, lying s. of the
center of the eo. Its surface is a rolling upland, the highest summits being 300 to 400 ft. above
Owasco Lake. Salmon and Little Salmon Creeks flow s. in deep valleys dividing the surface into
distinct ridges. Owasco Lake borders upon the
n. e. corner. The declivities bordering upon the
lake and upon the w. bank of Salmon Creek are steep, but generally the hillsides are long, gradual
slopes. The soil is a fine quality of clayey and gravelly loam. Venice, (p.v.,) in the
n. e. part
of the town, contains 1 church and 20 dwellings; and Poplar Ridge, upon the highest, sum¬
mit in the
n. w., contains a foundery and machine shop and 20 dwellings. East Venice (p. o.)
and Venice Center (p. o.) are hamlets. The first settlement was made in 1800.4 The first
church (Bap.) was formed at Stuarts Corners, in 1800, by Elder Irish, the first preacher.5 Upon'
the ridge
e. of Salmon Creek, near the s, border of the town, are the remains of an ancient fortifi¬
cation. Upon the creek, near the center of the town, were extensive cleared and cultivated fields
at the first advent of the whites. Near these fields was an Indian burial ground.

VICTORY—was formed from Cato, March 16, 1821. It lies upon the w. border of the co.,
N.w. of the center. Its surface is gently undulating, the highest points being scarcely 50 ft. above
the general level. Little Sodus and Red Creeks are the principal streams. The underlying
rocks are red shale and blue limestone, covered deep with drift. The soil is a gravelly and sandy
loam. A swamp in the s. w. part covers several hundred acres. Victory, (p.v.,) near tho
center of the town, contains 25 houses; and Westiiliry, (p.v.,) on the line of Wayne co., 50.
The settlement of the town was commenced in 1800, by John McNeal, from Montgomery co.,
and John and Samuel Martin, from Ireland, on Lot 65.7 The first church (M. E.) was formed
in 1813, by Rev. Zenas Jones, the first preachqr.8

the first store, in 1804; and Prentice Palmer erected , the first
saw and grist mill, in 1798.

6 Among the early settlers were Henry Hewit, Ezekiel Landon,
Samuel Robinson, and Zadock Bateman, at Stuarts Corners,
Samuel Childsey, and Amos Rathbun, at Poplar Ridge, Luke
Taylor, and Thomas Carman, all of whom came in between 1790
and 1S00. The first child born was Lemon Cole; and the first
death, that of E. Herrick, one of the pioneer settlers: he was
killed by the fall of a tree. The first inn was kept hy Samuel
Robinson. The first mill was erected at Venice Village, in 1835.

6 The census reports 3 churches; • 2 Friends and 1 Rap.

7 Patrick Murphy, from Ireland, settled on Lot 54, in Feb. 1806;
Matthias Vandorhuyden, from Albany co., on Lot 62, and Asahel
Carter, from Vt., on Lot 66, in 1810; John Ramsey, and Wm. and
Dan’l Griswold, from Herkimer co., on Lot 25, in 1811; Jacob W.
and Martin De Forrest, from Washington co., Conrad Phrozine,
from Newburgh, on Lot 43, Manasseh French, from Scipio, Judge

C. Smith, from Saratoga CO., on Lot 40, Philander Phinney, from
Saratoga co., Silas Kellogg, from Brutus, on Lot 39, and Ebenezer
Bird, from Onondaga Co., on Lot 29, all inx1812. Mrs. Jane Wood
was the first child born in town, in 1804; and the first death,
was that of John McNeal, in 1800.

8 The census reports 5 churches; 2 M. E., Presb., Rap., and


Among the early settlers were Nath’l Fillmore, (father of
Millard Fillmore, Ex-Pres. U. S., who was horn in this town,)
Martin Barher, Wm. Webster, Jos. Cone, Wm. Honeywell, Jas.
Savage, Harvey Hough, and Josiah Walker. The first school
was taught by Nath’l Fillmore, in 1804. The first child born
was Millard Fillmore or Anson Cone; the first marriage, that of
Ebenezer Crowl and Kosanna Mix, in 1803; and the first death,
that of Amos Mix, killed hy the falling of a tree in 1798: Jos.
Cone kept the first inn, in 1803; Chas. Crane, the first store; and
Ebenezer Bennett erected the first mill, in 1816. ■


The census reports 3 churches; Bap., Cong., and M. E.


8 Named from Hon. Enos T. Throop, Ex-Gov. of the State.


Palmer, and his son, from Conn., Israel Clapp, from Mass., on


Lot 16; Jas. Leonard and Wm. Durell, from N. J., on Lots 2 and


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