Gazetteer of New York, 1860 & 1861 page 353
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This co. is all embraced in the Macomb purchase1 of 1791, except the islands in the lake and river,


, a small reservation at Tibbits Point near Cape Yincent, and a tract 10 mi. square, with one corner
extending to the St. Lawrence at French Creek, reserved by the Oneida Indians in the treaty of
1788 for Peter Penet, and called “ Penet Square.” That part
n. of a line running e. from
Chaumont Bay, in the line of the s. bounds of Diana, was known as Great Tract No. IY., and
was sold to the “Antwerp Company,” of Holland. Gouverneur Morris became the first agent,
aud afterward Jas. D. Le Ray de Chaumont became extensively interested in the title, and under
him much of it was settled. The land between No. IY. and Black River (210,000 acres) was
purchased by Peter Chassanis, of Paris, for a company of capitalists; a romantic scheme of colo¬
nization was formed, and settlement begun at its southern point, near the High Falls, in Lewis co.
A few years after, the emigrants returned to France. Ellisburgh was mostly purchased by Marvel
Ellis, of Troy, in March, 1797, but it afterward reverted to Constable: A tract known as the
“Eleven Towns” was purchased in 1795 by Nicholas Low, Wm. Henderson, Richard Harrison,
an,d Josiah Ogden Hoffman: it was divided by them and sold by their agents. Penets Square was
mostly settled by squatters, with whom the owners afterward had much difficulty. With the
exception of Carlton Island, the first settlement in the co. was made in Ellisburgh, in 1797, and
within 10 years nearly the whole of this town and of the “Eleven Towns” was taken up by actual
settlers. Settlement commenced under Le Ray in Wilna, Antwerp, Le Ray, and Philadelphia,
about 1806, and in the n. part of the co., along the St. Lawrence, after the war of 1812-15. But
a small part is now owned by the original purchasers or their heirs, much the greater portion
having long been owned in fee by actual settlers

The embargo and non-intercourse laws were quite unpopular along the n. frontier, and met
with open hostility or secret evasion in many cases. The declaration of war filled the co. with
alarm, and some families hastily prepared to leave. Ft. Carlton
,3 within 'the American bound¬
ary, had been held until this time by the British, and was immediately captured by a small
volunteer party and the buildings burned. A regiment of drafted militia, under Col. C. P. Bel¬
linger, was stationed at Sackets Harbor in May. A fleet of 5 sail of the enemy was repulsed from
that place July 19, with loss. On the 30th Capt. Forsyth was stationed there with a fine company


The Independent Republican and Anti Masonic Recorder was
published at Watertown, from 1828 until 1830.

The Voice of Jefferson was published during the summer and
fall of 1828.

The Watertown Eagle was commenced in Sept. 1832, by J. Cal¬
houn. In 1833 Alvin Hunt became associate editor;
and in 1835 it was united with the
Democratic Standard,
and issued as

The Eagle and Standard. In 1837 it was changed to

The Jeffersonian, and afterward to

The Watertown Jeffersonian, and continued until 1855, when it-
was united with the
Democratic Union, and appeared as

Tlie Jefferson County Union. By this title it is
now published by E. J. Clark & Co.

The Veto was published during the campaign of 1832.

The Spirit of Seventy Six was published a few months in 1834.

The Patriot and Democrat was published during the campaign
of 1838.

The Aurora was published by Alvin Hunt during the campaign
of 1840.

The Daily Journal was started in 1843, by Joel Greene. It was
soon after changed to

The Watertown Journal, tri-w., and continued until 1846.

The Democratic Union was started in 1846, by X. Andrews, and
continued until 1855, when it was united with

The Northern State Journal was started in August, 1846, by
Ambrose W, Clark. It was afterward changed to

Tlie Northern New York Journal, and is now

published by A.W. Clark.

The Watertown Spectator was established in Jan. 1847, by Joel
Greene, and continued until 1849.

Tlie New York Reformer was commenced in Aug.
1850, by Ingalls, Burdick
& Co., and is now published
by Ingalls
& Haddock.

The Daily News was commenced in March, 1859.

The Daily Jeffersonian was published about 1 year, in 1851.

The Monitor and The Student were issued a short time. All of
the above were published at 'Watertown.

The Sackets Harbor Gazette and Advertiser, the first paper pub¬
lished at Sackets Harbor, was commenced in March,
1817, by Geo. Camp. In Feb. 1821, it was changed to

The Jefferson Republican, and was continued about a year.

The Farmers Advocate was started in 1824, by Truman W. Ilas-
call, and continued until 1828.

The Courier, afterward called

The Sackets Harbor Courier, was published by J. Howe.

The Jefferson County Whig was published in 1837, by E. H.

The Sackets Harbor Journal was established in Oct. 1838, by E.

M. Luff, and continued until 1851.

The Harrisonian was published by E. M. Luff during the cam¬
paign of 1840.

The Sackets Harbor Observer was founded in March, 1848, by

O. H. Harris. In 1852 it was changed to
The Jefferson Farmer, and continued 2 or 3 years.

The Carthaginian was started at Carthage in Dec. 1839, and in
1843 it was changed to
The Black River Times. It was discontinued soon after.

The People’s Press was commenced in 1847 by M. F. Wilson.
The Carthage Standard was commenced in Jan. 1858, by W.

R. Merrill. It was discontinued in 1859.

The Jefferson County Democrat was established at Adams in
June, 1844, by J. C. Hatch. In 1847 it passed into the
hands of E. J. Clark. It is now published, as
The Jefferson. County News, by J. Eddy.

The Theresa Chronicle was started Jan. 14, 1848, by E C. Burt.

at Theresa, and continued about 6 months,
he Phare Lacs (the Beacon of the Lakes) was com¬
menced at Watertown, in May, 1859, by Petit & Grandpre.
The Cape Vincent Gazette was commenced in 1858
by P. A. Leach.

1 Alexander Macomb, Daniel McCormick, and Wm. Constable,
of New York, were the parties owning this purchase. The first
two failed, and Constable became chief agent and party to the
sales that were subsequently made.—
Hough’s Hist. St. Law. Co.

2 The present names of these towns are in most cases different
from those applied by the landholders. Their names, number s,
and owners under the allotment of 1796 are as follows. Harrison
and Hoffman held their interests in common several years later.


Original Names.

Present Names.





Har. & Hoff.












Har. & Hoff.




Har. & Hoff.












Har. & Hoff.








Har. & Hoff.





The several tracts were appraised by Benj. Wright, of Rome,
the surveyor, and their value equalized from a part of Worth.

8 On Carlton or Buck Island. It was built by the French,
and during the Revolution was an important rendezvous for
scalping parties of tories a vd Indians.



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