Gazetteer of New York, 1860 & 1861 page 377
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along Moose River is celebrated for its wildness and beauty. The greater part of the town is yet
a wilderness. In the
e. part are several small lakes, which constitute some of the favorite resorts
of fishermen. The soil is principally a light, sandy loam. Iron ore and ocher are found, and near
Brantingham Lake is a sulphur spring. Lumber, leather, and paper are made, and on Otter Creek
is an extensive match box factory, Eyonsdale,1 on Moose River, 3 mi. from its mouth, and
Crreigf and Hrillltmgliiini, near Black River, are p. offices. In 1796 the French, under Ro-
dolph Tillier, settled on the Chassanis Tract, near Black River, below the High Falls
.2 The only
church in town (Presb.) was formed in 1807.

HASHAISBIJRGH3—was formed from Lowvilie, Champion, (Jefferson co.,) and Mexico,
(Oswego co.,) Feb. 22, 1803. Denmark was taken off in 1807, and a part of Pinckney in 1808. It
lies upon the slate hills and limestone terraces
n. w. of the center of the co. Its general inclination
is toward the
n. e., its s. w. corner being 300 to 500 feet above Black River. Its surface is gene¬
rally rolling, but in tbe s. w. it is moderately hilly. Deer River and its tributaries are the prin¬
cipal streams. Tbe soil is generally a rich loam largely intermixed with disintegrated limestone
and slate. Har r isbur gh, in the
n. e. part, and South Harrisburgh, in the s., are p.
offices. Settlement commenced a short time previous to the War of 1812.4 The first religious services
were conducted by Elder Amasa Dodge, a Eree Will Baptist minister. There are 4 churches in town

IIICjJSI MARKET6—was formed from West Turin, Nov. 11, 1852. It lies upon the elevated
slate region w. of Black River, a little s. of the center of the co. Its general inclination is toward
the s.
e. Its surface is rolling in the s., but broken and moderately hilly in the n. and w. Its
streams are Fish Creek and its branches, the principal of which are Big and Little Alder Creeks.
The soil is a loam mixed with disintegrated slate, and is best adapted to pasturage. High
Marhet (p.o.) is in the s.
e. part of the town. Most of the town is still unsettled. Among the
first settlers were Alfred Hovey, L. Fairchild, John Felshaw, Sol. Wells, and Benj. Martin
.6 A
large proportion of the people are of Irish nativity
.7 There are no churches in town.

IiEWIS8—was formed from West Turin and Leyden, Nov. 11,1852. It lies upon the elevated
plateau in the s. angle of the co. Its surface is generally rolling, but in the w. part it is broken
and hilly. Its entire surface is 700 to 1200 feet above the valley of Black River. The principal
streams are Fish Creek, the w. branch of the Mohawk, and the w. branch of Salmon River. Most
of the town is yet an uninhabited wilderness. The soil is generally a sandy loam, moderately
fertile and best adapted to grazing. Owing to the elevation of the town, spring is late, autumn
early, and snows deep. West Eeyden, (p.v.,) situated on the headwaters of the Mohawk, in
e. part of the town, contains about 20 houses. Settlement was commenced about 1800; but
the present inhabitants of the town are mostly new comers, of German nativity
.10 The first church
(Presb.) was organized in 1826. There are now 4 churches in town

LEYREI12—was formed from Steuben, (Oneida co.,) March 10,1797. Brownville (Jefferson
co.) was taken off in 1802, Boonville (Oneida co.) in 1805, a part of Wilna (Jefferson co.) in 1813,
Watson in 1821, and a part of Lewis in 1852. It lies onbRe w. bank of Black River, upon the s
border of the co. Its inclination is toward the
e., the w. border being about 500 feet above the
river. Its surface is undulating. Its principal streams are Sugar River and Moose Creek
.13 The
soil is a fertile loam mixed with disintegrated slate and limestone. Port ILeydeu, (p.v.,) on
Black River, has a population of 192; Talcottville, (Leyden p.o.,) in the center of the town,
.of 50; and ILeydem Hill, in the
n. part, of 40. Settlement began in 1794,14 under the owners

® Named from the co. .

w Among the earliest settlers were John Barnes, Medad Dewey,
Joel Jenks, Matthew Potter, C. and J. Putnam, and Augustus
Kent. '

11 Presb., Bap., M. E., and R. C.

12 This town, with that part of Lewis which was set off from
it, forms the tract known as “ Inman’s Triangle.”

18 Upon Sugar River is a beautiful cascade of about 60 feet
fall in the space of 200 feet; and upon Black River, a little be¬
low Port Leyden, are a series of rapids, known as “ The Narx-ows,”
where the banks are so contracted that a person can jump
across the stream during the dry season.

11 Among the first settlers were Wm, Topping, Bela Butterfield,
Brainard and David Miller, Hezekiah Talcott, Asa Lord, Wm.
Bingham, Theo. Olmstead, —— Adams, Allen Anger, J. Hin¬
man, L. Hart, and Benj, Starr. The first birth was that of
Jonathan Topping, in 1794; and the first death, that of Calvin
Miller, March 22, 1797. The second mill in the co. was built
at Port Leyden, about 1800, by Eber Kelsey and Peter W


The first settlement was made in this place hy Caleb Lyon, in
1819. He died in 1835, the year before his long cherished project of
a State canal to the Black River was authorized by law. His
son, Caleb Lyon of Lyonsdale, has at this place a Gothic villa,
located in the midst of picturesque scenery and adorned with
elegant collections of art.


See page 375.


8 Named from Richard Harrison, of N. Y., one of the early
proprietors. The town embraces No. 10, or, Platina, of the
Eleven Towns. See page 353. ,


Among the early settlers were John and Silas Bush, Amos


Bap., Eree Will Bap., M. E., and R. C.

6 This town embraces Township No. 9, or Penelope, of the
Boylston Tract, and parts of Nos. 2 and 3, or Flora and Lu-
cretia, of Constable’s Towns.


S. C. Thompson kept the first store and inn and built the
first gristmill; and James McYickar erected the first sawmill.
The first school was taught by Ada Higby.


They settled in town soot after the suspension of the public


works in 1842.


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