thickly populated farming neighborhood. The first settlements were made in 1794-97.1 The first religious services were held in 1801.2
TEBOMA—was formed from Westmoreland, Feb. 17, 1802. It lies on the w. border of the co., near the center. Its surface is generally level, slightly rolling in the e., and marshy in the w. Oneida Lake and Creek form the w. boundary, and Wood Creek3 the n. boundary. Several small streams in the town are tributaries to these. The soil is a deep, rich, alluvial loam. There is a mineral spring in the e. part of the town.4 Terosia (p. v.) contains 2 ehurchqs, a tannery, and 30 houses. Durliamville, (p.v.,) on the w. border, partly in Madison eo., contains 2 churches, a glass factory, foundery, tannery, and 1,034 inhabitants. Verona Depot, (p.o.,) a station on the N. Y. C. R. R., contains 10 houses. State Bridge (p. v.) contains 20 houses; Higgins ville (p. v.) 25 houses; Mew London, (p. v.,) in the n. part, 30 housesSconon- doa, (p.v.,) in the s. part, on the line of Yernon, 20 houses; Verona Mills (p.v.) 20 houses; Dunbarton a glass factory and 20 houses; and Staceys Basin 10 houses. Settlement was commenced in 1792, by Geo. A. Smith;5 Rev. Joseph Avery preached the first sermon. There are now 10 churches in town.6
VIEMMA7—was formed from Camden, April 3, 1807, as “ OrangeIts name was changed to “ Bengal ” April 6, 1808, and to Vienna, April 12, 1816. A part of Annsville was taken off in 1823. It lies on the w. border of the co., n. of the center. Its surface, rising from Oneida Lake on the s. border to an elevation of about 100 ft., spreads out into a rolling plateau. The n. w. part is hilly. Wood Creek and Oneida Lake form the s. boundary. Fish Creek forms most of the E. boundary, and unites with Wood Creek before it enters Oneida Lake. The w. branch of Fish Creek forms a part of th,e N. boundary. The soil is a light, sandy loam, underlaid by clay; in the s. w., along Fish Creek, it is alluvium. Good building stone is quarried in the e. part, and large quantities of bog ore have been raised from the marshes near the lake. Vienna, (p. v.,) in the e. part, contains a church and 110 inhabitants. Mortll Bay, (p. v.,) in the s. part, near the lake, contains 2 churches, 3 sawmills, a shingle mill, and 25 houses. McConnellS'tfille, (p. v.,) in the N. part, on the line of Annsville, contains 20 houses; Elpis, a church and 8 houses. FIsIi Creelt Banding contains 20 houses; West Vienna, (p. v.,) on the lake, 20 houses. Pine is a hamlet, in the e. part. The first settlement was commenced near the close of the last century.8 There are now 6 churches in town9.
WESTERI—was formed from Steuben, March 10, 1797. Lee was taken off in 1811. It lies in the interior, n. of the center of the co. Its surface is a hilly upland; broken by numerous gul¬ lies worn in the slate by the streams. Mohawk River and Lansing Kil Creek meet near the center and flow s. and s. w. into Rome. The soil in the valleys is alluvium. Stone quarries are worked which have furnished large quantities of stone for the Black River Canal. Western- ville (p.v.) contains 2 churches, 2 tanneries and 287 inhabitants. Mortll Western (p.v.) eon-
with sulphuretted hydrogen gas, and yielded to Prof. Noyes’s analysis the following ingredients to the. gallon:—
Muriate of soda........................................720 gr.
Lime, with a little magnesia....................... 68 “
Sulphate of lime........................................ 60 “
The water resembles in many respects that of the Harrogate Springs in England.
5 Smith was 8 days working his way through snow, swamps, and thickets from Westmoreland. Among the early settlers were Asahel Jackson, in 1796, near the blockhouse; La Whitten de Wardenou, at Oak Orchard, on Wood Creek, in 1796 or ’97. Among the early settlers in the s. part in 1798 were Brooks, Langdon, Avery, Eames, Bosworth, Pomeroy, Day, Ellis, Fisher, Phelps, Benedict, Loomis, Warren, Tilden, Todd, Skinner, Bil- lington, Wheelan, Robbins, Clark, Bishop, and Brown. The first birth was that of Eva Smith, in 1795; and the first death was that of a child of Wardenou, in 1797, who was buried in its cradle for want of a coffin.—Jones’s Oneida Co., p. 671. Asahel Jackson kept the first inn, in 1796. The first saw and grist mills were built for the Indians.
6 3 M. E., 2 S. D. Bap., Presb., Bap., Friends, Union, and R. C.
7 Gen. A. Hamilton, John Lawrence, and John B. Church, under proceedings in chancery, became owners of this town.
8 Timothy Halsted, —■— Fisher, Jarvis, Peter Gibbons,
Isaac Babcock, Alex, and Jonathan Graves, Eliakim Stoddard, Alien Nichols, and David Stone were early settlers. The first birth was that of Polly Blakesley, in 1803-; and the first death, that of Alex. Graves, by an accident in a sawmill, in 1801. Lyman Mathers taught the first school; Wm. Smith kept the first inn, in 1801. Ambrose Jones built the first sawmill, in 1801; and Wm. Smith the first gristmill, about 1804.
» 3 M. E., Cong., O. S. Bap., Bap. |
The first settler was Josiah Bushnell, in 1794. Upon the relinquishment of the Indian title in 1797, a, large number of families from Mass. and Conn. came in; and 'within 2 years every farm in town was taken up. Among the early settlers were families named Hills, Bronson, Wetmore, Holmes, Stone, Gridley, Smith, Bissell, Foot, Goodwin, Frisbie, DeVotie, Austin, Stannard, Griswold, Alvord, Thrall, Wilcox, Church, Spencer, Carter, Marshall, Tuttle, Bush, McEwen, Wilcoxson, and Web¬ ber, on Bas Chard’s location, around Vernon Center; Bev. John Sargent, and families named Codner, Marvin, and McEwen, on Sargent’s Patent; Skinner, Lawrence, Shedd, Gratton, Deland, Spaulding, Grant, Kellogg, Tryon, Carter, Moore, Simons, Doane, May, Mahan, Page, Ingraham, Crocker, Graves, Soper, Norton, Dix, Vaughan, Wright, Cody, Kelsey, Raymond, Ailing, Hasel- tine, Carpenter, Hungerford, Burley, and Barling, on the “Re¬ servation;” Griffin, Webster, Stone, Hotchkiss, Warren, Youngs, Willard, Langdon, and Neller, in the s.w. part; Brockway, Upham, Cole, Davis, Blount, Brookins, Day, Frink, Neys, Camp¬ bell, Huntington, and Cook, in the n. ; and Van Eps, Hubbell, Warner, Pierson, Patten, and Root on the Van Eps Patent. The first death was that of a daughter of Josiah Bushnell, in 1795.
Sessions taught the first school, in 1798; A. Van Eps kept
the first store, in 1798; and Asahel Gridley built the first grist¬ mill.
There are now 8 churches in town; 3 Presb'., 2 M. E., Bap., Cong., and Unita.
A royal blockhouse was built at the mouth of this creek "Vbout 1722. It was about 8 rods square, on a slight elevation, And surrounded by a ditch.
A hotel and water-cure has been erected for the accommoda¬