1827. Brigham Young was also a long time a resident of Canandaigua; and the first Mormon society was formed at Fayette, in the adjoining co. of Seneca, in 1830.
BRISTOU—was formed in Jan. 1789. South Bristol was taken off in 1838, and a part was annexed to Richmond, March 23, 1848, and restored Feb. 25, 1852. It is an interior town, lying s. w. of the center of the co. Its surface consists of a series of ridges, gradually declining to the N. The highest points are about 500 feet above the valleys. These ridges are divided by the deep valleys of Mud Creek and Egypt Brook. The declivities that border upon these streams in the s. part are usually very steep. The soil is a rich alluvial upon the intervales and disintegrated slate and shale among the hills. Bristol Center (p. v.) contains 30 houses; Baptist Mill1 (Bristol p. o.) 25; and Muttonville3 15. Egypt is a hamlet in the s. e. part. Gamaliel Wilder and Joseph Gilbert settled in 1788, at what was called the “ Old Indian Orchard.”* The first religious services were performed by Rev. Zadock Hunn, in 1793. There are now 4 churches in town.2
CA1VABICE3—was formed from Richmond, April 15, 1829, and a part was annexed to Rich¬ mond in 1836. It is the s. w. corner town of the co. Its surface consists of a high, broken upland separated into two ridges by Canadice Lake. The w. ridge, known as Bald Hill, is bordered by steep declivities, and the e. by more gradual slopes. The highest summits are about 700 feet above Honeoye Lake. The principal streams are the Canadice Inlet and Outlet and the Honeoye Inlet. The soil in the valleys is a clayey loam; upon the declivities of the hills it is mostly disintegrated shale and slate, and upon the summits in the s. part it consists of gravelly loam and black muck. Canadice Corners (p.o.) is a hamlet, forming the business center of the town. The first settlement was made by Kimball, in 1807.7 There are now 3 churches in town.4
CAISAlVBAIdJA9—was formed Jan. 27, 1789, and a part annexed to Gorham, March 16,
1824. It is the central town of the co., lying upon the w. and n. shores of Canandaigua Lake. The surface is hilly in the s., but level or gently rolling in the n. The highest summits are about 600 feet above the lake. Canandaigua Outlet, Beaver Creek, and Stevens Brook are the principal streams. The soil is a clayey loam in the n. and a deep, gravelly loam in the s., and in fertility this town ranks among the first in the State. Canandaigua., (p. v.,) situated at the outlet of Canandaigua Lake, is an important station on the N. Y. C. R. R., and a terminus of the N. E. & C. Branch and of the E. J. & C. R. R. A daily steamer connects it with Naples, at the head of the lake. It contains the co. buildings,10 a State Arsenal,11 5 churches, an academy,12 a female seminary,13 a private lunatic asylum,14 3 newspaper offices, and a bank. It was incorp. April 18, 1815, and has a pop. of 4,154.15 Cheshire, (p.v.,) in the s. part, contains 20 dwellings. Centerfield (p. o.) is a hamlet, and Academy, near the s. line, is a p. o. Wm. Morgan, of masonic notoriety, was imprisoned at Canandaigua previous to his disappearance.16 Settlement was commenced in 1788, by Phelps and Gorham and their associates, and considerable accessions were made in 1789 and ;90.17 The first religious service at Canandaigua was held in 1789, by
Phelps, Gen. Peter B. Porter, Augustus Porter, Philip Church, Wm. Wadsworth, James Wadsworth, Abner Barlow, Moses At¬ water, Micah Brooks, Vincent Mathews, Walter Hubbell, John C, Spencer, John Greig, Nathl. Rochester, Jos. Parish, Bed Jacket, Judge Fitzhugh, Ambrose Spencer, Wm. Williams, M.D., N. W. Howell, Wm. Wood, Stephen A. Douglas, Danl. Barnard, and H. Welles. Among other distinguished residents of Canandaigua were Hon. Gideon Granger, P. M. Gen. under Jefferson’s adminis¬ tration, his son, Francis Granger, P. M. Gen. under Harrison’s ad¬ ministration, the late Hon. M. H. Sibley, and Hon. J. B. Giddings.
u This arsenal was authorized before the war, and 1,000 stand of arms were ordered to be deposited there, Feb. 12, 1808.
12 This academy was founded in 1795, by Gorham and Pheips. It is in a prosperous condition.
13 The Ontario Female Seminary was founded in 1825. its buildings are commodious, and pleasantly situated upon grounds containing 7 acres. The number of students in 1857 was 311.
14 Brigham Hall, incorp. in 1859, is about. 1 mi. s. w. of tlie courthouse. The grounds consist of 70 acres, and the buildings, with accommodations for 80 patients, are located in a beautiful grove of 16 acres.
15 The co. Agricultural Society has a lot containing 10 acres within the village limits, with suitable buildings. 16 See p. 323.
17 Among the settlers in 1789 were Joseph Smith, Israel Chapin, Nathaniel Gorham, jr., Frederick Saxton, Benjamin Gardner, Daniel Gates, Daniel Brainard, Martin Dudley, and James D. Fish. The first birth was that of Oliver Phelps Bice; and the first death, that of Caleb Walker, both in 1790. Samuel Gardner opened the first store; and the first school was taught |
Derives its name from the establishment of a tallow chandlery there some years since. 30,000 sheep have been slaughtered there in a year.
* William Gooding and George Codding settled in 1789, James, Elnathan, and George Gooding in 1790, and Alden Sears and John, George, Farmer, Burt, and William Codding in 1792. The first store and tavern were opened by Stephen Sisson, in 1793; Gamal. Wilder built the first gristmill, in 1790. Thomas Hunn taught the first school, in 1790. Cornelius McCrum was the first child born.
5 Bap., Cong., M. E., and Univ.
6 This name is a corruption of the Indian name of Canadice Lake.
" Soon after, John Wilson settled at the head of Canadice Lake, and John Richardson, John Wheeler, Samuel Spencer, and And. Ward near Canadice Corners. The first tavern was kept by Llewelyn Davis; and Severance & Ford opened the first store. The first sawmill was built at the head of Canadice Lake, by John Algur.
3 M. E., Meth. Prot., and Wes. Meth.
by the Seneca Indians on the present site of the village of Canan¬
daigua. It signifies a chosen spot.
prominent first settlers and residents of the co.: viz., of Oliver