Burlington Green, (Burlington p. o.,) on Butternut Creek, near the center, contains 3 churches and 118 inhabitants; Burlington Flats, (p.v.,) on Wharton Creek, n. w. of the center, 2 churches, a tannery, gristmill, sawmill, and about 30dwellings; and West Burling¬ ton, (p.v.,) on Wharton Creek, a church and 143 inhabitants. The first settlement was com¬ menced near West Burlington, in 1799, by Robert Garrat and Eber and Benjamin Harrington.1 The first church (Bap.) was formed at Burlington Green, in 1793; Rev. James Southworth was the first minister.2
BUTTERXIJTS—was formed from Unadilla, Feb. 5, 1796. Morris was taken off in 1849 and a part of Unadilla was annexed in 1857. It lies upon the w. border of the co., s. w. of the center. Its surface is a hilly upland, divided into several ridges extending sr. and s. Unadilla River, forming its w. boundary, is bordered by a narrow intervale, from which the highlands rise in a series of steep bluffs to a height of 500 to 600 ft. Butternut Creek flows s. w. in a deep valley through near the center of the town. A large number of smaller streams, tributaries to these, flow in deep valleys among the hills, dividing the ridges and giving to the region a peculiar broken character. The hills are arable to their summits, and the soil is a good quality of red shale and gravelly loam. Gilbertsvilie, (Butternuts p. o.,) near the center, contains 4 churches, the Gilbertsvilie Academy and Collegiate Institute, 3 carriage factories, tannery, and various other manufacturing establishments. Pop. 442. Settlements were commenced in 1788-89, at Gilberts- ville, by Gordon and Wyatt Chamberlin and Abijah Gilbert.3 The first church (Cong.) was formed Sept. 3, 1797; Rev. Wm. Stone was the first preacher.4
CHERRY TALLEY—was formed from Canajoharie, (Montgomery co.,)' Feb. 16, 1791. Middlefield, Springfield, and Worcester were taken off in 1797, and Roseboom in 1854. It is the n. e. corner town of the co. Its surface is a hilly and mountainous upland; and much of it is too rough and rocky for cultivation. Mount Independence, s. s. of the center, is a rocky eminence 1,000 ft. above the valleys and 2,000 ft. above tide. It is the highest summit in the co. A range of highlands extends along the n. w. boundary. The central and s. parts of the town are drained by the head branches of the Susquehanna, and the n. part by tributaries of the Mohawk. Tho soil upon the uplands is a slaty and gravelly loam, and in the valleys a fine quality of calcareous loam. Upon a small creek in the n. part are the Tekaharawa Falls, 160 feet in height. In the vicinity are several sulphur springs and quarries of limestone. In the n. w. corner are several springs of weak brine, from which salt was formerly manufactured. CSaerry Valley,5 (p.v.,) at the head of the valley of Cherry Yalley Creek, was incorp. June 8, 1812. It contains 3 churches, tlie Cherry Yalley Academy,6 a bank, newspaper office, gristmill, 2 melodeon factories, and 1 furnace. Pop. 1,000. Salt Springville7 (p.o.) is a hamlet in the n. w. corner. The first set¬ tlement was made on the present site of the village, in 1739, by John Lindesay, an emigrant from the Londonderry Colony of Scotch-Irish in N. H.8 The first religious services were held in 1743, by Rev. Samuel Dunlop, a native of Ireland.9
BECATFR10—was formed from Worcester, March 25, 1808. It lies upon the e. line of the co., s. of the center. The surface is hilly, and broken by the narrow valleys of several small
6 This institution was incorp. Feb. 8,1796, and is the oldest academy w. of Schenectady. Its first principal was Rev. Solo¬ mon Spaulding, the reputed author of the Book of Mormon; his successor was Rev. Eliphalet Nott, the venerable President of Union College. The institution has maintained a high repu¬ tation for more than half a century; and the female department under its present organization has attained a wide celebrity.
< Named from the brine springs in the vicinity.
8 Mr. Lindesay was one of the original proprietors of Cherry Valley, under a patent granted in 1738, by George Clarke, then Lieut. Governor Of New York, to John Lindesay, Jacob Rose¬ boom, and others. David Ramsey and James Campbell, from Londonderry, N. H., and Wm. Galt and Wm. Dickson, from Ire¬ land, settled on the patent, in 1742, at and near the village. John Wells, from Ireland, settled at the village, in 1744. From the fear of Indian hostilities, the settlement of Cherry Valley proceeded slowly, there being in 1752, 12 years after the first settlement, but 8 families in the town; and at the breaking out of the Revolution, in 1775, the number of families did not exceed 60. James Ritchie kept the first store and inn, anterior to the war; and James Campbell erected the first gristmill, in 1743-44. John Wells erected the second gristmill. Rev. Samuel Dunlop taught a classical school at his own house, in 1743-44,—the first probably, of the kind w. of the Hudson. The whole settlement was destroyed by the Indians, and the greater part of the in¬ habitants were murdered and taken prisoners, on the evening of Oct. 11, 1778. See page 531.
» The census reports 4 churches; 2 M. E., Presb., and Prot E, 10 Named in honor of Commodore Stephen Decatur. |
Paul Gardner settled in 1792, and Benj. Card, Willis Potter, Caleb Gardner, Alexander Parker, Ira Johnson, John Johnson, Lemuel Hubbell, and SamT Hubbard, about the same time or soon after, in the vicinity of Burlington FlatB. The first school was taught by Jos. Wright, at Burlington Green. Paris Briggs and Willard Church kept the first inns, andWalbridge & Co. the first store, at Burlington Flats. Augustus and Adolphus Wal- bridge erected the first mill, at the same place.
There are 7 churches in town; 4 Bap., Presb., Scotch Presb.,
and Friends.
s Daniel and John Eastwood were among the first settlers in the w. part of the town, and Joseph T. Gilbert, Wm. Musson, Dr. John Burgess, John Marsh, and Joseph Cox near the center. The first child born was Jacob M. Houck, about 1790, and the first death of an adult was that of Sami. Shaw, in 1799; the first marriage was that of Jos. Cox and Betsey Nichols. The first school was taught by Levi Halbert, at the house of Jos. Cox. Abijah Gilbert kept the first inn, at Gilbertsvilie, and Timothy Dimmick the first store in town, about 1790. The first miU was erected by Joseph Shaw and Abijah Gilbert.
* The cens. reports 5 churches; Cong., Presb., Prot. E., Bap., M.E.
This place has been the residence of several of the distin¬
guished political and professional men in the State, among whom
were John Wells, Esq., the distinguished lawyer of N. Y. City;
Hon. Wm. W. Campbell, author of the “Annals of Tryon Co.;” Bev. EliphaletNott; Jabez D. Hammond, Esq., author of “Poli¬ tical History of New York;” Hon. Levi Beardsley, author of “Reminiscences ofiOtsego;” Alvan Stewart, Esq.; and James O.
Morse, Esq.