Revolution.1 The first church (Bap.) was formed Aug. 19, 1795; Rev. John Bostwick was the first settled preacher.2
Ii.4UR.EXS—was formed from Otsego, April 2,1810. It is an interior town, lying s. w. of the center of the co. With the exception of the broad valley of Otego Creek, the surface is high and hilly. It is drained s. by Otego Creek and several tributaries, among which are Harrisons and Camps Creeks. The soil is a sandy and gravelly loam, in some parts slaty, and generally produc¬ tive. One and a half mi. n. of Laurens is a sulphur spring. Laurens, (p. v.,) on Otego Creek, in the e. part, was incorp. April 22, 1834. It contains 3 churches, 1 flouring mill, the Otsego Cotton Mills,3 an iron foundery, sawmill, and tannery. Pop. 726. Jacksonville, (Mount Vision p. o.,) in the n. e. corner, contains 2 churches, a grist and saw mill, and about 30 houses. West Laurens (p. v.) contains about 15 bouses. Settlements were made in this town prior to the Revolution, by Joseph Mayall and Richard Smith, a little n. of Laurens Village; by John Sleeper, at the village; and by William Ferguson, a little s. of it.4 The first religious association was formed by the Friends, who erected a meetinghouse in 1800.5
MARYLAID—was formed from Worcester, March 25,1808. It lies on the s. line of the co., e. o'f the center. Its surface is a hilly upland, broken by the deep ravines of the streams. Sehe- nevas Creek flows s. w. through near tbe center and receives several tributaries from the n. South Hill, a steep, unbroken ridge 350 to 500 ft. above the valleys, extends along the s. bank of tho creek through the town; and from its summit the surface spreads out into a rocky and broken upland, extending into the s. border. The soil is principally a sandy loam, and is best adapted to grazing. Maryland, (p.v.,) near the center of the town, contains a church and 20 houses; Schenevus, (p. V.,) near the e. border, a church, tannery, and 383 inhabitants. Chasevfile is a p. o. Thomas Thompson and his son Jolm, from Columbia co., settled in 1793.6 The first church (Presb.) was formed at an early period; Rev. Mr. Ralph was the first preacher.7
MIDDLEFIELD—was formed from Cherry Yalley, March 3, 1797. It is an interior town, lying n. e. of the center of the co. The surface is a hilly upland, abruptly descending to Otsego Lake and Outlet, which form its w. boundary. The summits of the hills are 400 to 600 ft. above the valleys. Cherry Yalley Creek flows s. w. through the e. part of the town. The soil is a gravelly and sandy loam. Middlefield Center, (p.v.,) in the n. part of the town, contains a church, last factory, and 15 dwellings. Clarksville,8 (Middlefield p. o.,) on Cherry Valley Creek, contains 2 churches, a tannery, and 260 inhabitants. The first settlement was made about 1755, by emigrants originally from Ireland and Scotland.9 The first religious association (Presb.) was formed by Rev. Andrew Oliver, in 1805; the first church edifice was erected in 1808.10
MILFORD —was formed from Unadilla, Feb. 5,1796, as “Suffrage †Its name was changed April 8, 1800. A part of Otego was taken off in 1830. It is an interior town, s. of the center of the co. The Susquehanna flows s. w. through the town, in a deep valley bordered by steep hillsides, and divides the surface into two distinct ridges. Crumhorn Mt., on the e. border, is 500 to 600 ft. above the valleys; and the w. hills are 300 to 400 ft. high. Crumhorn Lake, a body of water 3 mi. in circumference, lies upon the summit of Crumhorn Mt. The soil is a sandy and gravelly loam. Milford Center (Milford p.o.) contains 2 churches; pop. 250.11 Collierville is a p. o.
and cloth dressing mill. The first death was that of John Rice, killed by the fall of a tree.
7 The census reports 4 churches; 3 M. E., and Bap. s About 2 mi. n. of Clarksville is a rock called by the Indians Nis-karyu-na, (probably meaning Council Rock.) whore various tribes from the s. were accustomed to meet the Mohawks in council. In former days the rock was covered with hierogly¬ phics, but from its shaly nature ail are now obliterated.
9 Among those who settled prior to the Revolutionary War were Wm. Cook, Daniel, Benjamin, and Reuben McCollum, Samuel and Andrew Wilson, Andrew Cochran, Andrew Cameron,
and Hall, all in the n. part of the town. They came from
the x. of Ireland, hut were mostly of Scotch descent. Among those who settled near the close of and after the war were Ben¬ jamin Gilbert, in the n. part, in 1780; Refiben Beals, in the s. part, in 1786; Win. Compton, Bernard Temple, Wm. Rice, Step’n and Thomas Pratt, Whitney Jenel, and Moses Rich, all from Mass., and William Cook, from England, in 1797; Obadiah Dun¬ ham, Wm. Temple, and Daniel Moore, from New England, in the s. part of the town, soon after. Hannah Hubbell taught the first school, about 1790. Alexander McCollum and Andrew Cannon kept, the first inns, and Benjamin Johnson the first store, in 1790 Mr. McCollum also built the first sawmill, before the war; and Moses Rich the first gristmill, in 1795.
40 The census reports 4 churches; 2 Bap., Presb., and M. E. u Milford contains 2 tanneries and several manufactories. |
Lot Crosby and Stephen Skiff were among the first settlers at Hartwick Village, and Elijah and Rufus Hawkin3 and N. Lyon in the x. e. part of the town. James Butterfield kept the first inn, and Daniel Laurens the first store, at what is called White House. The first mill was erected by Samuel Mudge, at JEJartwick Village.
The census reports 6 churches; 2 Christian, Bap., Luth., Presb., and M. E.
This factory was erected in 1846, by an investment of $40,000. It employs 40 persons, and makes sheetings exclusively, to the value of $50,000 per annum.
Griffin Crafts kept the first inn, about 1812; and Erastus and John Cully, the first store. John Sleeper erected the first gristmill, and Daniel Johnson the first factory. The first birth
was that of Nehemiah Sleeper; the first marriage, that of Thos. Ferguson and Polly Myers; and the first death, that of Hannah Sleeper. John Hardgrove taught the first school.
The census reports 6 churches; 2 M. E., Friends, Bap., Chris¬ tian, and Presb.
6 In 1794, Josiah Chase, Col. J. Houghton, Ezekiel Rice, and Caleb Byington, from Vt., and Daniel Houghton and Wilder
Rice, settled near Schenevus, Daniel Stever, from Mass., settled
at Schenevus, and Joseph Howe on Elk Creek. The first grist¬
mill was built by Israel Speneer, and the first sawmill by Jotham
Houghton','in 1795, on Schenevus Creek. Josiah Chase kept the ifixst inn, near Roseville; and Stephen G. Virgil the first fulling
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