Gazetteer of New York, 1860 & 1861 page 556
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Falls (p.v.) was incorp. April 14, 1827. Pop. 1200. It contains Ball’s Seminary, 2 foundries, 2
cotton factories, 2 reaping and mowing machine factories, and 1 establishment for the manufacture
of machinery for cotton and woolen factories. Nortk Hoosick.1 (p.v.) contains 175 inhabi¬
tants, and Buskirks Bridge (p.v.) 125; Hoosick Formers (Hoosick p.o.) contains 30
houses, Eagle Bridge (p.v.) 14, Walloomsac2 12, West Hoosick (p. o.) 10, and
Potter Hill (p. o.) 7. This town was included in the Hoosick Patent,3 granted June 3, 1688,
and the Walloomsac Patent,4 granted June 15, 1739. The first settlements were made upon the
Hoosick Patent by several Dutch families.2 A Dutch church was founded, and known as the
“ Tyoshoke Church,” at San Coick, near the
n. border of the town. The settlement at Hoosick
was entirely broken up by a party of French and Indians on the 28th of Aug. 1754. Two persons
were killed, and the houses, barns, and crops were destroyed.6 The next day the settlement
of San Coick, s. of Hoosick, was also destroyed. The battle of Bennington was fought in this town,
Aug. 16, 1777.3 The census reports 6 churches in town.4

EANSSNGBWBCrH9—was formed from Troy and Petersburgh, March 20, 1807. A tract
was annexed from Schaghticoke in 1819. A part of Troy was taken off in 1836, and a part of Bruns¬
wick in 1839. It is a narrow strip of land extending along the Hudson. In the s. part the river
intervale is one-fourth of a mile in width; but in the
n. the bluffs rise directly from the water. In
n. e. is a high, rocky hill, 400 to 600 feet above the river. The high bluff e. of the village is
called Diamond Rock. The streams are Deepi Kil and Koola Kil. The soil .is a gravelly and clayey
loam. The people are largely engaged in the manufacture of brushes, oilcloths, flax cordage, and
malt liquors. A lock at Troy admits the passage of sloops up to this place.5 Eansmgburgh11
(p.v.) contains extensive brush, oilcloth, and other manufactories, the Lansingburgh Academy,12 a
Female Seminary,6 6 churches, 2 printing offices, and about 4000 inhabitants. A covered bridge

morning of the 14th he marched with his whole force to the
support of Gregg, and about 5 mi. from Bennington he met
Gregg in full retreat, with the enemy within 1 mi. of him.
Both armies chose strong positions and threw up temporary
intrenchments. Baum, alarmed at the number of Americans,
sent for a reinforcement. On the 15th a heavy rain set in; and
the day was spent in skirmishing and in preparing for the
battle. Col. Warner’s regiment arrived at Bennington in the
evening, and there stopped to dry themselves and recruit after
their fatiguing march. Stark, fearing the enemy might receive
reinforcements, resolved to attack them early on the morning of
the 16th. Previous to the signal for attack he made the follow¬
ing laconic speech to his men: “ See there, men! there are the
red-coats. Before night they are ours, or Molly Stark will he
a widow.” The attack was at once made simultaneously at all
points. The Indians fled at the beginning of the conflict, and
the tories were soon driven from their posts, leaving the Hes¬
sians to sustain the weight of the engagement. After 2* hours
of hard fighting the enemy gave way at all points, and com¬
menced a disorderly retreat. While the Americans were busy
in plundering the abandoned camp of the enemy, and in de¬
tached parties were engaged in pursuit, Col. Breyman, with a
reinforcement of 500 men, arrived. He met the flying fugitives
about 2 mi. from the scene of action, and immediately charged
upon the broken ranks of the Americans. The tide of battle
now turned, and Stark had the mortification of seeing his army
driven helplessly from the field where they had so lately been
victorious. At this moment Col. Warner’s regiment arrived
from Bennington and checked the advance of the British.
Stark rallied his broken forces behind the fresh troops, and
soon the battle again became general. At sunset the British
fled toward the Hoosick and were.pursued by the Americans
until dark. The Americans lost about 30 killed and 40 wounded.
The British loss, in killed, wounded, and prisoners, was 934.
The result of this battle was disastrous in the extreme to Bur¬
goyne, and contributed more than any other event to his final
surrender at Saratoga.

8 2 M. E., Bap., Kef. Prot. D., R. C., and Union.

9 The town was named from the village, and the latter was
named from Abraham Jacob Lansing, its founder.

1° This lock was completed and opened for use Sept. 10,1823.
About 1800 the State expended large sums for the improvement
of navigation to this place, and granted a lottery for that pur¬

11 Formerly known as “New City.” It was once claimed by
Vermont as within its jurisdiction. See page 18.

12 The Lansingburgh Academy, chartered Feb. 8,1796. By an
act passed Feb. 20,1816, the trustees of this academy were
authorized to subscribe 1000 shares to the Bank of Lansing,
burgh. A. Reed, from New Windsor, Conn., commenced school
here in 1793, in a gambrel roofed building, used as the first
meeting house. Rev. Dr. Lee taught the languages at the Bame

13 In Oct. 1857, Rev. Salmon Hatch opened a private female
seminary and boarding school. It has about 100 pupils, and
employs 9 teachers.


On some maps called “ McNamarasville.” It is the seat of
a paper mill and machine shop.


cans had collected a large quantity of military stores, cattle, and


the advice of his most experienced officers, to send a party to cap¬


ture them. The detachment consisted of500 Hessians, Canadians,
and tories, under the command of Col. Baum. They were in¬


large supply of cattle, horses, and carriages.” This accom¬
plished, he was to scour the country from Rockingham to Otter
Creek, go down as far as Brattleboro, and join the main body by
the great road to Albany. The detachment left the camp at
Fort Edward, Aug. 13; and on the evening of the same day
they surprised and captured 5 Americans at Cambridge. On


nington. Gen. Stark, who commanded the American forces at
Bennington, learning of the approach of the enemy, took imme¬
diate measures for defense. He sent an order to Col. Warner,
at Manchester, to march immediately with his regiment of
Green Mountain Boys; he rallied the neighboring militia, and
on the 13th he sent out an advance guard of 200 men, under
Iiieut. Col. Gregg, to impede the progress of the enemy. On the


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