St. Joseph Academy, under the charge of the R. C., was founded, in 1842, as a free school. In 1852 it was enlarged, and a boarding house was annexed.
The Troy Hospital, a charitable institution, was incorp. March 1, 1851. It was founded chiefly through the exertions of Rev. P. Havermans, and is supported by the R. C. denomination. The nurses belong to the Sisters of Charity.
Marshall Infirmary was incorp. in 1851. It was founded by Benjamin Marshall. The builjing and grounds cost $35,000; which sum was donated by its founder.
Troy Orphan Asylum, ineorp. April 10, 1835, is situated on Grand Division between 7th and 8th Streets. The building is of brick, and has about 100 inmates. The Asylum is supported by donations and State appropriations; and children are received between the ages of 3 and 9, and dismissed at 10 if an opportunity offers. At this age they are indentured to farmers until the age of 17. During the first 22 years over 500 had been dismissed; and most of them have since filled respectable stations in life. A school is maintained regularly in the Asylum.
St. Marys Orphan Asylum is an institution connected with St. Marys Church, (R. C.) The male department is under the charge of the “ The Brothers of the Christian Schools,” and the female, of “ The Sisters of Charity.”
The Warren Free Institute, a school for indigent female children, was incorp. March 19, 1846. It was founded and endowed by the Warren family. A free church, (Prot. E. Church of the Holy Cross,) for the pupils and their parents, is connected with the Institute.
The Troy Water Works were built by the city in 1833-34, and they have been subsequently ex¬ tended. The water is drawn from Piscawin Creek, and the reservoir is sufficiently high to throw the water to the top of most of the houses. The works are under the charge of water commissioners, and the rents are charged to property owners and collected with the taxes.
The city is 150 miles from NewYork, with which it is connected by R. R., and, m die season of navigation, by lines of steamers. Its commerce is extensive, and it has a large trade with the region n. and e. The Union R. R. Co. have erected a magnificent depot in the central part of the city for the accommodation of the various lines of roads that center here.1
The manufactures of Troy are extensive and various.2 Wynants Kil, on the s., furnishes 12 mill Bites, with an aggregate of 2000 horse power; Poesten Kil, on the n., has 10 sites, equivalent to 1000 horse power, and the dam across the Hudson furnishes 4000 horse power. Besides these there is an immense amount of steam power in use.
In 1720, Derick Vanderheyden3 acquired from Van Rensselaer the title to 490 acres of land, now included in Troy, at an annual rent of 3f bush, of wheat and 4 fat fowls.4 Tho tract was occupied as a farm until about 1786, when a company of New Englanders induced the owners to lay it out as a town. It was surveyed between 1786 and ’90, and was variously known as “ Ferry Hook,” “ Vanderheydens Ferry,” and “Ashleys Ferry.” In the spring of 1789 the place contained 5 small stores and about a dozen dwellings. The name, Troy, was adopted at a meeting of the freeholders, Jan. 5, 1789. The first settlers came in soon after the war.5 The completion of the Erie Canal gave an impulse to this place that speedily raised it from a com¬ paratively obscure village to a large and important city.6 Several destructive fires have occurred, occasioning great losses.7
J- The Troy Union R. R., 214 mi. long, was built by a com¬ pany, composed of persons chosen by, and representing the in¬ terests of, the Hudson R., N. Y. Central, Troy & Boston, and Rens¬ selaer & Saratoga R. Rs. The depot, built in 1853-54, is 400 by 150 feet, walls 27 feet, and roof a single arch, (Briggs’s patent,) supported only by the walls. It is built for 10, and has 7, parallel tracks its entire length. Tower, 115 feet high. Four complete suites of rooms and offices.
2 The iron manufactures consist of R. R. iron, rolled iron, spikes, nails, stoves, firearms, malleable iron, steam engines, safes, agri¬ cultural implements, &c. The business is carried on by more than 30 firms, and gives employment to 2500 men. The Troy nail works are among the most extensive in America. Besides these, there are 6 large flouring mills, 3 grist mills, several breweries and distilleries, and establishments for the manu¬ facture of cotton and woolen goods, hosiery, paper, carriages, clothing, &c,, in the aggregate employing about 7000 hands. One establishment for the manufacture of shirts, bosoms, and collars employs 670 hands; 3 others employ 1070 hands, and 17 others 2750 hands. The most extensive mathematical instrument manufactory in the U. S. is located in this city.
3 A descendant of his was known as the “ Patroon of Troy.” |
4 Brandt Yan Slechtenhorst, director of the “ Colonie of Rens- Belaerwyck,” in 1646, purchased for the Patroon two additional tracts of land e. of the Hudson: one, called “ Paanpaack,” (Field of Corn,) included the site of Troy; and the other, called Pan- hoosick, farther n.—Brodhead's Hist, of IV. Y., pp. 420-534.
6 The upper part of the city belonged to Jacob Vanderheyden, and the southern to Matthias Vanderheyden. Stephen Ashley and Benjamin Covill were the earliest settlers under the Van¬ derheydens. They came in about 1786; and the former kept an inn in the old farmhouse of Matthias Vanderheyden for several years. Dr. Sami. Gale, the first physician, came from Guilford, Conn., in 1787. Among the other early settlers were Epb. Mor¬ gan, John Boardman, Benj. Smith, Phil. Ileartt, Anthony Good¬ speed, Mahlon Taylor, Eben’r and Sami. Wilson, Moses Vail, Lewis Richards, Eben’r Jones, Howard Moulton, Amasa Pierce, Jere’h Pierce, Townsend McCoun, Nathan and Steph. Warren, David Buel, and Benj., John, Sami., and Wm. Gale.
6 The following table shows the increase of the population of Troy for each semi-decade since 1810:—
1810........... |
1835.......... |
1815........... |
1840.......... |
........ 19,334 |
1820........... |
......... 5.264 |
1845.......... |
......... 21,709 |
1825........... |
1850.......... |
........ 28,785 |
1830........... |
......... 11,556 |
1855.......... |
........ 33,269 |
7 The fire of June 20,1820, destroyed property to the amount oi $370,000, and another, Aug. 25,1854, to the amount of $1,000,000. |