1 This co. stands first in the State in the value of its stock, (.mount of pasturage and meadow, and among the first in the (mount annually produced of spring wheat, potatoes, peas, and maple sugar.
2 The marine clay deposits produce fine crops of winter wheat.
3 Eurnaces are or have recently been in operation at Rossie, Wegatchie, Euliersville, and Brasher Iron Works. The supply of ore is inexhaustible, and large quantities of iron are annually made.
4 The Rossie Lead Mines are now worked by an English com¬ pany. Lead has also been found in several other localities in the co.
6 The principal lumber operations are carried on on the Racket River. Since 1851, 10 gang sawmills have been built within 17 mi. In 1855 it was estimated that 120,000 logs were worked up.
6 Consisting of shingles, staves, lath, heading, boxes, doors, sash and blinds.
I Opened to Ogdensburgh Oct. 1,18-50.
3 Opened through the co. Aug. 23,1855.
9 These improvements have been made on the Indian, Oswe¬ gatchie, Racket, and Grass Rivers.
i° The county seat was first located at Ogdensburgh, but was removed to Canton in 1828. The first courts were held in the (tone barracks, w. of the Oswegatchie; and a bomb-proof maga¬ zine adjacent was used for a jail. The first courthouse stood on the site recently purchased by Government for a customhouse. The first co. officers were Nathan Ford, First Judge; Alex. Turner and Joseph Edsall, Judges; Stillman Foote and John Tibbetts, Assist. Justices; Thos. J. Davies, Sheriff; Lewis Hasbrouck, Co. Clerk; and Matthew Perkins, Surrogate. The present court¬ house was located by Joseph Grant, Geo. Brayton, and John E. Hinman, commissioners from Oneida co.; and the buildings were erected under the supervision of Ansel Bailey, David C. Judson, and Asa Sprague, jr. The records of the supervisors previous to 1814 were lost in a fire at Ogdensburgh in 1839.
II The jail is a miserable building, poorly adapted to the pur¬ poses for which it was erected.
12 This institution yields an annual revenue of about $1,000. The average number of inmates is about 150. The supplies are fuWiished by contract. The poorhouse is deficient in necessary conveniences for the health and comfort of its inmates.
13 At Ogdensburgh the following papers have been published: The Palladium, was begun in 1810 by Kip & Strong, sold in 1812
to John P. Sheldon, and continued to 1814.
The St. Lawrence Gazette was begun in 1815 by D. R. Strachan and P. B. Fairchild at Canton. In 1830 it was bought bv Preston King, removed to this place, and united with The St. Lawrence Eephblican. In 1833 it was sold to S. Hoard. It was afterward published by Hitchcock, Tillotson & Stillwell, and is now published by James & Hopkins.
The Northern Light was begun July 7,1831, by W. B. Rogers, as an anti-masonic organ. In 1834 A. B. James became its publisher, and changed it to The Times; and at the end of the 4th volume it was enlarged, and called
rhe Ogdensburgh Times. In 1837 Dr. A. Tyler became associated with James, and the title was changed to The Times and Advertiser. In March, 1844, it was transferred to H. G. Foote and S. B. Seeley, and changed to tThe Frontier Sentinel. In June, 1847, Mr. Foote changed it to The Ogdensburgh Sentinel, under which name it was published by Stillman Foote until 1858, when it was merged in the Daily Journal.
The Meteorological Register was commenced, and a few numbers issued, in 1839; edited by Jas. H. Coffin, now Vice-Pres. of Lafayette Coll., Easton, Penn.
The Ogdensburgh Forum was begun April 24, 1848, by A. Tyler, and discontinued in 1851.
The Daily Sentinel was started April 14,1848, by S. Foote, and published for 5 months.
The St. Lawrence Budget, a small semi-mo. advertising sheet, was issued from The Sentinel office in 1850-51. |
The Daily Morning News was begun in March, 1852, by Wm. N.
Oswell, publisher, and Fayette Robinson, editor.
The Weekly News was issued fr'om the same office in Sept. 1852.
Both were discontinued in the Dec. following.
The St. Lawrence American was begun March 1, 1855, by Wm.
Yeaton and E. M. Holbrook, and continued 3 years.
The Boys’ Daily Journalw&a begun May 1,1855,by II. R. James, J. W. Hopkins, and C. Foster. As lads belonging to the Ogdensburgh Academy, they had previously issued the Morning Glory and Young America. In 1857 Foster withdrew', and the name was changed to The Daily Journal, under which name the paper is still issued.
The Weekly Journal is made up from the daily. Neither of the publishers is of age, (1858.)
The St. Lawrence Democrat was commenced at Can¬ ton in the year 1858, by Messrs. Abbott & O’Brien. It is still issued by its original proprietors.
At Potsdam the following have been issued:—
The Potsdam Gazette was begun Jan. 13,1816, by F. C. Powell, and continued till April, 1823.
The Potsdam American w-as commenced by F. C. Powell in Jan. 1824, from the old Gazette press, and was continued by Powell & Reddington till April, 1829. In May of the same year it was revived as The Herald, and published as an anti-masonic organ till Aug. The St. Lawrence Republican was begun in 1826 by W. H.
Wyman, and removed to Canton in 1827.
The Day Star was published 6 months in 1827 by Jonathan Wallace.
The Patriot was commenced in April, 183-, by Wm. Hughes, and published one year.
The Northern Cabinet was removed from Canton in 1845; and from the same office was issued The Repository in 1846, semi-mo., made up of the literary matter of The Cabinet. This latter was sold to Wm. L. Knowles, and changed to
The St. Lawrence Mercury in 1848. W. H. Wallace became pro¬ prietor in 1850; and H. C. Fay in 1851, who changed it to
The St. Lawrence Journal. It was continued till July, 1S52, when it was united with The Courier.
The Potsdam Courier was begun in 1851 by Y. Harrington, and continued till July, 1852, when it was united with The J ournal, and issued as The Potsdam Courier and Journal was removed to Canton in 1859, and is now published hy H. C. Fay & Brother.
The Philomathean was begun in 1852, and a few numbers were issued by students of the St. Lawrence Academy.
The Elementary Republican was begun in 1852, and a few num¬ bers issued from The Journal office.
The Northern Freeman, removed from Gouverneur in 1856, is still published by Doty & Baker.
The Evangelical Herald, mo., was begun in 1856by Jos. A. Livingston. Printed part of the time at North¬ field, Yt. Now published at Boston and Potsdam.
At Canton the following have been published:—•
The Canton Advertiser and St. Lawrence Republican, removed from Potsdam in 1827, was published here by Preston King till 1830, when it was removed to Ogdensburgh. The Northern Telegraph was begun in 1832 by C. C. Bill. It was soon sold to Orlando Squires, and changed to The Canton Democrat, and continued a short time.
The Luminary of the North, begun in July, 1834, was published a short time.
The St. Lawrence Democrat was begun in Sept. 1840, hy E. A.
Barber, and continued 2 years.
The Northern Cabinet and Literary Repository, semi-mo., was begun Jan. 2,1843, by Chas. Boynton, and in 1845 ro- moved to Potsdam.
The Engineer was issued in 1844 hy Chas. Boynton. |