in the parish of Kirkby Malham-dale, wapentake of Staincliffe, 6 miles S. E. from Settle; inhabitants, 187. This village is situated on the river Aire; here is a twist manufacture.
Airyholme, N. R. (5) a town- ship in the parish of Hovingham, wa- pentake of Rydale, 8 miles W. from Malton; inhabitants, 33.
Aisenby, N. R. (5) a township in the parish of Topcliffe, wapentake of Hallikeld, 5^ miles N. from Borough- bridge ; inhabitants, 230. At this place was born Mary Bateman, the celebrated Yorkshire witch, who appears to have been a consummate practitioner in her profession; she was executed at York, in 1807, for administering poison to a man and his wife, by way of a charm, after she had stripped them of every thing they possessed in the world, by her delusive but artful contrivances.
Aiskew, N. R. (2) a township in the parish of Bedale; wapentake of Hang East, ■§ mile N. E. from Be- dale; inhabitants, 620. This village is separated from Bedale by a brook ; it contains Leases Hall, the seat of Mrs. Arden.
Aislaby, N. H. (3) a township in the parish of Whitby, wapentake of Whitby Strand, 3§ miles S. W. from Whitby; inhabitants, 253 ; a perpe- tual curacy, uhited with Whitby. Aislaby Hall is the seat of Mark Noble, Esq.
Aislaby, N. R. (2) a township in the parish of Middleton, wapentake of Pickering Lythe, 2 miles N. ,W. from Pickering ; inhabitants, 147.
Aism underby, W. R. (5) a town- ship with Bondgate, in the parish of Ripon, wapentake of Claro ; it adjoins Ripon to the South. Inhabitants, 551. Two miles to the South, is Hollin Hall, the seat of H. R. Wood, Esq.
Akeholme, W. R. (8) a hamlet in the township of Blaxton, parish of Finningley, wapentake of Strafforth and Tickhill, 7 miles S. of Thorne. |
Aketon, W. R. f(5) fa hamlet in the township of Follyfoot, parish of Spofforth, wapentake of Claro, 4 miles N. W. from Wetherby.
Aldborough, N. R. (2) "a town- ship in the parish of Stanwick St. John, wapentake of Gilling West; 7 miles N. E. from Richmond; inhabi- tants, 544. Vestiges still remaining indicate this village to have been once a Roman station, though its particular name has not been ascertained; here is Carlton Hall, the seat of S. M. Bar- rett, Esq.
Aldborough, y W. R. (5) a bo- rough, parish, and township, in the wapentake of Claro, 7 miles S. E. from Ripon; inhabitants, 484 ; a vi- carage, value 9/. 19s. 5d.; patron, the Dean and Chapter of York cathedral. This borough is governed by a bailiff appointed by the lord of the manor, and sends two members to parliament, the first return of which was in 1542, by the inhabitants paying scot and lot: the town is poor, as well as small: it was undoubtedly the Isurium Brigan- tium of the Romans, and has always engaged the attention of antiquaries : Roman coins, chiefly from Augustus to Constantine, have frequently been dug up ; and many other Roman ves- tiges, such as pavements, urns, and statues, have been discovered. Isurium seems gradually to have fallen into neglect from the superior grandeur of Eboracum, or York, but it con- tinued to be a place of some importance in the times of the Saxons : the most fatal blow to its prosperity was the removing of its bridge, over the Ure, to Boroughbridge, in the reign of William the Conqueror. The area of the ancient city is for the most part 'laid out in fields, and the ruins appear to have raised the surface of the ground about two feet above the Roman level. Aldborough contains the townships of Boroughbridge, Dunsforth high and low, part of Humburton, N. R. |