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Family Group Sheet

Domenico Vincenzo-11653063,3978,5812,5842,5843,5844,5845
BIRTHcalculated 1779 5846
BIRTH1782 5847
BIRTHcalculated 1783 5843
OCCUPATION23 June 1810Pastore; Castelluccia, Salerno5847
RESIDENCE23 June 1810Strada Sotto Santo Cono, Castelluccia, Salerno5847
OCCUPATION15 February 1813Pastore; Castelluccia, Principato Citra, Two Sicilies5842
OCCUPATION15 September 1826Campese; 5813
OCCUPATION8 May 1836Possidente; 5848
OCCUPATIONbefore 2 September 1863Propietario; Castelluccia, Salerno3994
DEATHbefore 2 September 1863 3994
DEATHbefore 12 September 1867 3940
DEATHbefore 7 October 1872 
OCCUPATION Campese; 3988
RESIDENCE (FAM)15 February 1813Strada Sotto Santo Cono, Castelluccia, Principato Citra, Two Sicilies5842
MARRIAGE  5843,5846,5847
FATHERDiego Vincenzo-9348
Rosa Tancredi-11663063,3978,5812,5843,5844,5847
BIRTHcalculated 1782 5846
BIRTH1785 5842
BIRTH1790 5843,5848
DEATH11 September 1861Castelluccia, Salerno, Campania, Italy3994,5849
DEATHbefore 12 September 1867 3940
FATHERVincenzo Tancredi-9251
MOTHERCatterina Verlotta-1200
1.Giuseppina Rosaria Vincenzo-11622548,3063,4801,5812,5813,5815  FEMALE
 BIRTH30 January 1805Castelluccia, Principato Citra, Two Sicilies3978,5812,5816,5817
CHR30 January 1805Santo Cono, Castelluccia, Principato Citra, Two Sicilies5816,5817
DEATH2 September 1863Castelluccia, Principato Citra, Two Sicilies3994,5818
OCCUPATION2 September 1863Contadina; Castelluccia, Salerno3994
MARRIAGE16 September 1826Vincenzo Biagio Silvestro Gigliello-1161; Santo Cono, Castelluccia, Principato Citra, Two Sicilies5812,5813
MARRIAGE24 November 1836Pietrantonio Martino Magliano-6909; Santo Nicola, Castelluccia, Principato Citra, Two Sicilies3978,3988,3994

2.Angelo Giovambattista Vincenzo-40672482,3942,5162,5850,5851  MALE
 BIRTH22 June 1810Castelluccia, Salerno3940,5847
OCCUPATION15 September 1877Proprietario; 5852
DEATH24 March 1900Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy5853
MARRIAGE12 September 1867Felicia Angiola Costantino-4449; Palazzo Municipale, Castelcivita, Principato Citeriore3940

3.Pietro Vincenzo-10854  MALE
 BIRTH15 February 1813Strada Sotto Santo Cono, Castelluccia, Principato Citra, Two Sicilies5842

4.Fortunata Catterina Vincenzo-92475843,5848  FEMALE
 BIRTH25 June 1815Castelluccia, Principato Citra, Two Sicilies5843
MARRIAGE8 June 1836Giovanni Antonio Giuseppe Gatto-9248; Santo Cono, Castelluccia, Principato Citra, Two Sicilies5848,5854

5.Felice Luigi Vincenzo-116725846  MALE
 BIRTH9 September 1818Castelluccia, Principato Citra, Two Sicilies5846
CHR10 September 1818Santo Cono, Castelluccia, Principato Citra, Two Sicilies5846
DEATH28 July 1823"nella casa di suo padre", Castelluccia, Principato Citra, Two Sicilies5855

6.Grabiele Vincenzo-121175844  MALE
 BIRTHcalculated 1820 5844
DEATH26 July 1822Castelluccia, Principato Citra, Two Sicilies5844

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