A simple website for sophisticated genealogists. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Wiltshire Ramsbury Use this website at your own risk. There is no warranty. A lot of old material was deleted on 9 June 2022 because the GEDCOM files hosted elsewhere were gone from those other websites. More material is gradually being added as I find GEDCOM files. |
Adams, Charlotte …born ABT 1793 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Charlotte Adams. Adams, Charlotte …married William Lovelock 13 Oct 2006 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Adams, Charlotte. Adams, Charlotte …married William Lovelock 21 Jul 2004 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Adams, Charlotte. Adams, Charlotte …married William Lovelock 30 MAY 2017 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Adams, Charlotte. Adams, Thomas …married Elizabeth Lovelock 15 NOV 1773 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Adams, Thomas. Adams, Thomas …married Elizabeth Lovelock 21 Jul 2004 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Adams, Thomas. Axford, Ann EVENT: CH 15 JUL 1750 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Ann Axford. Axford, Mary …born 19 NOV 1747 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Mary Axford. Axford, Mary EVENT: CH 9 DEC 1744 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Mary Axford. Axford, Mary …married John Macklin 9 JUN 1771 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Axford, Mary. Axford, Samuel …married Mary Liddiard 23 APR 1740 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Axford, Samuel. Axford, Sarah EVENT: BUR 19 JUN 1772 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Sarah Axford. Axford, Sarah EVENT: CH 1 NOV 1741 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Sarah Axford. Baber, Harry …died 18 JAN 1892 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Hungerford, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Harry Baber. Baber, Harry Hutchinson EVENT: CEN 3 APR 1881 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Hungerford, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Harry Hutchinson Baber. Baber, Sarah Elizabeth …died BET APR 1875 AND JUN 1875 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Hungerford, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Sarah Elizabeth Baber. Barnard, Ann …born 1813 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Ann Barnard. Barnard, Charles …born 31 Jan 1850 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Charles Barnard. Barnard, Charles …died 23 Dec 1928 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Charles Barnard. Barnard, Charles EVENT: BUR Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Charles Barnard. Barnard, Charles EVENT: CH 20 Apr 1851 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Charles Barnard. Barnard, Edith …born 10 Jan 1883 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Edith Barnard. Barnard, Elizabeth …born 1820 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Elizabeth Barnard. Barnard, Fannie Louise …born 1854 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Fannie Louise Barnard. Barnard, Fannie Louise EVENT: BUR 7 Mar 1863 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Fannie Louise Barnard. Barnard, Fannie Louise EVENT: CH 9 Dec 1855 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Fannie Louise Barnard. Barnard, Fanny Louisa …born 27 Nov 1872 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Fanny Louisa Barnard. Barnard, Francis Albert …born 26 Aug 1858 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Francis Albert Barnard. Barnard, Francis Albert EVENT: CH 18 Aug 1859 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Francis Albert Barnard. Barnard, Henry James …born 16 Jun 1852 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Henry James Barnard. Barnard, Henry James EVENT: CH 10 Jul 1853 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Henry James Barnard. Barnard, Henry James …married Erma Marchant 21 Sep 1872 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Barnard, Henry James. Barnard, Hilda …born 31 Jan 1885 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Hilda Barnard. Barnard, Jane …born 1856 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Jane Barnard. Barnard, Jane EVENT: BUR 27 Feb 1863 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Jane Barnard. Barnard, Jane EVENT: CH 26 Jul 1857 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Jane Barnard. Barnard, John Edward …born 12 Nov 1846 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for John Edward Barnard. Barnard, John Edward …died 4 Mar 1898 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for John Edward Barnard. Barnard, John Edward EVENT: CH 12 Nov 1846 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for John Edward Barnard. Barnard, Marie …born 1819 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Marie Barnard. Barnard, Mary Ann …died 22 Apr 1842 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Mary Ann Barnard. Barnard, Mary Ann EVENT: BUR Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Mary Ann Barnard. Barnard, Mary Ann EVENT: CH 30 Jan 1842 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Mary Ann Barnard. Barnard, Mary Jane …born 18 Dec 1880 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Mary Jane Barnard. Barnard, Maud Elizabeth …born 28 Jun 1892 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Maud Elizabeth Barnard. Barnard, Sarah Ann …born 1 Nov 1844 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Sarah Ann Barnard. Barnard, Sarah Ann EVENT: CH 24 Nov 1844 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Sarah Ann Barnard. Barnard, Sarah Ann …married Hanceel Chipps 12 Mar 1867 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Barnard, Sarah Ann. Barnard, Thomas …born 1815 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Thomas Barnard. Barnard, Thomas …born 31 Dec 1848 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Thomas Barnard. Barnard, Thomas EVENT: CH 24 Feb 1849 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Thomas Barnard. Barnard, Walter …born 1860 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Walter Barnard. Barnard, Walter …died 20 Mar 1862 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Walter Barnard. Barnard, Walter EVENT: BUR 20 Mar 1862 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Walter Barnard. Barnard, Walter EVENT: CH 27 Oct 1861 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Walter Barnard. Barnard, William …born 9 Jan 1821 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for William Barnard. Barnard, William EVENT: CH 9 Feb 1823 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for William Barnard. Barnard, William …married Louisa Hobbs 24 Oct 1841 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Barnard, William. Barnard, William Charles …born 2 May 1879 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for William Charles Barnard. Barnard, William Hobbs …born 19 Mar 1842 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for William Hobbs Barnard. Barnard, William Hobbs EVENT: CH 9 Apr 1843 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for William Hobbs Barnard. BAYLY, Michael …married Eliz COLEMAN 25 MAR 1744 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for BAYLY, Michael. BAYLY, Michael …married Elizabeth COLEMAN 23 MAR 1743 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for BAYLY, Michael. Beaufort, Margaret …married Richard Darell 30 Nov 2006 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Littlecote Park, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Beaufort, Margaret. Beaufort, Margaret (Darell) …married Humphrey Stafford BEF 22 MAY 1455 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury,Wilts,ENG Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Beaufort, Margaret (Darell). Bishop, Ahab …married Martha Plumb 15 JAN 1809 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Bishop, Ahab. Bishop, Ahab …married Martha Plumb 21 Jul 2004 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Bishop, Ahab. BLAGRAVE, James …married Jane COLEMAN 27 MAR 1758 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for BLAGRAVE, James. BRAXTONE, Ann …married Thomas COLEMAN 22 JUN 1787 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for BRAXTONE, Ann. CANNINGS, James …married Mary Anne COLEMAN 11 DEC 1819 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for CANNINGS, James. CHEESMOND, John …married Mary COLMAN 20 JUL 1683 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for CHEESMOND, John. Chipps, Hanceel …born ABT 1841 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Hanceel Chipps. Chipps, Hanceel …married Sarah Ann Barnard 12 Mar 1867 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Chipps, Hanceel. Claridge, …born ABT 1816 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Claridge. COLEMAN, Anne EVENT: CH 5 AUG 1740 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Anne COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Anne …married Charles LIDDIARD 9 DEC 1794 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for COLEMAN, Anne. COLEMAN, Anne …married George COOPER 4 DEC 1776 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for COLEMAN, Anne. COLEMAN, Benjamin EVENT: CH 6 FEB 1814 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Benjamin COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Clara EVENT: CH 22 APR 1838 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Clara COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Edward EVENT: CH 18 JAN 1707 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Edward COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Edward EVENT: CH 19 JUN 1733 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Edward COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Edward EVENT: CH 29 SEP 1700 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Edward COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Edward EVENT: CH 8 MAR 1701 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Edward COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Edward …married Mary KING 16 SEP 1706 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for COLEMAN, Edward. COLEMAN, Elinor EVENT: CH 27 DEC 1574 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Elinor COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Eliz EVENT: CH 8 DEC 1695 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Eliz COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Eliz EVENT: CH 9 OCT 1692 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Eliz COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Eliz …married Michael BAYLY 25 MAR 1744 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for COLEMAN, Eliz. COLEMAN, Eliza EVENT: CH 19 OCT 1823 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Eliza COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Elizabeth EVENT: CH 21 SEP 1719 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Elizabeth COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Elizabeth EVENT: CH 4 MAY 1817 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Elizabeth COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Elizabeth …married John ORCHARD 28 JAN 1717 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for COLEMAN, Elizabeth. COLEMAN, Elizabeth …married John ORCHARD 29 JAN 1717 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for COLEMAN, Elizabeth. COLEMAN, Elizabeth …married Michael BAYLY 23 MAR 1743 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for COLEMAN, Elizabeth. COLEMAN, Eliz. Tharps EVENT: CH 13 APR 1766 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Eliz. Tharps COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Geo. EVENT: CH 1 NOV 1807 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Geo. COLEMAN. COLEMAN, George EVENT: CH 7 MAR 1790 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for George COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Hannah …born 1817 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Hannah COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Hannah EVENT: CH 24 DEC 1815 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Hannah COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Hannah …married Stephen MARTIN 1 AUG 1841 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for COLEMAN, Hannah. COLEMAN, Jane EVENT: CH 1 DEC 1728 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Jane COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Jane EVENT: CH 10 FEB 1788 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Jane COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Jane EVENT: CH 13 SEP 1730 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Jane COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Jane EVENT: CH 21 OCT 1753 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Jane COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Jane …married James BLAGRAVE 27 MAR 1758 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for COLEMAN, Jane. COLEMAN, Jane …married John CROFT 2 MAY 1803 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for COLEMAN, Jane. COLEMAN, Jane …married John NEWMAN 2 FEB 1806 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for COLEMAN, Jane. COLEMAN, John EVENT: CH 14 APR 1738 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for John COLEMAN. COLEMAN, John EVENT: CH 14 FEB 1836 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for John COLEMAN. COLEMAN, John EVENT: CH 23 NOV 1729 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for John COLEMAN. COLEMAN, John EVENT: CH 6 JUL 1707 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for John COLEMAN. COLEMAN, John EVENT: CH 7 APR 1811 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for John COLEMAN. COLEMAN, John EVENT: CH 7 JUN 1841 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for John COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Jonas …married HEYWOOD 14 MAY 1832 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for COLEMAN, Jonas. COLEMAN, Martha EVENT: CH 10 JAN 1819 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Martha COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Martha EVENT: CH 15 JAN 1764 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Martha COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Martha EVENT: CH 25 JAN 1764 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Martha COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Mary EVENT: CH 16 JUN 1833 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Mary COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Mary EVENT: CH 20 MAR 1704 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Mary COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Mary EVENT: CH 22 MAY 1726 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Mary COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Mary EVENT: CH 27 MAR 1704 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Mary COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Mary EVENT: CH 30 MAY 1756 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Mary COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Mary …married Thomas HAYES 15 MAY 1852 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for COLEMAN, Mary. COLEMAN, Mary Ann EVENT: CH 8 FEB 1795 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Mary Ann COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Mary Anne …married James CANNINGS 11 DEC 1819 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for COLEMAN, Mary Anne. COLEMAN, Sarah EVENT: CH 13 JUL 1760 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Sarah COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Sarah …married Isaac MARSHAL OR MARSHALL 8 SEP 1783 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for COLEMAN, Sarah. COLEMAN, Stephen EVENT: CH 11 AUG 1793 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Stephen COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Stephen EVENT: CH 26 NOV 1721 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Stephen COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Stephen EVENT: CH 5 JUL 1690 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Stephen COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Stephen EVENT: CH 5 JUL 1691 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Stephen COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Stephen …married Eliz HIND 20 SEP 1690 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for COLEMAN, Stephen. COLEMAN, Stephen …married Jane ELLOWAY 12 JAN 1718 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for COLEMAN, Stephen. COLEMAN, Steven EVENT: CH 17 JAN 1575 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Steven COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Thomas EVENT: CH 28 APR 1698 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Thomas COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Thomas …married Ann BRAXTONE 22 JUN 1787 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for COLEMAN, Thomas. COLEMAN, Thomas …married Mary LAY 29 JUL 1753 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for COLEMAN, Thomas. COLEMAN, Thos EVENT: CH 2 APR 1698 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Thos COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Thos EVENT: CH 8 DEC 1723 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Thos COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Thos EVENT: CH 8 OCT 1693 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Thos COLEMAN. COLEMAN, William EVENT: CH 14 SEP 1777 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for William COLEMAN. COLEMAN, William EVENT: CH 7 JUN 1841 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for William COLEMAN. COLEMAN, William …married Hannah HOLLICK 15 JAN 1811 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for COLEMAN, William. COLEMAN, Wm EVENT: CH 1 JUN 1735 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Wm COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Wm EVENT: CH 27 DEC 1812 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Wm COLEMAN. COLEMAN, Wm …married Hannah HOLICH 15 JAN 1811 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for COLEMAN, Wm. COLLMAN, Stephen EVENT: CH 1 APR 1718 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Stephen COLLMAN. COLMAN, Edward EVENT: CH SEP 1606 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Edward COLMAN. COLMAN, Elnor …married William WILLIS 22 OCT 1621 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for COLMAN, Elnor. COLMAN, John EVENT: CH SEP 1606 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for John COLMAN. COLMAN, Jone …married William FRYE 22 SEP 1623 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for COLMAN, Jone. COLMAN, Mary EVENT: CH 7 APR 1639 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Mary COLMAN. COLMAN, Mary …married John CHEESMOND 20 JUL 1683 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for COLMAN, Mary. COLMAN, Thomas …married Sibill TUCKE 13 NOV 1636 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for COLMAN, Thomas. COOPER, George …married Anne COLEMAN 4 DEC 1776 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for COOPER, George. COULMAN, Elizabeth EVENT: CH 17 DEC 1595 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Elizabeth COULMAN. COULMAN, Margaret EVENT: CH 12 JAN 1595 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Margaret COULMAN. CROFT, John …married Jane COLEMAN 2 MAY 1803 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for CROFT, John. Darell, Alexander …born ABT 1422 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: , Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Alexander Darell. Darell, Constantine …born ABT 1427 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: , Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Constantine Darell. Darell, Elizabeth …born ABT 1420 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: , Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Elizabeth Darell. Darell, George …born ABT 1419 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Of, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for George Darell. DARELL, Jane …born ABT 1490 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: , Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Jane DARELL. Darell, Jane …born ABT 1421 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: , Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Jane Darell. Darell, Jane …born ABT 1490 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Jane Darell. Darell, John …born ABT 1496 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for John Darell. Darell, Richard …born ABT 1429 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Of Littlecote Massachusetts, Ramsbury, Wilts, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Richard Darell. Darell, Richard …married Margaret Beaufort 30 Nov 2006 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Littlecote Park, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Darell, Richard. Darell, Thomas …born ABT 1423 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: , Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Thomas Darell. ELLOWAY, Jane …married Stephen COLEMAN 12 JAN 1718 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for ELLOWAY, Jane. Faithfull, Mary …married Jehosophat Kimber 24 AUG 2019 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Faithfull, Mary. Fisher, James …married Elizabeth Lovelock 13 Oct 2006 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Fisher, James. Fisher, James …married Elizabeth Lovelock 21 Jul 2004 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Fisher, James. FRYE, William …married Jone COLMAN 22 SEP 1623 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for FRYE, William. Gibbs, Sarah Frances …died 22 JAN 1936 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Sarah Frances Gibbs. Goshland, James …born ABT 1810 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for James Goshland. Griffin, William …married Mary Anne Lovelock 12 DEC 1857 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Griffin, William. Griffin, William …married Mary Anne Lovelock 21 Jul 2004 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Griffin, William. Hawkins, John Cunningham Calland Bennett Popkin EVENT: EVE Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Holy Cross, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for John Cunningham Calland Bennett Popkin Hawkins. HAYES, Thomas …married Mary COLEMAN 15 MAY 1852 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for HAYES, Thomas. HEYWOOD …married Jonas COLEMAN 14 MAY 1832 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for HEYWOOD. HIND, Eliz …married Stephen COLEMAN 20 SEP 1690 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for HIND, Eliz. Hoar, Mary …married William King 25 OCT 1762 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Hoar, Mary. Hobbs, Louisa …born 30 Jun 1820 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Louisa Hobbs. Hobbs, Louisa EVENT: CH 2 Jul 1820 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Louisa Hobbs. Hobbs, Louisa …married William Barnard 24 Oct 1841 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Hobbs, Louisa. HODDINOTT, Francis ("Frank") EVENT: BUR Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Francis ("Frank") HODDINOTT. HOLICH, Hannah …married Wm COLEMAN 15 JAN 1811 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for HOLICH, Hannah. HOLLICK, Hannah …married William COLEMAN 15 JAN 1811 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for HOLLICK, Hannah. Hutchins, John …married Mary Lovelock 21 Jul 2004 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Hutchins, John. Hutchins, John …married Mary Lovelock 25 MAY 1778 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Hutchins, John. Keat, Samuel …married Elizabeth Lovelock 21 Jul 2004 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Keat, Samuel. Keat, Samuel …married Elizabeth Lovelock 3 MAY 1744 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Keat, Samuel. Kimber, Jehosophat …married Mary Faithfull 24 AUG 2019 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Kimber, Jehosophat. Kimber, Joseph …married Sophia Lovelock 21 Jul 2004 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Kimber, Joseph. Kimber, Joseph …married Sophia Lovelock 3 DEC 1855 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Kimber, Joseph. KING, Mary …married Edward COLEMAN 16 SEP 1706 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for KING, Mary. King, William …married Mary Hoar 25 OCT 1762 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for King, William. King, William …married Mary Unknown 5 Sep 1999 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for King, William. LAY, Mary …married Thomas COLEMAN 29 JUL 1753 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for LAY, Mary. LIDDIARD, Charles …married Anne COLEMAN 9 DEC 1794 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for LIDDIARD, Charles. Liddiard, Mary …married Samuel Axford 23 APR 1740 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Liddiard, Mary. Lovelock, Abraham EVENT: CH 22 JUN 1664 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Abraham Lovelock. Lovelock, Anne EVENT: CH 23 NOV 1679 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Anne Lovelock. Lovelock, Anne EVENT: CH 23 Nov 1679 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Anne Lovelock. Lovelock, Anne EVENT: CH 3 Mar 1754 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Anne Lovelock. Lovelock, Anne EVENT: CH 3 Mar 1754 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Anne Lovelock. Lovelock, Benjamin EVENT: BUR 17 SEP 1748 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Benjamin Lovelock. Lovelock, Benjamin EVENT: BUR 17 Sep 1748 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Benjamin Lovelock. Lovelock, Benjamin EVENT: CH 31 MAR 1744 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Benjamin Lovelock. Lovelock, Benjamin EVENT: CH 31 Mar 1744 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Benjamin Lovelock. Lovelock, Edwin EVENT: CH 8 NOV 1829 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Edwin Lovelock. Lovelock, Edwin EVENT: CH 8 Nov 1829 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Edwin Lovelock. Lovelock, Elizabeth EVENT: BUR 18 MAY 1680 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Elizabeth Lovelock. Lovelock, Elizabeth EVENT: BUR 18 May 1680 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Elizabeth Lovelock. Lovelock, Elizabeth EVENT: CH 1 JUN 1752 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Elizabeth Lovelock. Lovelock, Elizabeth EVENT: CH 1 Jun 1752 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Elizabeth Lovelock. Lovelock, Elizabeth EVENT: CH 16 AUG 1674 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Elizabeth Lovelock. Lovelock, Elizabeth EVENT: CH 21 Mar 1824 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Elizabeth Lovelock. Lovelock, Elizabeth EVENT: CH 21 Mar 1824 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Elizabeth Lovelock. Lovelock, Elizabeth EVENT: CH 8 JAN 1698 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Elizabeth Lovelock. Lovelock, Elizabeth EVENT: CH 8 Jan 1698 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Elizabeth Lovelock. Lovelock, Elizabeth EVENT: OCC 31 Jan 1853 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Elizabeth Lovelock. Lovelock, Elizabeth EVENT: OCC 31 Jan 1853 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Elizabeth Lovelock. Lovelock, Elizabeth …married James Fisher 13 Oct 2006 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Lovelock, Elizabeth. Lovelock, Elizabeth …married James Fisher 21 Jul 2004 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Lovelock, Elizabeth. Lovelock, Elizabeth …married Samuel Keat 21 Jul 2004 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Lovelock, Elizabeth. Lovelock, Elizabeth …married Samuel Keat 3 MAY 1744 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Lovelock, Elizabeth. Lovelock, Elizabeth …married Thomas Adams 15 NOV 1773 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Lovelock, Elizabeth. Lovelock, Elizabeth …married Thomas Adams 21 Jul 2004 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Lovelock, Elizabeth. Lovelock, Francis …born ABT 1843 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Francis Lovelock. Lovelock, Francis …born Abt 1843 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Francis Lovelock. Lovelock, Francis EVENT: CH 21 DEC 1817 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Francis Lovelock. Lovelock, Francis EVENT: CH 21 Dec 1817 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Francis Lovelock. Lovelock, George EVENT: CH 17 Jun 1787 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for George Lovelock. Lovelock, George EVENT: CH 17 Jun 1787 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for George Lovelock. Lovelock, James …born ABT AUG 1818 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for James Lovelock. Lovelock, James …born Abt Aug 1818 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for James Lovelock. Lovelock, James EVENT: BUR 1761 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for James Lovelock. Lovelock, James EVENT: BUR 1761 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for James Lovelock. Lovelock, James EVENT: BUR 6 SEP 1818 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for James Lovelock. Lovelock, James EVENT: BUR 6 Sep 1818 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for James Lovelock. Lovelock, James EVENT: CH 10 NOV 1822 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for James Lovelock. Lovelock, James EVENT: CH 10 Nov 1822 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for James Lovelock. Lovelock, James EVENT: CH 5 FEB 1776 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for James Lovelock. Lovelock, James EVENT: CH 5 Feb 1776 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for James Lovelock. Lovelock, James EVENT: CH 6 FEB 1785 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for James Lovelock. Lovelock, James EVENT: CH 6 Feb 1785 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for James Lovelock. Lovelock, James EVENT: CH 8 JAN 1737 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for James Lovelock. Lovelock, James EVENT: CH 8 Jan 1737 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for James Lovelock. Lovelock, Jane …married Simon Neale 18 JAN 1684 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Lovelock, Jane. Lovelock, Jane …married Simon Neale 21 Jul 2004 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Lovelock, Jane. Lovelock, John …born Abt Oct 1822 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for John Lovelock. Lovelock, John EVENT: BUR 10 Apr 1823 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for John Lovelock. Lovelock, John EVENT: BUR 14 FEB 1793 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for John Lovelock. Lovelock, John EVENT: BUR 14 Feb 1793 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for John Lovelock. Lovelock, John EVENT: BUR 16 Feb 1773 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for John Lovelock. Lovelock, John EVENT: BUR 16 Feb 1773 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for John Lovelock. Lovelock, John EVENT: BUR 16 Feb 1790 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for John Lovelock. Lovelock, John EVENT: BUR 16 Feb 1790 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for John Lovelock. Lovelock, John EVENT: BUR 29 Feb 1756 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for John Lovelock. Lovelock, John EVENT: BUR 29 Feb 1756 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for John Lovelock. Lovelock, John EVENT: CH 16 May 1779 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for John Lovelock. Lovelock, John EVENT: CH 16 May 1779 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for John Lovelock. Lovelock, John EVENT: CH 16 SEP 1781 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for John Lovelock. Lovelock, John EVENT: CH 16 Sep 1781 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for John Lovelock. Lovelock, John EVENT: CH 21 OCT 1739 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for John Lovelock. Lovelock, John EVENT: CH 21 Oct 1739 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for John Lovelock. Lovelock, John EVENT: CH 26 Feb 1756 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for John Lovelock. Lovelock, John EVENT: CH 26 Feb 1756 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for John Lovelock. Lovelock, John EVENT: CH 31 Jan 1773 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for John Lovelock. Lovelock, John EVENT: CH 31 Jan 1773 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for John Lovelock. Lovelock, John EVENT: CH 9 OCT 1707 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for John Lovelock. Lovelock, John EVENT: CH 9 Oct 1707 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for John Lovelock. Lovelock, Margery EVENT: CH 8 NOV 1696 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Margery Lovelock. Lovelock, Margery EVENT: CH 8 Nov 1696 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Margery Lovelock. Lovelock, Margery …married Richard Stephens 10 OCT 1721 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Lovelock, Margery. Lovelock, Margery …married Richard Stephens 21 Jul 2004 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Lovelock, Margery. Lovelock, Martha EVENT: BUR 10 MAR 1816 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Martha Lovelock. Lovelock, Martha EVENT: BUR 10 Mar 1816 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Martha Lovelock. Lovelock, Martha EVENT: CH 12 JAN 1794 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Martha Lovelock. Lovelock, Martha EVENT: CH 12 Jan 1794 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Martha Lovelock. Lovelock, Mary EVENT: BUR 29 JAN 1704 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Mary Lovelock. Lovelock, Mary EVENT: BUR 29 Jan 1704 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Mary Lovelock. Lovelock, Mary EVENT: BUR 30 JUN 1806 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Mary Lovelock. Lovelock, Mary EVENT: BUR 30 Jun 1806 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Mary Lovelock. Lovelock, Mary EVENT: CH 29 MAR 1702 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Mary Lovelock. Lovelock, Mary EVENT: CH 29 Mar 1702 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Mary Lovelock. Lovelock, Mary EVENT: CH 31 MAR 1754 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Mary Lovelock. Lovelock, Mary EVENT: CH 31 Mar 1754 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Mary Lovelock. Lovelock, Mary EVENT: CH 8 OCT 1786 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Mary Lovelock. Lovelock, Mary EVENT: CH 8 Oct 1786 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Mary Lovelock. Lovelock, Mary …married John Hutchins 21 Jul 2004 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Lovelock, Mary. Lovelock, Mary …married John Hutchins 25 MAY 1778 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Lovelock, Mary. Lovelock, Mary Anne EVENT: CH 8 DEC 1833 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Mary Anne Lovelock. Lovelock, Mary Anne EVENT: CH 8 Dec 1833 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Mary Anne Lovelock. Lovelock, Mary Anne EVENT: OCC 12 Dec 1857 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Mary Anne Lovelock. Lovelock, Mary Anne …married William Griffin 12 DEC 1857 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Lovelock, Mary Anne. Lovelock, Mary Anne …married William Griffin 21 Jul 2004 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Lovelock, Mary Anne. Lovelock, Phebe EVENT: CH 21 JAN 1786 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Phebe Lovelock. Lovelock, Phebe EVENT: CH 21 Jan 1786 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Phebe Lovelock. Lovelock, Richard …died 1677 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Richard Lovelock. Lovelock, Richard EVENT: BUR 25 NOV 1677 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Richard Lovelock. Lovelock, Richard EVENT: CH 06 AUG 1676 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Richard Lovelock. Lovelock, Robert EVENT: CH 6 Jun 1784 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Robert Lovelock. Lovelock, Robert EVENT: CH 6 Jun 1784 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Robert Lovelock. Lovelock, Sarah EVENT: BUR 6 APR 1744 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Sarah Lovelock. Lovelock, Sarah EVENT: BUR 6 Apr 1744 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Sarah Lovelock. Lovelock, Sarah EVENT: CH 14 AUG 1748 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Sarah Lovelock. Lovelock, Sarah EVENT: CH 14 Aug 1748 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Sarah Lovelock. Lovelock, Sarah EVENT: CH 19 DEC 1773 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Sarah Lovelock. Lovelock, Sarah EVENT: CH 19 Dec 1773 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Sarah Lovelock. Lovelock, Sarah EVENT: CH 31 MAR 1744 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Sarah Lovelock. Lovelock, Sarah EVENT: CH 31 Mar 1744 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Sarah Lovelock. Lovelock, Sarah …married William Mannings 18 OCT 1796 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Lovelock, Sarah. Lovelock, Sarah …married William Mannings 21 Jul 2004 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Lovelock, Sarah. Lovelock, Sophia EVENT: CH 28 JAN 1789 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Sophia Lovelock. Lovelock, Sophia EVENT: CH 28 Jan 1789 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Sophia Lovelock. Lovelock, Sophia EVENT: OCC 3 Dec 1855 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Sophia Lovelock. Lovelock, Sophia …married Joseph Kimber 21 Jul 2004 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Lovelock, Sophia. Lovelock, Sophia …married Joseph Kimber 3 DEC 1855 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Lovelock, Sophia. Lovelock, Stephen EVENT: CH 23 Oct 1774 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Stephen Lovelock. Lovelock, Stephen EVENT: CH 23 Oct 1774 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Stephen Lovelock. Lovelock, Susannah EVENT: CH 28 APR 1665 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Susannah Lovelock. Lovelock, Thomas EVENT: BUR 19 JAN 1695 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Thomas Lovelock. Lovelock, Thomas EVENT: BUR 19 Jan 1695 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Thomas Lovelock. Lovelock, Thomas EVENT: BUR 23 NOV 1707 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Thomas Lovelock. Lovelock, Thomas EVENT: BUR 23 Nov 1707 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Thomas Lovelock. Lovelock, Thomas EVENT: CH 21 JUL 1704 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Thomas Lovelock. Lovelock, Thomas EVENT: CH 21 Jul 1704 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Thomas Lovelock. Lovelock, Thomas EVENT: CH 29 Jul 1781 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Thomas Lovelock. Lovelock, Thomas EVENT: CH 29 Jul 1781 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Thomas Lovelock. Lovelock, Thomas EVENT: CH 9 JUL 1780 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Thomas Lovelock. Lovelock, Thomas EVENT: CH 9 Jul 1780 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Thomas Lovelock. Lovelock, Thomas EVENT: OCC 31 Jan 1853 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Thomas Lovelock. Lovelock, Thomas EVENT: OCC 31 Jan 1853 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Thomas Lovelock. Lovelock, Thomas EVENT: OCCU 29 MAR 1702 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Thomas Lovelock. Lovelock, Thomas EVENT: OCCU 29 Mar 1702 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Thomas Lovelock. Lovelock, Thomas …married Joan Plomer 21 Jul 2004 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Lovelock, Thomas. Lovelock, Thomas …married Joan Plomer 30 SEP 1694 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Lovelock, Thomas. Lovelock, Thomas …married Mary Unknown 13 Oct 2006 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Lovelock, Thomas. Lovelock, Thomas …married Mary Unknown 7 Dec 2005 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Lovelock, Thomas. Lovelock, Unknown EVENT: BUR 8 FEB 1679 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Unknown Lovelock. Lovelock, Unknown EVENT: BUR 8 Feb 1679 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Unknown Lovelock. Lovelock, William EVENT: BUR 11 AUG 1682 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for William Lovelock. Lovelock, William EVENT: BUR 11 Aug 1682 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for William Lovelock. Lovelock, William EVENT: BUR 13 DEC 1844 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for William Lovelock. Lovelock, William EVENT: BUR 13 Dec 1844 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for William Lovelock. Lovelock, William EVENT: BUR 29 MAY 1834 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for William Lovelock. Lovelock, William EVENT: BUR 29 May 1834 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for William Lovelock. Lovelock, William EVENT: CH 13 JUN 1756 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for William Lovelock. Lovelock, William EVENT: CH 13 Jun 1756 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for William Lovelock. Lovelock, William EVENT: CH 27 NOV 1791 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for William Lovelock. Lovelock, William EVENT: CH 27 Nov 1791 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for William Lovelock. Lovelock, William EVENT: CH 5 JAN 1783 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for William Lovelock. Lovelock, William EVENT: CH 5 Jan 1783 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for William Lovelock. Lovelock, William EVENT: OCC 3 Dec 1855 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for William Lovelock. Lovelock, William …married Charlotte Adams 13 Oct 2006 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Lovelock, William. Lovelock, William …married Charlotte Adams 21 Jul 2004 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Lovelock, William. Lovelock, William …married Charlotte Adams 30 MAY 2017 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Lovelock, William. Lovelock, William …married Martha Plumb 21 Jul 2004 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Lovelock, William. Lovelock, William …married Martha Plumb 22 APR 1781 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Lovelock, William. Lovelock, William …married Mary Williams 23 DEC 1811 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Lovelock, William. Lovelock, William …married Mary Williams 7 Dec 2005 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Lovelock, William. Macklin, John EVENT: CH 8 JAN 1775 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for John Macklin. Macklin, John …married Mary Axford 9 JUN 1771 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Macklin, John. Macklin, William …born 23 AUG 1772 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for William Macklin. Mannings, William …married Sarah Lovelock 18 OCT 1796 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Mannings, William. Mannings, William …married Sarah Lovelock 21 Jul 2004 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Mannings, William. Marchant, Erma …married Henry James Barnard 21 Sep 1872 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Marchant, Erma. MARSHALL, Ann EVENT: CH 11 SEP 1785 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Ann MARSHALL. MARSHALL, Sarah EVENT: CH 11 SEP 1785 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Sarah MARSHALL. MARSHALL, William EVENT: CH 3 APR 1802 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for William MARSHALL. Marshall, William …born ABT 1845 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for William Marshall. MARSHAL OR MARSHALL, Isaac …married Sarah COLEMAN 8 SEP 1783 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for MARSHAL OR MARSHALL, Isaac. MARTIN, Stephen …married Hannah COLEMAN 1 AUG 1841 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for MARTIN, Stephen. MENDENHALL, Aaron …born 14 JUL 1669 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Mildenhall, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Aaron MENDENHALL. MENDENHALL, George …born 21 MAR 1663 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Mildenhall, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for George MENDENHALL. MENDENHALL, Jane …born ABT 1622 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Mildenhall, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Jane MENDENHALL. MENDENHALL, Jane …born ABT 1632 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Marridge Hill, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Jane MENDENHALL. MENDENHALL, Joane …born 1657 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Mildenhall, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Joane MENDENHALL. Mendenhall, John …born 30 Aug 1659 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Mildenhall, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for John Mendenhall. MENDENHALL, Margery …born 1658 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Mildenhall, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Margery MENDENHALL. MENDENHALL, Marjorie …born 1667 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Mildenhall, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Marjorie MENDENHALL. MENDENHALL, Mary …born 1662 OR 1663 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Mildenhall, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Mary MENDENHALL. MENDENHALL, Thomas …born 1656 OR 1657 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Mildenhall, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Thomas MENDENHALL. MENDENHALL, Thomas …born 24 DEC 1609 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Marridge Hill, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Thomas MENDENHALL. Mendenhall, Thomas …born 1630 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Mildenhall, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Thomas Mendenhall. Mendenhall, Thomas EVENT: BUR 30 JUN 1682 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Mildenhall, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Thomas Mendenhall. Mendenhall, Thomas …married Joane STRODE 12 AUG 1649 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Marridge Hill, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, Eng Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Mendenhall, Thomas. MILDENHALL, Benjamin (Mendenhall) …born 14 FEB 1662 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Mildenhall, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Benjamin (Mendenhall) MILDENHALL. MILDENHALL, John (Mendenhall) …born 30 AUG 1659 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Mildenhall, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for John (Mendenhall) MILDENHALL. MILDENHALL, Moses (Mendenhall) …born 24 NOV 1666 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Mildenhall, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Moses (Mendenhall) MILDENHALL. MILDENHALL, Moses (Mendenhall) …died 21 JUL 1739 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Mildenhall, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Moses (Mendenhall) MILDENHALL. MILDENHALL, Stephen (Mendenhall) …born 21 AUG 1664 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Mildenhall, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Stephen (Mendenhall) MILDENHALL. Neale, Simon …married Jane Lovelock 18 JAN 1684 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Neale, Simon. Neale, Simon …married Jane Lovelock 21 Jul 2004 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Neale, Simon. NEWMAN, John …married Jane COLEMAN 2 FEB 1806 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for NEWMAN, John. ORCHARD, John …married Elizabeth COLEMAN 28 JAN 1717 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for ORCHARD, John. ORCHARD, John …married Elizabeth COLEMAN 29 JAN 1717 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for ORCHARD, John. Pettit, Esther Ann …born ABT 1839 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Esther Ann Pettit. Plomer, Joan EVENT: BUR 20 SEP 1723 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Joan Plomer. Plomer, Joan EVENT: BUR 20 Sep 1723 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Joan Plomer. Plomer, Joan …married Thomas Lovelock 21 Jul 2004 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Plomer, Joan. Plomer, Joan …married Thomas Lovelock 30 SEP 1694 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Plomer, Joan. Plumb, Martha …married Ahab Bishop 15 JAN 1809 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Plumb, Martha. Plumb, Martha …married Ahab Bishop 21 Jul 2004 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Plumb, Martha. Plumb, Martha …married William Lovelock 21 Jul 2004 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Plumb, Martha. Plumb, Martha …married William Lovelock 22 APR 1781 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Plumb, Martha. Popham, Francis …born 1573 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Littlecott, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Francis Popham. Popham, Francis …died 1644 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Littlecott, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Francis Popham. Popham, Francis EVENT: EVE Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Littlecott, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Francis Popham. Rodwell, Sarah Frances …died BET OCT 1883 AND DEC 1883 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Hungerford, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Sarah Frances Rodwell. Russ, Henry …born ABT 1807 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Henry Russ. Stafford, Humphrey …married Margaret (Darell) Beaufort BEF 22 MAY 1455 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury,Wilts,ENG Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Stafford, Humphrey. Stanton, Elizabeth …born 25 Aug 1851 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Elizabeth Stanton. Stephens, Richard …married Margery Lovelock 10 OCT 1721 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Stephens, Richard. Stephens, Richard …married Margery Lovelock 21 Jul 2004 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Stephens, Richard. Stotter, Elizabeth …died 27 Apr 1881 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Elizabeth Stotter. STRODE, Joane …born 1623 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Mildenhall, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Joane STRODE. STRODE, Joane …married Thomas Mendenhall 12 AUG 1649 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Marridge Hill, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, Eng Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for STRODE, Joane. Talmage, James Joyce …born 3 Jun 1840 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, , England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for James Joyce Talmage. Touchet, George …born 1490 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for George Touchet. TUCKE, Sibill …married Thomas COLMAN 13 NOV 1636 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for TUCKE, Sibill. Unknown, Bridget EVENT: BUR 16 APR 1722 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Bridget Unknown. Unknown, Bridget EVENT: BUR 16 Apr 1722 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Bridget Unknown. Unknown, Mary …married Thomas Lovelock 13 Oct 2006 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Unknown, Mary. Unknown, Mary …married Thomas Lovelock 7 Dec 2005 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Unknown, Mary. Unknown, Mary …married William King 5 Sep 1999 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Unknown, Mary. Unknown, Susanna EVENT: BUR 26 JUL 1678 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Susanna Unknown. Unknown, Susanna EVENT: BUR 26 Jul 1678 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Susanna Unknown. White, Harriet …born ABT 1806 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Harriet White. Williams, Mary …married William Lovelock 23 DEC 1811 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Williams, Mary. Williams, Mary …married William Lovelock 7 Dec 2005 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for Williams, Mary. WILLIS, William …married Elnor COLMAN 22 OCT 1621 Place as shown in GEDCOM file: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Obtain the GEDCOM file in a new tab from that website (free). Open it in a new folder in your genealogy software. Then search ($) Archives for WILLIS, William. Total: 435 |
Help other researchers (your new cousins) find your work. Upload your GEDCOM file today to
Ancestry.com: Costs money. Provides lots of records. You can upload a GEDCOM file, but they jealously guard it and let other customers read pieces of material from it. They cannot download the GEDCOM file. Nobody else can correct or otherwise change your material. When you message new cousins, often they don’t know what a GEDCOM file is. FamilySearch.org: Free. Provides lots of records, and even more are available if you access the site from a Family History Center. You cannot upload a GEDCOM file, so you have to add each person individually. This is lots of work but it can help you catch blunders. Other users can change your material, and sometimes they get it wrong. GEDCOMlibrary.com and GENEALOGY.BIO: Free. Provide no records. Simple websites for sophisticated genealogists. These help researchers find each other through GEDCOM files. https://genealogy.bio/GEDCOM_Index indexes thousands of GEDCOM files (on other websites) by place name, helping you find the researcher working on the same ancestors. You will still need access to records to verify what is in those GEDCOM files. Upload your GEDCOM files today. Other websites: There are other websites that want your GEDCOM file but they also jealously guard it. They don’t let other people download the whole GEDCOM file. Accessibility shouldn’t be a problem unless you want royalties. REMEMBER! After you download a GEDCOM file, open it in a NEW FOLDER in your genealogy software! This site indexes thousands of different GEDCOM files found on other web sites. GEDCOM files are special genealogy files that can be imported into any genealogy software. Be sure to check Sorted By Name.com to find transcription projects where your ancestors are listed, even if you don’t yet know where they went. What you should know about GEDCOM files: CLICK HERE A note to beginners: This site only helps you find the evidence you need, and you still need to verify everything. Privacy policy |