First name: David |
First name: Laura |
Middle name: James |
Middle name: Christine |
Last name: McCabe |
Last name: Blaha |
Age: 25 |
Age: 23 |
Address: 344 So 18th Apt 9 |
Address: 344 So 18th Apt 9 |
Within city limits: Yes |
Within city limits: Yes |
City: Lincoln |
City: Lincoln |
State: NE |
State: NE |
ZIP Code: 68508 |
ZIP Code: 68508 |
County: Lancaster |
County: Lancaster |
Occupation: Student |
Occupation: Student |
Birthplace: Lincoln, Nebraska |
Birthplace: Omaha, Nebraska |
Birth date: 05 December 1964 |
Birth date: 27 April 1967 |
Father: James McCabe |
Father: William Blaha |
Fathers birth place: York, Nebraska |
Fathers birth place: Cicero, Illinois |
Mother: Linda Bornschlegl |
Mother: Emily Holt |
Mothers birth place: Geneva, Nebraska |
Mothers birth place: Minneapolis, Minnesota |
Number of marriage: First |
Number of marriage: First |
Completed high school: 12 |
Completed high school: 12 |
College: 5+ |
College: 2 |
Marriage ended why: |
Marriage ended why: |
Marriage end date: |
Marriage end date: |
Race: White |
Race: White |
Fee: Y |
Staff: mk |
Marriage date: 20 May 1990 |
License ID: 733 |