Geoffrey Quintin Siepker
— and —
Alison Woodburn

27 December 1991

Home Page

For further research see: Lincoln - Lancaster County Genealogical Society
Public information, by definition, is not private.

First name: Geoffrey First name: Alison
Middle name: Quintin Middle name:
Last name: Siepker Last name: Woodburn
Age: 21 Age: 20
Address: 712 So 31st Street Address: 26 Ings Road
Within city limits: Yes Within city limits: Yes
City: Lincoln City: Wilberfoss York England
State: NE State:
ZIP Code: 68510 ZIP Code: None
County: Lancaster County: N Yorks
Occupation: U S Marine Corps Occupation: Unemployed
Birthplace: Lincoln, Nebraska Birthplace: Newcastle Upon Tyne, England
Birth date: 02 November 1970 Birth date: 10 February 1971
Father: Gregory Siepker Father: Brian Woodburn
Father’s birth place: Omaha, Nebraska Father’s birth place: Whitavan, Cumbria, England
Mother: Sandy Rownd Mother: Joyce Elizabeth Harrihill
Mother’s birth place: Beatrice, Nebraska Mother’s birth place: Newcastle Upon Tyne, England
Number of marriage: First Number of marriage: First
Completed high school: 12 Completed high school: 12
College: College: 2
Marriage ended why: Marriage ended why:
Marriage end date: Marriage end date:
Race: White Race: White
Fee: Y
Staff: mk
Marriage date: 27 December 1991
License ID: 2014