A’an, or Avon, lake, S. Banffshire, among the Cairn¬ gorm mountains, 4½ mile long,, at alt. of 2250 ft.; it is the head-water of river Avon : which see.
Aasleagh, place, co. Mayo, 16 m. S. of Westport; P.O.
Abbas and Temple Combe, par., mid. Somerset, 4 miles S. of Wincanton sta., 1850 ac., pop. 590.
Abbenhall. See Abenhall.
Abberley, par. and seat, W. Worcestershire, 4 miles SW. of Stourport sta., 2636 ac., pop. 605; P.O.
Abbcrt, seat, 10 miles NE. of Athenry, co. Galway.
Abbertoft, hamlet, Willoughby par., mid. Lincoln¬ shire, 2 miles SE. of Alford.
Abberton.—par., E. Essex, on Roman road, 4 miles S. of Colchester, 1068 ac., pop. 244; P.O.—2. Abberton, par. and seat, E. Worcestershire, on river Piddle, 4 miles NE. of Pershore sta., 1001 ac., pop. 92.
Abbcrwich, township, Edlingham par., N.Northum¬ berland, on river Alne, 3 miles W. of Alnwick, 1680 ac., pop. 109.
Abbess Boding. See Abbots Roothing.
Abbethune, seat, 1 m. from Inverkeilor sta., Forfarsh.
Abbey.—par., in Malmesbury, Wilts, 27 ac., pop. 150.—2. Abbey, The, par., E. Carnarvonshire, 3 miles N. of Llanrwst, pop. 24.—3. Abbey, ry. sta. on Silloth Ry. at Abbey Town, W. Cumberland, 17 miles SW. of Carlisle.—41. Abbey, ry. sta., Norfolk, on Stoke Ferry branch of Great Eastern Ry.—5. Abbey, hamlet, St Dogmells par., Pembrokeshire.
Abbey.—vil. on NW. border of Clackmannanshire, Stirling and Logie par., on river Forth, 1¾ mile NE. of Stirling, pop. 217.—2. Ahhey, a precinct in Canongate par., Edinburgh, containing Holyrood Palace and Abbey, and including the Queen’s Park; the place has a pecu¬ liar notoriety as a legal “sanctuary” for insolvent debtors.—3. Abbey, quoad sacra par. on E. side of Edinburgh, adjacent to Abbeyhill sta., pop. 6952.—4. Abbey, vil., in co. and 1J mile E. of Haddington, on river Tyne; here stood a Cistercian nunnery (founded 1178), which was the meeting-place (1548) of the par¬ liament that arranged Queen Mary’s marriage with the Dauphin.—5. Abbey, quoad sacra par., in Arbroath town, Forfarshire, pop. 5119.—6. Abbey, par., NE. Renfrewshire, including part of Paisley, all Johnstone, and several neighbouring vils., 15,924 ac., pop. 34,393 ; contains collieries and ironstone mines, also pits of fire¬ clay and potters’ clay.
Abbey.—or Corcomroe Abbey, par., N. co. Clare, 2 miles S. of Burren and 11 miles NW. of Gort ry. sta., 4714 ac., pop. 663; contains the fine ruins of a Cister¬ cian abbey (12th century).—2. Abbey, par. and vil., cos. Waterford and Tipperary, 2 miles SW. of Clonmel sta., 9377 ac., pop. 1512; vil., pop. 117. The vil. stands within co. Tipperary.—3. Abbey, island, Kil- croham par., co. Kerry, 83 ac.—4. Abbey, place, E. co. Galway, 5 miles N. of Woodford ; P.O.
Abbey Burn, stream, S. Kirkcudbrightshire, flowing 6 miles S. to the Solway Firth, at harb. of Burnfoot.
Abbeycartron, place with school, Elphin par., co. Roscommon.
Abbey Craig, rocky eminence crowned by the Wal¬ lace Monument, Logie par., in co. and 4½ mile NE. of Stirling, alt. 362 ft. ; height of monument, 220 ft. |
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