Annandale, the mid. of the 3 divs. of Dumfries- shire, comprising the valley of the river Annan, about 30 miles long, and from 15 to 18 miles broad.
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Annamlale’s Beef Stand, or Tub, a singular abyss, in Moffat par., Dumfriesshire.
Annascalle, or Annaseaul, vil., Ballynacourty par., NW. co. Kerry, 11 miles E. of Dingle and 17 miles W. by S. of Tralee, pop. 239 ; P.O.
Annat, place with school, Kilchrennan par., Argyllsh.
Annatrmi, vil., Offerlane par., Queen’s co., on r. Nore.
Annbank, mining vil. with ry. sta., in N. of co. and
4 miles NE. of Ayr, pop. 1309; P.O.
Annefield, seat, S. co. Mayo, 8 miles S. of Clare- morris; P.O.
Anner. See Avontar.
Annery, seat, N. Devon, 3 miles NW. of Torrington.
Annesbrooke, seat, co. Meath, near Duleek.
Anne’s Grove, seat, co. Cork, near Castletownroche.
Anne’s Hill.—eminence, W. Surrey, near Chertsey. Here is St Anne’s House, once the seat of Charles James Fox.—2. Anne’s Hill, the highest summit of the Marlborough Downs, N. Wilts, 6 miles NE. of Devizes, alt. 1000 ft.
Anneslcy, par., hamlet, and seat, with ry. sta., N. Notts, 6J miles SW. of Mansfield, on border of Sher- wood Forest, 3125 ac., pop. 1445 ; P.O., T.O.
Annesley-Woodhouse, hamlet, Annesley par., N. Notts; P.O., T.O.
Anncstown, small seaport vil., Dunhill par., co. Waterford, 5 miles SW. of Tramore ry. sta.; lead ore is found in the vicinity.
Annet, one of Scilly isls., Cornwall, W. of St Agnes.
Annet Burn, affluent of river Teith from above Doune, S. Perthshire.
Annevale, seat, co. Armagh; post-town, Keady.
Annick, affluent of river Irvine, Renfrewshire and Ayrshire, near Irvine town.
Annicsland, vil., in par. and co. Renfrew, pop. 440.
Annifer, stream, Pembrokeshire, flowing from Pre- celly Mountains 10 miles WNW. to Newport Bay.
Anningsley Park, estate, W. Surrey, 3 miles SSW. of Weybridge. It belonged to Thomas Day (1748-1789), the author of “ Sandford and Merton.”
Anniston, seat, Forfarshire, near Arbroath.
Ann, Little, tithing, Abbots Ann par., N. Hants.
Annsborough, vil., Kilmegan par., co. Down, 3 miles W. of Dundrum sta., pop. 566.
Ann’s Bridge, a locality in Johnstone par., Dum- friesshire, on river Kinnel, 7h miles N. of Lochmaben.
Ansford. See Alhsford.
Ansley, par. and seat, N. Warwickshire, 5 miles W. of Nuneaton, 2869 ac., pop. 883; p.o.
Anslow, township, Rolleston par., E. Staffordshire, 3J miles N W, of Burton-upon-Trent, pop. 383.
Anstey.—par., NE. Herts, 3J miles NE. of Bunting- ford, 2150 ac., pop. 391.—2. Anstey, par. and seat, N. Warwickshire, 5 miles NE. of Coventry, on the Oxford Canal, 990 ac., pop. 142; P.O.—3. Anstey, par., S. Wilts, 5 miles SE. of Hindon, 840 ac., pop. 293.—4. Anstey, township, Thurcaston par., in co. and 4 miles NW. of Leicester, pop. 1279; P.O.—5. Anstey, hamlet, Hilton par., Dorset, 9 miles SW. of Blandford.—6. Anstey, seat, Hants; post-town, Alton.
Anstey, East and West, 2 pars., N. Devon, 4 and
5 miles SW. of Dulverton, on river Yeo—3245 ac., pop. 234; and 3008 ac., pop. 235.
Anstey Pastures, par. and seat, in co. and 3 miles SW. of Leicester, pop. 43.
Anstiebury, an ancient circular camp, W. Surrey, near Coldharbour, 4J miles S. of Dorking.
Anstis Cove, a romantic dell, E. coast of Devon, 4J miles S. of Teignmouth, on S. of Babbacombe Bay.
Anston-cuni-Membris, par., S. div. West-Riding Yorkshire, 10miles SE. of Sheffield, 3849 ac., pop. 1266; contains the post-office of South Anston. Nail-making and coal-mining are the chief employments.
Anstruther, seaport and market town, on E. coast, of Fife, 8f miles E. of Thornton Junction by rail, pop, (comprising the pari, burghs of Anstruther Easter, Anstruther Wester, and Kilrenny), 4702; 3 banks, 1 newspaper. Market-day, Friday. It carries on tan- ning, shipbuilding, and fish-curing. There is a consi- derable sea-fishing and coasting trade, for the further- ance of which a new harbour has been constructed.
Gazetteer of the British Isles, Statistical and Topographical, by John Bartholomew, F.R.G.S.
Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1887. Public domain image from Gedcomindex.com
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