Ashborne, par., township, and town, with terminus ry. sta., N. Derbyshire, on river Henmore, mile above its influx to the Dove, 12 miles NW. of Derby and 142 miles from London—par., 10,686 ac., pop. 5291; town¬ ship, 59 ac., pop. 2095; town, pop. 3485; P.O., T.o., 2 Banks. Market-day, Saturday. It has mfrs. of cotton and lace, and an active trade in malt and dairy produce is carried on. The troops of Charles I. were defeated here in 1644 by the forces of the Parliament. The seats of A. Hall, A. Green, and A. Grove are in the vicinity, with P.O. at Ashborne Green.
Ashbourne.—vil., Killeglandpar., co. Meath, 8 miles E. of Drumree ry. sta.; P.O.—2. Ashbourne, place, co. Roscommon, 7 miles from Donamon ry. sta.
Ashbrittle, par., W. Somerset, 5 miles W. of Wel¬ lington, 2489 ac., pop. 380; P.O.
Ashbrook, seat, in co. and 2 miles SE. of Londonderry.
Ashbrook Hall, seat, Chesh.; post-tn., Middlewich.
Ashburn, river, E. Sussex, flowing 8 miles S. to the English Channel at Pevensey.
Ashburnham, par., E. Sussex, 5 miles W. of Battle, 3691 ac. (30 water), pop. 774 ; P.O. It contains A. Park, seat of the Earl of Ashburnham, where several relics of Charles I. are still kept.
Ashburton, par. and town with ry. sta., E. Devon, 6½ miles SW. of Newton Abbot, 6966 ac., pop. 2891; P.O., T.O., 1 Bank. Market-day, Saturday. The town carries on the mfr. of serge and blankets.
Ashburton (or Mid) Division, pari. div. of Devon, pop. 51,840.
Ashbury.—par. and vil., NW. Berks, 5 miles NW. of Lambourn, 5609 ac., pop. 684; P.O.—2. Ashhury, par. and seat with ry. sta., S. Devon, 5 miles SW. of Hatherleigh, 1700 ac., pop. 48.
Ashhurys, ry. sta., SE. Lancashire, 4½ mile SE. of Manchester.
Ashhy.—hamlet, Litton Cheney par., W. Dorset, 9 miles W. of Dorchester.—2. Ashhy, township, Bottes- ford par., N. Lincolnshire, 7 miles NW. of Glanford Brigg, pop. 1462; P.O.—3. Ashhy, par., S. Norfolk, 7 miles SE. of Norwich, 487 ac., pop. 200.—4. Ashhy, par., N. Norfolk, near river Bure, 12 miles NE. of Nor¬ wich, 1408 ac., pop. 107.—5. Ashhy, par., E. Suffolk, near river Wormey, 5½ miles NW. of Lowestoft, 1109 ac., pop. 110.—6. Ashhy, par., Orton reg. sub-dist., Westmorland, 8497 ac., pop. 496.
Ashhy-hy-Partney, or Ashhy-East, par., mid. Lin¬ colnshire, 2 miles E. of Spilsby, 1210 ac., pop. 124.
Ashhy, Canons, par., S. Northamptonshire, 9 miles S. of Daventry, 1410 ac., pop. 55. Canons Ashhy House is in the neighbourhood.
Ashhy, Castle, par. with ry. sta., in co. and 7 miles E. of Northampton, 1926 ac., pop. 209. Castle Ashhy House is the seat of the Marquis of Northampton.
Ashhy, Cold, par., S. Northamptonshire, 5 miles SE. of Stanford Hall ry. sta., 1940 ac., pop. 339 ; P.O. The birthplace of Richard Knolles, historian (1545-1610).
Ashhy-de-la-Laund, par. and seat, S. Lincolnshire, 7 miles N. of Sleaford, 2880 ac., pop. 169.
Ashhy-de-la-Zouch, par., township, and markettown, N. Leicestershire, on river Mease, 16 m. NW. of Leices¬ ter and 118 miles from London by rail—par., 8097 ac., pop. 8512; township, 6980 ac., pop. 7465; town, pop. 4536; P.O., T.O., 2 Banks, 1 newspaper. Market-day, Saturday. The town has mfrs. of hosiery, hats, and leather. The par. contains extensive mines of coal, lead, ironstone, and limestone. Ashby Castle, built by Sir Wm. Hastings in 1480, and now in ruins, was for some time the prison of Mary, Queen of Scots.
Aslihy-dc-la-Zouch Canal, a canal in N. Leice- stersh., from Moira, 3½ miles W. of Ashby-de-la-Zouch, to Coventry Canal, 2 miles S. of Nuneaton; it is 26½ miles long, and has no locks.
Ashhy-East. See Ashby-by-Pabtney.
Ashhy-Folville, par. and township, N. Leicester¬ shire, 6 miles SW. of Melton Mowbray—par., 6296 ac. pop. 786; township, 1983 ac., pop. 131.
Ashhy-Magna, par., S. Leicestershire, 4 miles NE. of Lutterworth, 1487 ac., pop. 253.
Ashhy-Mears, par. and seat, Northamptonshire, 3 miles SW. of Wellingborough, 1890 ac., pop. 504; P.O.
Ashhy-Parva, par., S. Leicestershire, 3½ miles NW. of Lutterworth, 1796 ac., pop. 148; P.O.
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