Ballycurrany, par., SE. co. Cork, 5 miles NW. of Middleton, 3939 ac., pop. 427.
Ballycurrln Castle, seat, on Lough Corrib, S. co. Mayo, 15 miles W. of Tuam.
Bally curry Honse, in co. and 4 m. NW. of Wicklow.
Ballydahaen, suburb of Mallow, N. co. Cork.
Ballydangan.—a locality, on S. coast of Connemara, W. co. Galway.—2. Ballydangan, co. Galway, 7 miles from Ballinasloe; P.O.
BaUydavid, cape, W. co. Kerry, near Smerwick harb., 8 miles NNW. of Dingle.
BaUydehob, vil., Skull par., SW. co. Cork, 8 miles W. of Skibbereen, pop. 522; P.O., T.O. Copper ore is found here, but mining is now abandoned.
BaUydeloher, or Kilroan, par., in co. and 5 miles NE. of Cork, 2101 ac., pop. 510.
BaUydelougby, or Ballylongh, par., NE. co. Cork, 4 miles SW. of Mitchelstown, 1999 ac., pop. 448.
BaUydevelln, bay, with ruins of castle, SW. co. Cork, near Goleen.
Ballydonegan, fishing vil., on Ballydonegan Bay, SW. co. Cork, 7 miles WSW. of Castletown, pop. 187.
BaUydonnel, vil., Cahirdaggan par., N. co. Cork, 4 miles SW. of Doneraile.
Ballydonnellan, hamlet and seat, 4 miles SW. of Aughrim, E. co. Galway.
Ballydooley, in co. and 5 m. from Roscommon; P.O.
Ballydraln.—seat, n6ar Dunmurray ry. sta., SE. co. Antrim, 4 miles S. of Belfast.—2. Ballydraln, 4 miles from Comber, N. co. Down ; P.O.
BaUydryliead, vil., 3m. N. of Collooney, E. co. Sligo.
BaUyduff.—par., W. co. Kerry, 8 miles NE. of Dingle, 6983 ac., pop. 294.—2. BaUyduff, vil., Rattoo par., N. co. Kerry, 5 miles W. of Listowel, pop. 101; P.O.—3. Ballydnff, vil. with ry. sta., Lismore and Mocollop par., W. co. Waterford, 5 miles W. of Lis- more, pop. 168; P.O.—4. Ballydnff, vil,, in E. of co. and 5 miles SW. of Waterford, 1 mile S. of Kilmeadon ry. sta.—5. BaUyduff, hamlet, 6 miles NE. of Belfast, SE. co. Antrim.
Ballydugan, seat and lake, 3 miles SAY. of Down- patrick, E. co. Down; P.O.
BaUyeaston, vil., 2 miles N. of Ballyclare, S. co. Antrim, pop. 191; P.O.
BaUyedmond.—hamlet, E. co. Carlow, 7 miles SAY. of Newtownbarry.—2. BaUyedmond, seat, near Ros- trevor, S. co. Down.
BallycUa Bay. See Liscannor Bat.
Ballyellin, par., S. co. Carlow, 3^ miles NW. of Borris, 4963 ac., pop. 745.
Ballyellis, seat, near Mallow, N. co. Cork.
Ballyfarnan, vil., N. co. Roscommon, 8 miles NE. of Boyle, pop. 316; P.O., T.O., 1 Bank.
Ballyfeard, par., in SE. of co. and 10 miles S. of Cork, 3461 ac., pop. 461; P.O.
Ballyferis Point, co. Down, 5 m. S. of Donaghadee.
Ballyferinot, par., in mid. of co. and 2 miles W. of Dublin, 1185 ac., pop. 252; contains ancient castle.
Ballyferrlter, 8 m. NW. of Dingle, W. co. Kerry; P.O.
Ballyfinn, seat, 6J miles NAY. of Maryborough ry. sta., mid. Queen’s co. ; P.O.
Ballyforan, vil., 14 miles NW. of Athlone, SW. Roscommon; P.O.
Ballyfoyle.—par., SE. Cork, 7 miles NE. of Kinsale, 2882 ac., pop. 541.—2. Ballyfoyle, in co. and 6 miles from Kilkenny; P.O.
BallygaUeyHead, prom., co. Antrim, 4m. N. of Larne.
Ballygannon, seat, 1 mile N. of Kilcoole ry. sta., E. co. AYicklow.
Ballygar, vil., NE. co. Galway, 8 miles SW. of Ros- common, pop. 346; P.O.
BaUygarlff, hamlet, 7 miles NE. of Dunmore, NE. co. Galway.
Ballygarrett, vil., 8 m. SE. of Gorey, E. co. Wexford.
Ballygarrls, 3 m. from Hollymount, S. co. Mayo; P.O.
Ballygarth, par., E. co. Meath, 5 miles SE. of Drogheda, 760 ac., pop. 80; contains the seat of Ballygarth Castle.
Ballygarvan, 5m. from Carrigaline, S. co. Cork; P.O.
BaUygawley, small market town, Errigal Keerogue par., S. co. Tyrone, 11 miles SW. of Dungannon, pop. 446; P.O., T.O. Market-day, Friday. BaUygawley House is in vicinity.
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