Chesil Bank, ridge of shingle, with varying breadth of from 170 to 200 yards, on coast of Dorset; stretches 9½ miles NW. from Portland to Abbotsbury, and is separated from the mainland by two narrow channels (East and West Fleet).
Chesilborne, par., mid. Dorset, 8 miles NE. of Dorchester, 2988 ac., pop. 353.
Chesilton, vil., on W. side of Portland Isle, S. Dorset, 3 miles S. of Weymouth.
Cheslyn Hay, par., W. Staffordshire, 4J miles SE. of Penkridge, 827 ac., pop. 1799.
Chesnnt Street, place, Bobbing and Borden pars., E. Kent, 4½ mile SW. of Sittingbourne.
_ Chess, affluent of river Colne, Bucks and Herts; rises near Chesham in Bucks, and flows SE. to the Colne, near Rickmansworth; 8 miles long.
Chesscl Down, eminence, Isle of Wight, 6 miles SW. of Newport; many Saxon relics have been found here in an ancient cemetery.
Chessington, par., W. Surrey, 3| miles S. of Kingston-on-Thames, 1250 ac., pop. 243.
Chester. — pari, and mun. bor., city, and co. in itself, locally in W. Cheshire, about 20 miles by the river from the Irish Sea, 16 miles S. of Liverpool, and 33 SW. of Manchester by rail — pari. bor. (ex¬ tending into Flintshire), 3289 ac., pop. 40,972; mun. bor., 2857 ac., pop. 36,794; 4 Banks, 6 newspapers. Market-day, Saturday; stands on a rocky height on right bank of river Dee, which is here crossed by a splendid stone bridge with a single span of 200 ft., the largest save one, it is believed, in Europe. C. is a great railway centre, and has one of the finest stations in the kingdom. It is connected with the Mersey by the Ellesmere Canal. As a port it has been injuriously affected by the silting up of the Dee, and its shipping trade is now inconsiderable. (For shipping statistics, see Appendix.) C. is a very ancient city; it was the jDevana Castra of the Romans, and the Caerleon Vawr, or “City of the Great Legion,” of the Cymri. It is the only city in England that still possesses its walls entire. C. was made the see of a bishop in 1541. The cathedral, a massive Gothic structure, is of great antiquity, as are also many of the churches. The city possesses several fine examples of the old timber houses of the 17th century. The castle was taken down to¬ wards the end of last century, and replaced by a barracks, a county jail, and assize courts. C. has mfrs. of boots and shoes for exportation and the wholesale home trade; furniture and upholstery; paint, shot, and lead pipes; it has also iron foundries and a ship¬ building yard. The principal exports are cheese, lead, copper-plates, cast-iron, and coal. The bor. returns 1 member to Parliament.—2. Chester, ward, N. Dur¬ ham, 157,992 ac., pop. 175,232.
Chester, Little, township, Derby St Alkmund par., Derbyshire, on river Derwent, in N. of bor. of Derby, pop. 571.
Chester Camp, Roman camp, Irchester par., N. Northamptonshire, on river Nen, 2 miles SE. of Wel¬ lingborough ; encloses 18 ac., and has yielded many relics of the Roman occupation.
Chesterfield Division, pari. div. of Derbyshire, pop. 54,927.
Chesterfield.—mun. bor., par., and township with ry. sta., Derbyshire, 11 miles S. of Sheffield—par., 11,451 ac., pop. 29,039; township and bor., 328 ac., pop. 12,221; P.O., T.O., 3 Banks, 4 newspapers. Market-day, Saturday ; has mfrs. of lace, merino, silk, cotton, earthenware, and hardware, while the neigh¬ bourhood is rich in coal, iron, lead, and clay. The trade of the place greatly increased after 1776, when Brindley constructed the C. Canal. C. has a free grammar-school, founded by Queen Elizabeth, and an institute of mining, civil, and mechanical engineers. It is a place of great antiquity, having been a Roman station on the road from Derby to York. C. has a fine church (All Saints) with a twisted spire, 230 ft. high.—2. Chesterfield, hamlet, 2 miles S. of Lichfield, Staffordshire.
Chesterfield Canal, from Chesterfield, E. Derby¬ shire, NE. to river Trent at E. Stockwith, on border of N. Notts; rises 45 ft. to top-level at Harthill, and falls 335 ft. ; has 65 locks, and is 46 miles long.
Chesterford, Great, par. and vil. with ry. sta., W. Essex, on r. Granta, 4 m. NW. of Saffron Walden, 2917 ac., pop. 913 ; PO., T.O.; contains C. Park. Gazetteer of the British Isles, Statistical and Topographical, by John Bartholomew, F.R.G.S.
Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1887. Public domain image from Gedcomindex.com
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