Fare, HUl of, on border of Kincardine and Aberdeen, 5 miles N. of Banchory, alt. 1545 ft.
Farcham, small port, market town, hundred, and par., with ry. sta., S. Hants, at NW. extremity of Portsmouth harb., 84 miles SW. of London—hundred and par., 6386 ac., pop. 7183; P.O., T.o., 1 Bank. Market-day, Monday. Pareham has shipbuilding, brick- making, and some mfrs. of earthenware; also, trade in corn, coal, ropes, and timber.
Fareham (or Southern) Division, pari. div. of Hants, pop. 55,647.
Farewell and Chorley, par., E. Staffordshire, 24 miles NW. of Lichfield, 802 ac., pop. 218.
FareweH Dali, seat, inco. and 2 m. SW. of Durham.
Farforth, par., mid. Lincolnshire, 6 miles SW. of Louth, 1940 ac., pop. 143.
Farg, stream, Perthshire, and on border of Kinross- shire and Fifeshire ; rises among the Ochils, and flows 10 miles NE. through Glen Farg to the Tay 1| mile NW. of Abernethy.
Farigaig, river, Nairn and Inverness; is formed by 2 headstreams, and flows 8 miles NW. and SW. to Loch Ness at Inverfarigaig Pier.
Faringdon. — market town with ry. sta., Great Faringdon par., Berks, 13 miles W. of Abingdon and 70 miles NAV. of London; P.O., T.O., 1 Bank, 1 news- paper. Market-day, Tuesday; has trade in bacon, corn, sheep, and cattle; in vicinity is Faringdon Douse. Faringdon Hill commands a view of parts of Oxford, Gloucester, and Wilts.—2. Faringdon, hundred, NW. Berks, 8219 ac., pop. 3680; contains 3 pars, and parts of 3 others.—3. Faringdon, hamlet, Iwerne Courtnay par., N. Dorset, 5 miles SW. of Shaftesbury. — 4. Faringdon. See also Farringdon and Farrington.
Faringdon, Great, par. and township, NAV. Berks (containing town of Faringdon)—par., 6784 ac., pop. 3391; township, 5897 ac., pop. 3141.
Faringdon, Little, township, Langford par., Oxford- shire, 5 miles SW. of Bampton, 1167 ac., pop. 125.
Farington, township and ry. sta., Ormskirk par., N. Lancashire, on river Lostock, 4 miles S. of Preston, 1860 ac., pop. 2017; P.O.; contains the seats of Far- ington Honse and Farington Lodge.
Farlam, par., E. Cumberland, 24 miles SE. of Brampton, 5232 ac., pop. 1585; contains the hamlets of East Farlam and West Farlam.
Farland Head, prom., on coast of Ayrshire, in par. and 2 miles W. of AVest Kilbride.
Farleigh, hamlet, Marwood par., N. Devon.
Farleigh, East, par. and vil. with ry. sta., mid. Kent, on river Medway, 2 miles SAV. of Maidstone, 2038 ac., pop. 1668; P.O.; famous for the quantity and quality of its hops.
Farleigh, West, par., mid. Kent, on river Medway, 3| miles SAV. of Maidstone, 1107 ac., pop. 384; P.O.; contains AVest Farleigh Honse.
Farleigh Hungerford, par. and vil., N. Somerset, on river Frome, 8 miles SE. of Bath, 904 ac., pop. 184 ; contains Farleigh House and the ruins of Farleigh Castle (time of Bichard II.).
Farleigh Wallop, par., N. Hants, 34 m. S. of Basing- stoke, 1725 ac., pop. 106 ; contains Farleigh House.
Farleigh Wich (or Farleywick), hamlet, Monkton Farleigh par., N. Wilts, 3 m. NAV. of Bradford on Avon.
Farleigh’s End, hamlet, 44 miles NW. of Haresfield sta., E. Gloucester.
Farleton.—township, Melling par., N. Lancashire, 8 miles NE. of Lancaster, 1051 ac. (21 water), pop. 122. —2. Farleton, township, Beetham par., Westmorland, on river Beetha, 24 miles SE. of Milnthorpe, 1204 ac., pop. 78; contains Farleton Knot, a limestone eminence.
Farley.—hamlet, in par. and 2 miles NE. of Much Wenlock, S. Shropshire.—2. Farley, hamlet, Backwell par., N. Somerset, 64 miles SW. of Bristol; in vicinity is the seat of Farley Castie.—3. Farley, township, Alton par., N. Staffordshire, 4 miles NE. of Cheadle, 2342 ac., pop. 478 ; contains the seat of Farley Hall.—
4. Farley, par., E. Surrey, 54 miles SE. of Croydon, 1051 ac., pop. 88.—5. Farley, hamlet, Alderbury par.,
5. Wilts, 5 miles E. of Salisbury; P.O. See Farley with Pitton.
Farley Chamhcrlayne, par., S. Hants, 54 miles SAV. of Winchester, 1795 ac., pop. 157.
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