Fell Lane, hamlet, in par. and near Keighley, N. div. AYest-Riding Yorkshire.
Fell Loch, Mochrum par., Wigtownshire.
Fellbeck, hamlet, Ripon par., E. div. West-Riding Yorkshire, 3 miles NE. of Pateley Bridge.
FeUend, vil., Ravenstonedale par., AVestmorland.
Felley, par., N. Notts, 64 miles SAY. of Mansfield, 413 ac., pop. 31; contains the seat of Felley Priory.
Felling, local government dist. and ry. sta., Heworth township, Jarrow par., Durham, 14 mile SE. of Gates- head, 2701 ac., pop. 16,376; eccl. dist., pop. 7445; P.O., T.O., 2 newspapers; 4 mile from sta. is the Felling Shore Paper Hill.
Felliscllffe, township, Hampsthwaite par., E. div. AVest-Riding Yorkshire, 3 miles SW. of Ripley, 2628 ac., pop. 326.
Fellow Green, hamlet, 74 miles SW. of Chertsey, W. Surrey; P.O.
Fellow’s Hall, seat, in co. and 6 m. SW. of Armagh.
Fellside, hamlet, Whickham par., N. Durham, 54 miles SW. of Gateshead.
Felmersham, par. and vil., in co. and 6 miles NW. of Bedford, 2400 ac., pop. 489; P.O.; in vicinity of vil. is the seat of Felmersham Grange.
Felmlngham, par. and vil. with ry. sta., N. Norfolk, 2 miles SW. of North AValsham, 1886 ac., pop. 395; P.O.; 14 mile S. of vil. is Felmlngham Hall.
Felpham, coast par. and vil., AY. Sussex, 1 mile NE. of Bognor, 1883 ac. and 169 foreshore, pop. 565; P.O., T.O.; in vicinity is the seat of Felpham Hall.
Felsham, par. and vil., W. Suffolk, 7 miles SAY. of Stowmarket, 1630 ac., pop. 331; P.O.; in W. vicinity of vil. is the seat of Felsham Hall.
Felstead, par. and vil. with ry. sta., AY. Essex, 34 miles SE. of Dunmow, 6426 ac., pop. 1956 ; P.O., T.o.
Fcltham, par. and vil. with ry. sta., Middlesex, 6 miles SW. of Brentford and 15 miles SW. of London, 1790 ac., pop. 2909; P.O., t.o.; contains the seat of Feltham Park.
Felthorpe, par., S. Norfolk, 7 miles NW. of Nor- wich, 2286 ac., pop. 463; contains Felthorpe Hall.
Felton.—par., in co. and 74 miles NE. of Hereford, 1699 ac., pop. 105.—2. Felton, par., township, and vil., N. Northumberland, 011 river Coquet, 9 miles S. of Alnwick—par., 17,476 ac., pop. 1872; township, 1552 ac., pop. 679; P.O., T.o., 1 Bank; 4 mile SW. of vil. is the seat of Felton Park.—3, Felton, hamlet, Winford par., E. Somerset, 64 miles SAY. of Bristol; P.O.—4. Felton, another name for AVhitchurch par., Somerset.
Felton, Old, hamlet, Felton par., N. Northumber- land. See Acton and Old Felton.
Felton, West, par. and vil., N. Shropshire, on river Perry, 4| m. SE. of Oswestry, 6108 ac., pop. 1065; P.O.
Felton Butler, hamlet, Great Ness par., N. Shrop- shire, 64 miles NAV. of Shrewsbury.
Felton Hall, seat, 2 m. S. of Middlewich, Cheshire.
Felton Rye, hamlet, 1 m. NW. of Ludlow, Shropshire.
Feltrim, vil., in co. and 6 miles N. of Dublin.
Feltwell, St Mary and St Nicholas, par., W. Nor- folk, 54 miles NAY. of Brandon, 14,060 ac., pop. 1633; P.O., called Felt well; contains Feltwell Lodge.
Felt well Anchor, par., W. Norfolk, adjacent to St Mary and St Nicholas Feltwell, pop. 47.
Fen, The, hamlet, Warboys par., in co. and 7 miles NE. of Huntingdon.
Fen Ditton, par., on river Cam, in co. and 2 miles NE. of Cambridge, 1862 ac., pop. 668; P.O.
Fen Drayton, par., on AY. border of co. and 9 miles NAY. of Cambridge, 1496 ac., pop. 344; P.O.
Fen End, hamlet, 3 miles E. of Knowle sta., N. AYarwickshire; P.O.
Fen Stanton, par. and vil., Huntingdonshire, 2 m. S. of St Ives, 2400ac., pop. 1067; P.O., called Fenstanton.
Fen Street, hamlet, St Mary Hoo par., mid. Kent, 7 miles NE. of Rochester.
Fenagh.—par., mid. co. Leitrim, 3 miles SAV. of Bal- linamore, 9764 ac., pop. 2344; p.o.—2. Tenagh, 6miles E. of Bagnalstown, co. Carlow; P.O.
Fenay Bridge, hamlet with ry. sta., Almondbury par., S. div. West-Riding Yorkshire, 5 miles SE. of Huddersfield ; P.O.; in vicinity of sta. is Fenay H«ll.
Fenby, hamlet, 5 miles SW. of Grimsby, N. Lincoln; in vicinity is Fenby House. See Ashby with Eenby. Gazetteer of the British Isles, Statistical and Topographical, by John Bartholomew, F.R.G.S.
Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1887. Public domain image from Gedcomindex.com
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