Bartholomew’s Gazetteer of the British Isles (1887) page 338 left column

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Greenscheles Cleugh, place, S. Northumberland, on
river South Tyne, 3¼ miles S. of Haltwhistle.

Greensfield, hamlet, Alnwick par., N. Northumb.

' Greensliawlilll, hamlet, Ingram par., N. Northum-
berland, 7¼ miles S. of Wooler. See
Ingram, Lin-

Greenside.—seat of lead mines, W. Cumberland, 2
miles W. of Ullswater.—
2. Greenside, vil., in par.
and 3 miles SW. of Ryton, N. Durham;

Greenside.— par. embraced within the City par.,
Edinburgh, pop. 4092.
—2. Greenside, seat, 4 miles
NW. of Largo, Fifeshire.—3.
Greenside, school, Stone-
house par., Lanarkshire.

Greens-Norton, par. and vil., S. Northamptonshire,

2 miles NW. of Towcester, 2490 ac., pop. 872; P.O.

Greensnorton, hundred, S. Northampton, 22,042

ac., pop. 4846 ; contains 11 pars.

Greenstead.—par., W. Essex, ImileNW. of Ongar,
683 ac., pop. 88; contains the seat of
Greenstead Hall.
—2. Greenstead, par., E. Essex, on river Colne, in S.
of bor.
of Colchester, 1501 ac., pop. 752; P.O.

Greenstead Green, eccl. dist. and hamlet, Halstead
par., E. Essex, pop. 406; hamlet, 2 miles S.
of Hal-
P.O.; in vicinity is the seat of Greenstead Hall.

Greenstone Point, N. extremity of Rudha Mor prom.,
W. Ross-shire, between Loch Ewe and Gruinard Bay.

Grcenstreet, hamlet, 4 m. SW. of Dunmow, Essex.

Greenstreet Green, vil., Darenth par., W. Kent, 3¼
miles SW. of Northfleet.

Greenup, mountain glen, W. Cumberland, descend-
ing towards Borrowdale.

Green way, hamlet, on E. border of Herefordshire,

3 miles E. of Ledbury; P.O.

Greenway Court, seat, 1 mile S. of Hollingbourne,
mid. Kent.

Greenway House, on river Dart, S. Devon, 2 miles
N. of Dartmouth, belonged to Sir Walter Raleigh.

Greenwich, pari. bor. and par., Kent, on river
Thames, 4 miles SE. of London Bridge by rail—par.,
1741 ac., pop. 46,580; pari. bor. (which includes the
pars, of Greenwich, Deptford St Nicholas, Charlton
next Woolwich, and Kidbrooke), 3838 ac., pop. 65,411;
1 Bank. Market-days,
Wednesday and Saturday.
Greenwich posseses several important mfrs., including
telegraph works, engineering works, chemical works,
&c. The Royal Observatory has a world-wide celebrity;
English geographers calculate longitude from its
meridian. Greenwich Hospital, now the Royal Naval
College, is a splendid edifice built upon the site of a
royal palace which was the birthplace of Henry VIII.,
Queen Mary, and Queen Elizabeth. The bor. returns 1
member to Parliament; it returned 2 members until
1885, when its pari, limits were reduced by the for-
mation of the new pari, boroughs of Deptford and

Greenwich Bay or Port Greenough, small bay, on
SE. coast of Isle of Man, 1 mile AY. of St Ann’s Head.

Green with, hamlet, Perranarworthal par., Cornwall.

Greenyards, vil., 1 m. E. of Bannockburn, Stirling.

Greese, affluent of river Barrow, S. co. Kildare, 7
miles S. of Athy.

Grecshop House, seat, 1¼ m. from Forres, Elginshire.

Greet.—hamlet, in par. and 1¼ mile N. of Winch-
comb, E. Gloucestershire.
—2. Greet, par., S. Shrop-
shire, 2¼ miles NW. of Tenbury, 1040 ac., pop. 97.—

3. Greet, hamlet, Burford par., S. Shropshire, on river
Greet, on NE. border of Worcestershire, 1¼
mile SE. of Birmingham ;

Greetham.—par., mid. Lincolnshire, 3¼ miles NE. of
Horncastle, 1180 ac., pop. 147. —
2. Greetham, par.
and vil., Rutland, 6 miles NE. of Oakham, 2800 ac.,
pop. 583;

Greetland, town and eccl. dist. (ry. sta. Greetland
and North Dean), Halifax par., N. div. West-Riding
Yorkshire—dist., pop. 4724; town, 3 miles SW. of
Halifax, pop. 4166
; P.O., T.O., 1 Bank.

Greeto Water, affl. of Gogo Water, Largs par., Ayr.

Greetwell, par., in co. and 2 m. E. of Lincoln, 1113
ac., pop. 86.

Greg Ness, headland, on S. side of Nigg Bay, NE,

Gregory Sound, between Aran and Inishaan islands,
co. Galway.

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