Bartholomew’s Gazetteer of the British Isles (1887) page 354 left column

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Harherhnry, ]par., AVarwick. See Harbury.

Harherton, par. and vil., S. Devon, on rivers Har-
burn and Dart, 2 miles SAY. of Totnes, 5755 ac., pop.

Harbertonford, eccl. dist. and hamlet, Harberton
par., S. Devon—dist., pop. 626; hamlet, 4 miles NW.
of Totnes;

Harhledown, par. and vil., E. Kent, 1 mile W. of
Canterbury, 1619 ac., pop. 720 ;
P.O.; a celebrated
resting-place of the Canterbury pilgrims.

Harhorne, par., local government dist., and ry. sta.,
Staffordshire—par., 3296 ac., pop. 31,517 ; local govern-
ment dist. (on SW. side and within the pari, limits of
Birmingham), 1411 ac., pop. 6433;
P.O., T.O.

Harhorougli (or Southern) Division, pari. div. of
Leicestershire, pop. 47,046.

Harhorongh Hlagna, par., N. AVarwickshire, 3
miles NAY. of Rugby, 1580 ac., pop. 343 ;

Harhoroiigh Parva, hamlet, Newbold upon Avon
par., N. Warwickshire, 3 miles NAY. of Rugby.

Harhottle, township and hamlet, Alwinton par.,
N. Northumberland, 8¼ miles NW. of Rothbury, 534
ac., pop. 159;
P.O.; has ruins of Harhottle Castle
(1155-1189), also a Druidical stone and a rock basin.

Harhonr, hamlet, Sutton Valence par., mid. Kent.

Harhour Farm, site of Roman settlement or camp,
Goodrich par., Herefordshire, 5 m. NE. of Monmouth.

llarhournc, seat, in par. and ¼ mile S. of High
Halden, AY. Kent.

Ilarbonrni'ord, hamlet, South Brent par., S. Devon,
6 miles AY. of Totnes.

Harhridgc, par., S. Hants, on river Avon, 3¼ miles
NW. of Ringwood, 4214 ac., pop. 371.

Harhurn, river, Devon; rises on Dartmoor, and
flows 11 miles SE. to the Dart below Harberton.

llarburn, ry. sta., West Calderpar., in co. and 15 m.
SW. of Edinburgh; in vicinity is
Harhurn House.

Harbnry, par. and vil. (ry. sta. Sontham Road and
Harbury), S. AVarwick, on river Ichene, 5 miles SE. of
Leamington, 2060 ac., pop. 1196;
P.O.; the ry. sta. is
2¼ miles NE. of vil.

Harhy.—par. and vil. (ry sta. Harby and Strathern),
N. Leicestershire, on Grantham Canal, 15 miles SE. of
Nottingham, 2800 ac., pop. 591;
P.O., T.O.—2. Harhy,
township, North Clifton par., S. Notts, 8¼ miles SE. of
Tuxford, pop. 352;

Harcomhe.—hamlet, in par. and 1¼ mile NE. of
Chudleigh, E. Devon.—
2. Harcomhe, hamlet, Sid-
bury par., E. Devon, 3 miles NE. of Sidmouth.

Harcourt.—hamlet, Stanton upon Hine Heath par.,
N. Shropshire, 4 miles SE. of Wem.—
2. Harcourt,
hamlet, Stottesden par., S. Shropshire, 4 miles N. of
Cleobury Mortimer.

Hard Knot, mountain pass, on SE. border of W.
Cumberland, 7 miles W. of Ambleside ; near here is
Hardknot Castle, a group of stones supposed to be
remains of a Roman camp.

Hardcastle Craggs, N. div. West-Riding Yorkshire,
near W. border of co., in vicinity of Hebden Bridge.

Harden, hamlet, in par. and 2 miles W. of Bingley,
E. div. West-Riding Yorkshire;
P.O.; in vicinity is the
seat of
Harden Grange.

Harden, old Border tower (with modern additions),
seat of Lord Polwarth, Roberton par., AY. Roxburgh-
shire, on Harden Burn (affluent of Borthwick A\rater),
4 miles W. of Hawick.

Harden Hall, ancient seat, 1¼ mile from Woodley,

llardendale, hamlet, in par. and 1 mile SE. of Shap,

Hardenluilsh, par. and seat, N. Wilts, 1¼ mile NAY.
of Chippenham, 556 ac., pop. 88.

Hardewlck, hamlet, in par. and 2 miles NW. of
Sandon, W. Staffordshire.

Hardgate, hamlet, Ripon par., E. div. West-Riding
Yorkshire, 2 miles NAY. of Rijdey.

Hardgate.—(or Hardgate ofClatt), vil., Clatt par.,
Aberdeenshire, 3 miles SW. of Kinnethmont sta.—2.
Hardgate, Dumbartonshire, part of vil. of Faifley :
which see.
—3. Hardgate, vil., Urr par., Kirkcudbright-
shire, on Urr Water, 4 miles NW. of Dalbeattie.

Uardltam, par., W. Sussex, on river Arun, 4 miles
SE. of Petworth, 956 ac., pop. 101;
at this point the
river Arun flows through a tunnel (400 yds.) bored in
hill of sandstone.

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