Bartholomew’s Gazetteer of the British Isles (1887) page 389 left column

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Holybonrne, j>ar., township, and vil., N. Hants, on
river Wey, 2 miles NE. of Alton—par., 2512 ac., pop.
684 ; township, 1405 ac., pop. 591;

Ilolylmsli Hill, near the meeting point of Glou-
cester, Hereford, and Worcester, 3 m. SE. of Ledbury.

Holycondane, hamlet, St Lawrence par., E. Kent,
near Ramsgate.

Holy cross, vil., Clent par., E. Worcestershire, in
detached part of co., 34 miles SE. of Stourbridge.

Holycross.—par. and hamlet, mid. co. Tipperary,
on river Suir, 4 miles SW. of Thurles, 8137 ac., pop.
1216 ; P.O.; has fine ruins of a Cistercian abbey (1182).
2. Holycross, 3 milesN. of Bruff, co. Limerick; P.O.

Holy dean Castle (site of), in par. and 1 mile W. of
Bowden, NW. Roxburghshire; was the seat of the
Duke of Roxburghe’s ancestors.

Holy field, hamlet, in par. and 2 m. N. of Waltham
Abbey, W. Essex ; in vicinity is the seat of II. Hall.

Holyhead, seaport town and par., on north side of
Holyhead Island, Anglesey, 24 miles NW. of Bangor, 60
miles from Dublin, and 261 miles from London—par.,
7988 ac. (540 water), jwp. 9689; seaport, 330 ac., pop.
P.O., T.o., 2 Banks. Market-day, Saturday.
The port possesses 2 fine harbours of refuge for ships of
all sizes. Its prosperity is due to the extensive railway
and steamboat traffic, mainly supported by the Dublin
mail packets and the London and North-Western Rail-
way. The passage to Dublin takes about 4 hours. At
the outer end of the breakwater is a fixed light (Holy-
head) 66 ft. above high water and seen 13 miles. Holy-
head united with Beaumaris, Amlwch, and Llangefni in
returning 1 member till 1885.

Holyhead Island, on W. side of Anglesey isl., and
forming part of co. of Anglesey, 9658 ac. (1325water), pop.
10,131; is separated from Anglesey by a narrow strait,
dry at low water, and crossed by a causeway with an
arched water-way. The island is 8 miles long and 34
miles wide, and is for the most part barren rock, end-
ing on the N. coast in a large headland containing
many caves. On the South Stack Rock, off the NAV.
point of the island, is a lighthouse 91 ft. high, with
revolving light (Stack) 197 ft. above high water and
seen 20 miles.

Holy lee, seat, Innerleithen par., N. Selkirkshire, on
river Tweed, 2 miles NW. of Thornilee sta.

Holymoorside, vil., in par. and 34 miles SW. of
Chesterfield, E. Derbyshire;

Holyport, vil., Bray par., Berks, 14 mile SE. of
P.O., t.o.

Holyrood, royal palace, and remains of abbey, in E.
of Edinburgh. The abbey (1128), now represented
chiefly by the nave of the church, contains the burying-
vault of the Scottish kings. The palace was founded
1501, and enlarged 1528, but the present edifice is
mainly of date 1671-1679 ; it contains Queen Mary’s
apartments, the Picture Gallery, and the Royal private
apartments. Queen Mary’s apartments are in the
older portion of the building. In the Picture Gallery
the Scottish peers elect their Parliamentary repre-
sentatives, and the Lord High Commissioner to the
General Assembly of the Church of Scotland holds
his levees. Adjoining Holyrood is the Royal Park
(King’s or Queen’s), first enclosed by James Y.; it is
practically a recreation-ground for the citizens of Edin-
burgh, has a carriage-drive round it, is nearly 5 miles in
circuit, and includes Arthur’s Seat and Salisbury Crags.

Holystone, township, Alwinton par., N. North-
umberland, on river Coquet, 6 miles NW. of Rothbury,
2941 ac., pop. 122.

Holystreet, hamlet, on NE. border of Dartmoor, E.
Devon, on river Teign, 1 mile W. of Chagford.

Ilolytown, town and quoad sacra par. with ry. sta.
(Holy town Junction, 1 mile W.), Bothwell par., Lanark-
shire, 11 miles SE. of Glasgow
—quoad sacra par., pop.
10,449; town (including New Stevenston, pop. 1048),
pop. 2480 ;
P.O., T.O., 1 Bank; is situated in a produc-
tive portion of the Lanarkshire mineral field, and is a
place of great mineral industry and traffic.

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