Kilconla, par., N. co. Galway, 6 miles NW. of Tuam, 9677 ac., pop. 1903.
Kilconly, par., N. co. Kerry, on the Shannon estuary, 7 m. AV. of Ballylongford, 5742 ac., pop. 1320.
Kilconnell.—bar., mid. co. Galway, 64,819 ac., pop. 7569.—2. Kilconnell, par. and vil., mid. co. Galway, 7 miles W. of Ballinasloe—par., 6082 ac., pop. 905; vil., pop. 127; P.O.—3. Kilconnell, par., S. co. Tip- perary, 4 miles NW. of Fethard, 2344 ac., pop. 249.
Kilconnor, seat, 5 m. NE. of Bagenalstown, Carlow.
Kilconny, vil., on river Erne, opposite Belturbet, N. co. Cavan.
Kilconqubar (locally Kinneuchar), par. and vil. with ry. sta., Fife—par., 6891 ac., pop. 2053; vil., on N. side of Kilconquhar Loch, 4 miles E. of Largo, pop. (including Barnyards) 350; P.O.; in vicinity is Kil- conquliar House, seat of the Earl of Lindsay.
Kilconry, par., S. co. Clare, 3 miles S. of New- market-on-Fergus, 2926 ac., pop. 310; includes some islands in river Fergus.
Kilconway, bar., co. Antrim, 68,649 ac., pop. 19,338.
Kilcoo, par. and hamlet, S. co. Down, 18,206 ac., pop. 4138; P.O.; contains Newcastle.
Kilcoole, par. and vil. with ry. sta. (Kilcool), NE. co. Wicklow, 3 miles N. of Newtown Mount Kennedy— par., 4476 ac., pop. 1194; vil., pop. 343; P.O.
Kilcooley, par., mid. co. Roscommon, 2 miles E. of Tulsk, 3476 ac., pop. 911.
Kilcooly.—par., S. co. Galway, 5 miles E. of Lough- rea, 1616 ae., pop. 175.—2. Kilcooly, par., cos. Kil- kenny and Tipperary, 11,507 ac., pop. 1669; contains New Birmingham and the seat of Kilcooly Abbey.—
3. Kilcooly, par., mid. co. Meath, on river Boyne, 2 miles NE. of Trim, 2455 ac., pop. 180.
Kilcoona, par., N. co. Galway, on Lough Corrib, 2 miles SE. of Headford, 5722 ac., pop. 660.
Kilcop, par. and seat, in co. and 5 miles SE. of Waterford, 388 ac., pop. 61.
Kilcoran, seat, in co. and 7 miles SW. of Kilkenny.
Kilcorby, hamlet with school, Drumlane par., N. co. Cavan, 3 miles SW. of Belturbet; P.O.
Kilcorcoran, par., N. co. Cork, 2 miles N. of Kan- turk, 1292 ac., pop. 207.
Kilcorkey, par., mid. co. Roscommon, 6 miles NE. of Castlereagh, 9090 ac., pop. 1541; containsBellanagare.
Kilcorniick, par., mid. co. Wexford, 5 miles SE. of Ferns ry. sta., 10,054 ac., pop. 1410.
Kilcornan.—seat, co. Galway ; post-town, Oran- more.—2. Kilcornan, par. and hamlet, N. co. Lim- erick, on river Shannon, 4 miles N. of Adare ry. sta., 9345 ac., pop. 1553 ; P.O.—3. Kilcornan, par., in co. and 5 miles W. of Tipperary, 1157 ac., pop. 277.
Kilcorney.—par., N. co. Clare, 6 miles NW. of Corrofin, 3352 ac., pop. 149.—2. Kilcorney, par. and hamlet, W. co. Cork, 5 miles E. of Millstreet, 8836 ac., pop. 948; P.O.
Kilcott, hamlet, Hawkesbury par., Gloucestershire,
5 miles SE. of Oharfield sta.
Kilconrsey- bar., N. King’s co., 19,287ac., pop. 4574.
Kilcowan, par., in S. of co. and 9 miles SW. of AVexford, 2082 ac., pop. 315.
Kilcowamnore, par., mid. co. AVexford, 6 miles SW. of Enniscorthy, 2760 ac., pop. 451.
Kilcoy, hamlet, Killearnan par., SE. Ross and Cromarty, 8 miles NW. of Inverness; in vicinity are the ruins of Kilcoy Castle, and a large cairn.
Kilcradan Lighthouse. See Kilcredane (Clare).
Kilerea, sta. on Cork and Macroom Ry., in co. and 13 miles W. of Cork.
Kilcredan, par., E. co. Cork, near Ballycottin Bay,
6 miles E. of Cloyne, 1014 ac., pop. 287.
Kilcredane.—coastguard station, at month of river
Shannon, SW. co. Clare, 2 miles S. of Carrigaholt; on Kilcredane Point is a lighthouse 43 ft. high, with fixed light (Kilcradan) 133 ft. above high water and seen 16 miles.—2. Kilcredane, par., mid co. Kerry, 5 miles N. of Killarney, 2486 ac., pop. 373.
Kilcreggan, watering-place with steamboat pier, Roseneath par., Dumbartonshire, on Firth of Clyde, at foot of peninsula between Gare Loch and Loch Long, 4 miles (by water) NAV. of Greenock; P.O., T.o.; unites with the watering-place of Cove, 1£ m. NW., in forming the police burgh of Cove and Kilcreggan: which see.
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