Kippax, par., township, and vil., with ry. sta., E. div. West-Riding Yorkshire, on eminence near river Aire, 3J miles NW. of Pontefract and 9| miles SE. of Leeds—par., 5600 ac. (including part of Ledsham par.), pop. 5658; township, 1632 ac., pop. 2533; P.O.; malt- ing is carried on, and extensive coal mines are in vicinity; Kippax Fark, seat, is near the vil.
Kippen, vil. with ry. sta., Stirlingshire, and par., partly also in Perthshire, on S. side of river Forth— par., 11,256 ac., pop. 1449; vil., 1 mile SW. of sta., which is 9 miles AV. of Stirling, pop. 330; P.O., T.O.
Kippen House, seat, in par. and 1 mile S. of Dun- ning, SE. Perthshire.
Kippendavie, seat, in par. and NE. vicinity of Dun- blane, Perthshire.
Kippenross, seat, in par. and S. vicinity of Dunblane, Perthshire, on Allan AVater.
Kippford, hamlet, Colvendpar., Kirkcudbright, on Urr AVater, 4 miles S. of Dalbeattie ; P.O.
Kippiiaw, seat, Bowden par., NW. Roxburghshire, 3 miles SAV. of Newtown St Boswells.
Kippington, eccl. dist., Sevenoaks par., Kent, pop. 660; contains the seat of Kippington Fark, 1 mile W. of Sevenoaks.
Kippocli. See Keppoch.
Kippure, mountain group, on border of cos. Dublin and AVicklow, near source of river Liffey, 2478 ft.
Kir . See also Kirk .
Kirbister, Loch of, Orphir par., Orkney.
Kirbuster, place with school, in par. and 4 miles N. of Stromness, Orkney.
Kirby.1—2 miles AV. of AA’alton on the Naze, Essex ; P.O. See Kirby le Soken.—2. Kirby, hamlet, AVhat- cote par., AArarwickshire, 4g miles NE. of Shipston on Stour.—3. Kirby, former div. of Knightlow hundred, AVarwickshire, containing 15 pars. See Knightlow.
Kirby, Cold. See Cold Kirby.
Kirby, Monks. See Monks Kirby.
Kirby, West, par., township, and vil., with ry. sta., Cheshire, in NAV. of co., on Dee estuary, 9 miles SAV. of Birkenhead—par., 6744 ac. land and 27,485 water, pop. 4410; township, 440 ac. land and 2870 water, pop. 1118; P.O., T.o.
Kirby Hedon, par. and vil., Norfolk, in SE. of co., 3 miles SE. of Norwich, 625 ac., pop. 269; contains the ruins of Kirby Hedon Hall.
Kirby Bellars, par. and vil., Leicestershire, in NE. of co., on river AVreak, 2£ miles SW. of Melton Mow- bray, 2590 ac., pop. 271; in vicinity of vil. is the seat of Kirby Bellars Fark, once the property of Sir Francis Burdett (1770-1844), the politician.
Kirby Cane, par. and vil., Norfolk, in SE. of co., 3 miles NE. of Bungay, 1475 ac., pop. 269; P.O.; in vicinity of vil. is the seat of Kirby Hall.
Kirby Castle, seat, Glenfield par., in co. and 5J miles W. of Leicester.
Kirby Cross, hamlet with ry. sta., Kirby le Soken par., Essex, 2 miles SW. of Walton on the Naze; P.O.
Kirby Flcctham, North-Riding Yorkshire, 4| miles NE. of Bedale; P.O. See Kirkby Fleetham.
Kirby Frith, par., in co. and 3| miles NW. of Leicester, 1940 ac. (including Glenfield Frith), pop. 15.
Kirby Grindalytb, par. and township, East-Riding Yorkshire, on the Wolds, 8 miles SE. of Malton—par., 7583 ac., pop. 534; township, 4524 ac., pop. 243.
Kirby Hall.—township and seat, Little Ouseburn par., E. div. West-Riding Yorkshire, 8g miles NE. of Knaresborough, 427 ac., pop. 35.—2. Kirby llali, seat of the Earl of AVinchilsea, 5| miles SW. of Kingscliffe, Northamptonshire.
Kirby Hill.—township, Kirby on the Moor par., North-Riding Yorkshire, near Boroughbridge, 1213 ac., pop. 158.—2. Kirby Hill, par., North-Riding York- shire. See Kirby on the Moor.
Kirby House, seat, in NW. vicinity of Douglas, Isle of Man ; the river Dhoo runs through the grounds.
Kirby Kendal, AArestmorland. See Kendal.
Kirby Knowle, par. and township, North-Riding Yorkshire, 4g miles NE. of Thirsk—par., 4504 ac., pop. 462 ; township, 1579 ac., pop. 114.
Kirby Lodge, Leicester. See Kirby Bellars.
Gazetteer of the British Isles, Statistical and Topographical, by John Bartholomew, F.R.G.S.
Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1887. Public domain image from Gedcomindex.com
Kirby or Kirkby signifies “ church town.”
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