Leigh, Great. See Leighs, Great.
Leigh, High, township and vil., Rostherne par., Cheshire—township, 4522 ac., pop. 850; vil., 5 miles NW. of Knutsford; P.O., called High Legh.
Leigh, Little, township and vil., Great Budworth par., Cheshire, 3| miles NW. of North wich, 1595 ac., pop. 455.
Leigh, North.—par. and vil., Devon, 3 miles SE. of Honiton, 994 ac., pop. 246.—2. Leigh, North, par., Oxford. See Northleigh.
Leigh, South.—par. and vil., Devon, 3 miles SW. of Colyton, 2579 ac., pop. 222; P.O.—2. Leigh, South, par., Oxford. See Southleigh.
Leigh, West.—par., Devon, on river Torridge, 2 miles NE. of Bideford, 2616 ac., pop. 496.—2. Leigh, West, hamlet, Burlescombe par., Devon, 5 miles SAY. of Wellington.—3. Leigh, West, hamlet, Harberton par., Devon, lg mile SAY. of Totnes.—4. Leigh, West (or Westleigh), township and ry. sta., Leigh par., SW. Lancashire, wholly in town of Leigh, 1883 ac., pop. 7848; P.O.; the station is 7 miles SW. of Bolton.
Leigh Bridge, at the junction of rivers North Teign and South Teign, Devon, 1 mile SW. of Chagford.
Leigh Court.—seat, Somerset 2 miles NAY. of Bris- tol ; in vicinity is Leigh Down.—2. Leigh Court, ry. sta., in co. and 4J miles NW. of Worcester. See Leigh.
Leigh Division, The, parl. div. of SW. Lancashire, pop. (estimated) 51,816.
Leigh Eim, seat, 3 miles W. of Southend, Essex.
Leigh Hill, 4 miles SE. of Marlborough, Wilts ; P.O.
Leigh House, seat, iu vicinity of Chudleigh, Devon.
Leigh Sinton, Worcestershire, 3 miles N. of Great Malvern; p.o. See Leigh.
Leigh Wood, Somerset, in vicinity of Bristol; is connected by a suspension bridge over the Avon with the suburb of Clifton.
Leigh and Bedford, ry. sta. at Leigh, SW. Lanca- shire, 21 miles NE. of Liverpool. See Leigh.
Leigh and Wigan Canal, SW. Lancashire, from branch of Bridgwater Canal at Leigh to Leeds and Liverpool Canal at AYigan; 7 miles long, with 2 locks.
Leigh-de-la-Mere, par., AYilts, 5 miles NAAr. of Chip- penham, 1227 ac., pop. 105.
Leigh upon Mendip, par. and vil., Somerset, near E. end of Mendip Hills, 5 miles NAV. of Frome, 1425 ac., pop. 461; P.O.
Leighfleld, par., Rutland, 3g miles SAY. of Oakham, pop. 34.
Leighland, eccl. dist. and vil., Old Cleeve par., Somerset—dist., pop. 539; the vil. is 4 miles AY. of Stogumber station.
Leighlin, Did, par. and vil., W. co. Carlow, 2 miles SAY. of Leighlinbridge, 9926 ac., pop. 1815; P.O.; was the seat of a flourishing monastery in the 7th century, and the seat of the diocese of Leighlin, now united with that of Ossory and Ferns. The cathedral, founded in 1185, is a plain Gothic structure.
Leighlinbridge, town, Agha and Wells pars., in co. and 8 miles S. of Carlow, on river Barrow, 69 miles SW. of Dublin, pop. 835; P.O., t.o. Market-day, Saturday. Leighlinbridge is divided into 2 portions by the Barrow, which is crossed by a stone bridge of 9 arches. The town has greatly declined in importance? There are some remains of a fortress of the 12th century.
Leigkmoney, par., S. co. Cork, on river Bandon, 4 miles NW. of Kinsale, 2716 ac., pop. 286.
Leighs, Great, par. and vil., Essex, in NW. of co., on river Ter, 6 miles NE. of Chelmsford, 3146 ac., pop. 753 ; P.O., called Great Leigh.
Leighs, Little, par., Essex, in NW. of co., on river Ter, 7 miles NE. of Chelmsford, 1079 ac., pop. 125.
Leighterton. See Boxwell and Leighterton.
Leighton.—ry. sta., 7 miles NW. of Dunstable, Bed- fordshire. See Leighton Buzzard.—2. Leighton (or Leighton Chapel), township, Nantwich par., Cheshire, 3 miles NW. of Crewe, 1266 ac., pop. 172.—3. Leighton, township, Neston par., Cheshire, on Dee estuary, wholly in town of Neston and Parkgate, 641 ac., pop. 259.—
4. Leighton (or Leighton Bromswold), par. and vil., Huntingdonshire—par., 2770 ac., pop. 334; vil., 5 miles NE. of Kimbolton ; P.O.—5. Leighton, township and vil., Worthen par., Montgomeryshire, onOffasDykeand river Severn, 2 miles SE. of AVelshpool, 1866 ac., pop. Gazetteer of the British Isles, Statistical and Topographical, by John Bartholomew, F.R.G.S.
Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1887. Public domain image from Gedcomindex.com
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