Bartholomew’s Gazetteer of the British Isles (1887) page 516 left column

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Loughgnile, par., N. co. Antrim, on Lough Guile and
river Bush, 7 miles E. of Ballymoney, 30,221 ac., pop.
P.O., called Longhgiel.

Lougliill, 4 miles SW. of Poynes, N. co. Limerick ;
p.o. See

Longlilnisland, par., S. co. Down, 5 m. SW. of Down-
patrick, 12,485 ac., pop. 2966;
P.O.; contains Clough.

Loiigliinsliolin, bar., S. co. Londonderry, 171,660
ac., pop. 58,440.

Longhkecn, par., N. co. Tipperary, 7 miles W. of
Parsonstown, 10,661 ac., pop. 1038.

T.o ugh 1 ins to wn, hamlet, 2 miles S. of Killiney, SE.
co. Dublin; P.O.

Longhlohcry, seat, 2 m. E. of Caher, co. Tipperary.

Loughiuoc, 4 miles S. of Templemore, mid. co. Tip-
perary ;
P.O.; ruins of a castle are in vicinity.

Longhmoc, East, par., mid. co. Tipperary, 4 miles
N. of Thurles, 6014 ac., pop. 1001.

Loughmoe, West, par., mid. co. Tipperary, on river
Suir, adjacent to East Loughmoe, 4865 ac., pop. 633;
P.O., called Louglmioe.

Lougliinonie, 7 miles SAV. of Castleblayney, S. co.
Monaghan, on Lough Morne ;

Lougliiiamon, school, Kilcoleman par., co. Mayo.

Lougiioouy, seat, 4 miles NE. of Clones, AV. co.

Loughor (or Llwchwr), pari. bor. and par. with ry.
sta., in NAA7. of Glamorgan, on river Llwchwr, 8 miles
NAA7. of Swansea—par., 3648 ac., pop. 2692 ; bor., 1216
ac., pop. 1513;
P.O.; the par. consists of 2 townships—
Loughor Borough Part, 1216 ac., pop. 1513, and
Loughor Parish Part, 2432 ac., pop. 1179; is an
ancient place, and has remains of
Loughor Castle
(1100). Loughor is a contributory bor. of the Swansea
District of Pari. Boroughs, which returns 1 member.

Losighrea.—market town, par., and township, with
ry. sta., S. co. Galway, on Lough Rea, 7 miles E. by
S. of Craughvvell ry. sta., 11 miles S. of AA7oodlawn ry.
sta., and 17 miles SAA7. of Ballinasloe—par., 5956 ac.,
pop. 3673; township, 1038 ac., pop. 3159;
P.O., T.O., 2
Banks. Market-day,
Thursday. It has 3 corn mills.
There are remains of a castle and a monastery. The
town stands on the property of the Earl of Clanricarde.
—2. Loughren,bar., S. co. Galway, 64,406 ac., pop. 8597.

Louglirigg’, hamlet, Grasmere par., AYestmorland,
2 miles AY. of Ambleside;
Louglirigg Fell (1101 ft.)
occupies almost the entire space between AVindermere,
Rydal Water, and Grasmere, and
Louglirigg Tarn
ft. above sea-level) is on its SAY. side. See Rydal

Loughrosheg Bay, bar. Banagli, AY. co. Donegal;
5 miles by 1 mile.

Louglirosiiiore Bay, between bars. Banagh and Boy-
lagh, AY. co. Donegal; 6 miles by 3 miles.

Longlirospoint, 4 m.AAL of Ardara, co. Donegal; P.O.

Loughry, seat, near Cookstown, E. co. Tyrone.

Louglisalt, mountain, near Lough Salt, N. co. Done-
gal, alt. 1541 ft.

Lough shinny, fishing vil., Lusk par., N. co. Dublin,
2 miles N. of Rush, pop. 183.

Loughiee, Lower, bar., N. co. Cavan, 28,280 ac.,
pop. 7279.

Loughtee, Upper, bar., mid. co. Cavan, 64,055 ac.,
pop. 20,347.

Loughton.—par. and vil., Bucks, in NE. of co., on
river Ouse, 3¼ miles SE. of Stony Stratford, 1536 ac.,
pop. 324;
P.O.—2. Loughton, small town and par. with
ry. sta., Essex, in AA7. of co., on E. side of Epping Forest,
5 miles SAY. of Epping, 3961 ac., pop. 2851;
P.O., T.O.,
1 newspaper ; in vicinity of sta. is the ancient seat of
Loughton Hall, standing in beautiful grounds.—3.
township, Chetton par., Shropshire, 9 miles
NE. of Ludlow, 1057 ac., pop. 84.

Louis burgh, in par. and part of the town of Wick,
Caithness, pop. 940. See AYick.

Louisburgh, fishing vil., Kilgeiver par., SAA7. co.
Mayo, on Clew Bay, 14 miles SAV. of AA7estport, pop.
P.O., IBank. Market-day, Monday.

Lound.—township and vil., Sutton cum Lound par.,
Notts, 3¼ miles N. of East Retford, pop. 354 ;

2. Lound, par. and vil., Suffolk, 4¼ miles NAY. of
Lowestoft, 1264 ac., pop. 440;
P.O.—3. Lound, Lincoln-
shire. See
Toft and Lound.

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