Marsco, mountain, Strath par., Skye island, Inver- ness-shire, 3 miles SE. of Sligachan, alt. 2414 ft.
Marsdcn, town with ry. sta., Almondbury and Hud- dersfield pars., S. div. AVest-Riding Yorkshire, on river Colne, 7 miles SAV. of Huddersfield, pop. 3319; P.O., T.O.; has woollen, cotton, and silk factories; in vicinity of Marsden is a railway tunnel 3 miles 61 yards long.
Marsden, Great and Little, township, AVhalley par., NE. Lancashire, 4689 ac., pop. 16,725; contains Brierfield and Nelson, 2J miles and 34 miles NE. of Burnley.
Marsden Bay, small bay, Durham, 2| miles SE. of mouth of river Tyne ; in the bay is Marsden Hock, with natural archway.
Marsden Colliery, 2 miles from South Shields, Durham; P.O.
Marsden in Almondbury, township, Almondbury par., S. div. AVest-Riding Yorkshire, 5133 ac., pop. 2633; forms part of Marsden.
Marsden in Huddersfield, township, Huddersfield par., S. div. AA7est-Riding Yorkshire, 3512 ac., pop. 686; forms part of Marsden.
Marsh.—hamlet, Great Kimble par., Bucks, 2 miles
S. of Aylesbury.—2. Marsh, vil., AVestbury par., Shropshire, 11 miles AY. of Shrewsbury.
Marsh, West, eccl. dist., Ash next Sandwich par., Kent, pop. 417.
Marsh Baldon, in co. and 6 miles SE. of Oxford; p.o. See Baldon Marsh.
Marsh Bcnliam, Berks. See Benham Marsh.
Marsh Brook, vil. with ry. sta., 3 miles SAV. of Church Stretton, Shropshire; P.O.
Marsh Chapel, par. and vil., Lincolnshire, 4 miles NE. of Ludborough and 74 NE. of Louth, 4291 ac. (1160 water), pop. 658; P.O., T.O.
Marsh Gibbon, par. and vil. (ry. sta. Marsh Gibbon and Poundon), Bucks, on AV. border of co., 44 miles E. of Bicester, 2818 ac,, pop. 743 ; P.O.
Marsh Green.—vil., Rockbeare par.,Devon, 8 miles E. of Exeter.—2. Marsh Green, hamlet, in par. and 14 mile SAV. of Edenbridge, Kent.
Marsh House, Canonbie, Dumfriesshire.
Marsh Lane.—3 miles from Eckington, Derbyshire ; P.O.—2. Marsh Lane, ry. sta., Bootle-cum-Linacre, 3 miles N. of Exchange sta., Liverpool.
Marsh Mills, ry. sta., Devon, 4 m. NE. of Plymouth.
Marsliadder, hamlet, Kilmuir par., Skye island, Inverness-shire, 14 miles N. of Portree.
Marshalls, seat, in N. vicinity of Romford, Essex.
Marshalls Cross, Prescot par., SAV. Lancashire, 2 miles SAV. of St Helens ; P.O.
Marshall’s Wick, seat, Herts; post-town, St Albans.
Marshalsea (or Marsliallshay), vil., 4 miles SAV. of Broadwinsor, Dorset; P.O.
Marshalstown, par., NE. co. Cork, 3 miles NAV. of Mitchelstown, 7290 ac., pop. 1492.
Marsham, par. and vil., Norfolk, 2 miles S. of Ayls- ham and 11 miles N. of Norwich, 1819 ac., pop. 554 ; P.O.; gives the title of viscount to Earl Romney.
Marsbfield.—market town and par., Gloucestershire, on the Cotswolds, 4| miles NAV. of Box ry. sta. and 114 miles E. of Bristol, 5907 ac., pop. 1527 ; P.O., T.O. Market-day, Tuesday. Marshfield has a considerable trade in malting.—2. Marshfield, par. and vil. with ry. sta., Monmouthshire, 54 miles SAV. of Newport, 1270 ac., pop. 520.
Marshland Month, ravine, on NW7. border of Corn- wall and Devon, 7 miles S. of Hartland Point.
Marslisidc, vil., North Meols par., SAV. Lancashire, 2 miles NE. of Southport; P.O.
Marshwood, par. and vil., Dorset, on river Char, 5 miles SAA7. of Beaminster, 3396 ac., pop. 335 ; in vicinity of vil. is Marshwood Manor, seat.
Marslde, hamlet, Aysgarth par., North-Riding York- shire, near Askrigg.
Marske.—township with ry. sta., Marske near Red- car par., North-Riding Yorkshire, 3970 ac., pop. 5113; contains Marske by the Sea, New Marske, and Salt- burn.—2. Marske, vil., Marske near Richmond par., North-Riding Yorkshire, 4| miles AV. of Richmond; p.o. See Marske near Richmond.
Marske, New, vil., Marske near Redcar par., North- Riding Yorkshire, 2 miles from Marske by the Sea; P.O. Gazetteer of the British Isles, Statistical and Topographical, by John Bartholomew, F.R.G.S.
Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1887. Public domain image from Gedcomindex.com
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