Pitcullo, seat, Leuchars par., Fife, 4%m. NE. of Cupar.
Pltcnr, vil. and ruined castle, Kettins par., Forfar- shire, 3 miles SE. of Coupar-Angus.
Pltficbie Castle, ruin, in par. and 2 miles NAV. of Monymusk, Aberdeenshire.
Pltfirrane Park, seat, in par. and 2% miles SAV. of Dunfermline, Fife.
Pitfold, hamlet, Frenshampar., Surrey, 4 miles NAV. of Haslemere.
Pitfonr Castle, seat, St Madoes par., Perthshire, 6 miles E. of Perth.
Pitfour Honse, seat, Old Deer par., Aberdeenshire, 2 miles NAV. of Mintlaw.
Pitheavlls, seat, in co. and 1 mile SAV. of Perth.
Pltkeatbly, place with mineral wells, Dunbarney par., Perthshire, 1 mile SAV. of Bridge of Earn.
Pitland Street, 5 m. SAV. of Dorking, Surrey; P. O., T. O.
Pitlessie, vil., Cults par., Fife, 2 miles E. of Lady- bank and 4 miles SAV. of Cupar, pop. 356; P.O.
Fltloekry, vil. with ry. sta., Moulin par., Perthshire, on river Tummel, 28% miles NAV. of Perth, pop. 777; P.O., T.O., 3 Banks; is situated amid fine scenery, has a salubrious climate, and is a favourite summer resort. The Athole Hydropathic is near the vil. Pitlochry has a tweed factory, a chemical factory, and 2 distilleries.
Pitlour House, seat, in par. and 1% mile NW. of Strathmiglo, Fife.
Pitlurg, seat, Slains par., Aberdeenshire, 6 miles NE. of Ellon.
Pltmaston, seat, in co. and SW. vicinity of Worcester.
Fitmeddcn.—ry. sta., Dyce par., Aberdeenshire, 8 miles NW. of Aberdeen ; Pltincdden House, seat, is in vicinity.—2. Pitmedden, hamlet, Udny par., Aber- deenshire, 4 miles SAV. of Ellon ; Pitmedden House, seat, is 1 mile NW.
Pitmlddle, vil., Kinnairdpar.,E. Perthshire, 3 miles NAV. of Inchture.
Pitmilly, seat, Kingsbarns par., Fife, 5% miles SE. of St Andrews.
Pitminster, par. and vil., Somerset—par., 5120 ac., pop. 1382; vil., 4% miles S. of Taunton; has malting and tanning; the church is ancient; Pitminster Lodge and other seats are in the neighbourhood.
Pitmnles, seat, Kirkden par., Forfarshire, near Guthrie Junction.
Pitnacree, seat, Logierait par., Perthshire, on river Tay, 4 miles W. of Ballinluig Junction.
Pitney.—hundred, Somerset, 3237 ac., pop. 1474.— 2. Pitney, par., Somerset, 2 miles NE. of Langport, 1500 ac., pop. 321.
Fitrcavie, seat, in par. and 2| miles SE. of Dun- fermline, Fife; in vicinity is the battlefield where Cromwell’s troops defeated the Royalists in 1651.
Pitrodie, vil., Kilspindie par., E. Perthshire, 2 miles NW. of Errol ry. sta.; P.O.
Pitscandly, seat, Rescobie par., Forfarshire, 2 miles NE. of Forfar.
Pitscottie, hamlet, Ceres par., Fife, 3 m. SE. of Cupar.
Pitsea, par. and vil. with ry. sta., Essex—par. (in- cluding part of Canvey island), 1765 ac. (18 water), pop. 203; vil., on a creek of the Thames, 10 miles W. of Southend; the church stands on a knoll, command- ing a fine view of the Thames and surrounding country.
Pitsford, par. and vil. with ry. sta. (Pitsford and Brampton), Northamptonshire — par., 2700 ac., pop. 559; vil., 5 miles N. of Northampton; P.O.; near the vil. are Pitsford Hall, seat, and an ancient camp and tumulus.
Pitsklll, seat, 1 mile NW. of Petworth, Sussex.
Pitsligo, coast par., N. Aberdeenshire, 4641 ac., pop. 2582; the church is 1 mile S. of Rosehearty, near which is the ruin of Pitsligo Castle.
Pitsligo, New, town, Tyrie par., and quoad sacra par., partly also in Aberdour, New Deer, and Strichen liars., N. Aberdeenshire—quoad sacra par., pop. 2964; town, 4 miles AA”. of Strichen ry. sta. and 11 miles SW. of Fraserburgh, pop. 2056; P.O., T.o., 1 Bank; has mfrs. of bobbin-lace, and in the neighbourhood are ex- tensive granite quarries.
Pltsiuoor, eccl. dist., Sheffield par., S. div. AVest- Riding Yorkshire, pop. 11,668.
Pltson, hamlet, Otterton par., Devon, 3 miles W. of Sidmouth.
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