Stacksteads, vil. with ry. sta., Spotland township, Rochdale par., SE. Lancashire, 1½ mile SW. of Bacup; P.O., T.o.; has a large cotton mill.
Stacuinny, par., NE. co. Kildare, on river Liffey, 2 miles S. of Leixlip, 568 ac., pop. 94.
Staddiscoinhe, vil., Plymstock par., Devon, 3 miles SE. of Plymouth; P.O.
Staddle Bridge, hamlet, North-Riding Yorkshire, 2 miles from Osmotherly; P.O.
Staddlcthorpe, hamlet with ry. sta., Blacktoft par., East-Riding Yorkshire, 5 miles E. of Howden.
Staddon, vil., near Holsworthy, Devon.
Staddon Point, bold promontory, Devon, on E. side of Plymouth Sound, 2| miles S. of Plymouth.
Stadhampton, par. and vil., Oxfordshire—par., 1623 ac., pop. 268; vil., on river Thames, 6 miles N. of Wallingford; P.O., T.O.
Stafl'a, an uninhabited island of the Inner Hebrides, Kilninian and Kilmore par., Argyllshire, 6 miles N. of Iona, 6 miles from the nearest point of Mull, and 54 by steamer W. of Oban ; is about 1½ mile in circuit, has a greatest alt. of 144 ft., and affords excellent pasture. The coast of Staffa is pierced with grand basaltic caverns, the principal of which is Fingal’s Cave, 227 ft. long, 42 ft. broad at the entrance, and 66 ft. high.
Stafficld, township, in par. and 1½ mile NW. of Kirkoswald, Cumberland, 5636 ac., pop. 247; contains Staffield Hall, seat.
Staffin (or Stenseholl), hamlet, Kilmuir par., Skye island, Inverness-shire, near head of Staffin Bay, 18 miles N. of Portree; P.O. See Stenscholl. Staffin Bay, on NE. side of Skye island, 4 miles SE. of Rudha Hunish, is 1½ mile across the mouth and ¾ mile deep; on E. side of bay is Staffin Island (½ mile by ¾ mile).
Stafford, pari, and mun. bor., par. and township, and county town of Staffordshire, on river Sow, 27 miles NW. of Birmingham and 134 NW. of London by rail— par. (Stafford Saints Mary and Chad), 8441 ac., pop. 17,032; township, 3653 ac., pop. 14,399; bor. (compris¬ ing Stafford township, part of Hopton and Coton town¬ ship, Stafford par., and part of Castle Church par.), 1012ac., pop. 19,977; 3 Banks, 2 newspapers. Market- day, Saturday. Stafford grew up around a Saxon stronghold, which was replaced after the Conquest by a Norman castle. Fragments of the old walls still remain. The town is pleasantly situated, and is in , general well built. Among the principal objects of in¬ terest are the two old churches of St Mary and St Chad, both recently restored; Edward’s YI.’s grammar school; the “William Salt” library; the county and town buildings, &c. Stafford is an important rail¬ way centre. Its chief industrial establishments are breweries, tanneries, and several extensive factories for the mfr. of boots and shoes. Izaak Walton (1593- 1683), the angler, was a native. Stafford gives the title of marquis to the Gowers, and of baron to the Jerninghams. It returns 1 member to Parliament; it returned 2 members from Edward I. until 1885, when its parliamentary limits were extended.
Staffordshire, co. in west-midlands of England; i bounded NAY. and N. by Cheshire, NE. and E. by Derbyshire, SE. by AVarwickshire, S. by Worcester¬ shire, and W. by Shropshire; greatest length, N. and
S., 50 miles; greatest breadth, E. and W., 34 miles; area, 748,433 ac., pop. 981,013. Staffordshire lies in j the basin of the Trent, which traverses the co. from | NW. to SE., receiving the Sow (with its tributary the I Penk), Tame, Blythe, and Dove. Except in the north, which is chiefly wild moorland, the surface is generally level or gently undulating. About three-fourths of the surface is arable, but much of the soil is of a cold clayey nature; the best land is in the south. Along the banks of the streams are many rich meadows. (For agricultural statistics, see Appendix.) The new red i sandstone occupies the whole of the centre of the co., hut in the N. and S. are 2 valuable coal fields—the ! Pottery coal field and the Dudley coal field, the latter of which is celebrated forthe extraordinary thickness of j one of its seams, for the excellence of its coal for ironmak- ing, and the number and richness of its iron ores. Its : mineral wealth has given Staffordshire rank as the third
co. in England for manufacturing industry, North Staf¬ fordshire being the chief seat of the earthenware mfr. in
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