Trooperstown Hill, 2 miles SE. of Laragh, mid. co. Wicklow, alt. 1408 ft.
Troqueer, par., Kirkcudbrightshire, on river Nith, 11,675 ac., pop. 5524; contains town of Maxwelltown.
Trory, par., mid. co. Fermanagh, on river Erne, 2 miles N. of Enniskillen, 4221 ac., pop. 729.
Troslcy, Kent. See Trotterscliffe.
Trossachs, romantic mountain defile, Callander par., Perthshire, extending 1 mile AV. from Loch Achray to Loch Katrine; the Trossachs Hotel is 8 miles W. of Callander ; Trossachs quoad sacra par. comprises parts of Aberfoyle, Callander, and Port of Menteith pars., pop. 302.
Trostan Mountain, 4 miles SAV. of Cushendall, N. co. Antrim, alt. 1810 ft.
Troston, par. and vil., Suffolk, 5 miles NE. of Bury St Edmunds, 1764 ac., pop. 309; P.O.; near vil. is Troston Hall, seat.
Trostrey, par., Monmouthshire, 2| miles NAV. of Usk, 1261 ac., pop. 142; contains Trostrey Hall, seat.
Trostrie, Loch, Twynliolm par., Kirkcudbrightshire.
Trotliy, river, Monmouthshire ; flows 16 miles SE. to the AVye near Monmouth.
Trotternish, district, in N. of Skye island, Inver- ness-shire.
Trotterscliffe (or Trosley), par., Kent, 3 miles NAV. of AYest Mailing and 8 miles NAY. of Maidstone, 1155 ac., pop. 296; P.O.; a palace (1185) of the bishops of Rochester was here.
Trotton, par. and vil., Sussex, 3 miles W. of Mid- hurst, 3588 ac., pop. 405; birthplace of Otway (1651- 1685), the dramatist, whose father was curate of the parish ; near vil. is Trotton Place, seat.
Trough, township, Stapleton par., Cumberland, 94 miles NE. of Longtown, 2338 ac., pop. 126.
Trough, bar., N. co. Monaghan, 37,377 ac., pop. 9118.
Troughcnd, township, Elsdon par., Northumber- land, 74 miles NE. of Bellingham, 26,477 ac., pop. 256.
Troup House, seat, Gamrie par., Banffshire, near Troup Head (300 ft.), 3 miles NE. of Gardenstown.
Troutbeek.—ry. sta. (for Ullswater), Cumberland, 8 miles E. of Keswick; P.O.—2. Trontbeck, township and vil., AArindermere par., Westmorland, 3 miles SE. of Ambleside, 5807 ac., pop. 446; P.O., and P.O. at Trout- beck Bridge, 14 mile NW. of Windermere ry. sta.; Troutbeek Valley descends S. to Windermere, and at one part is cut in two by a long hill called Troutbeek Tongue.
Troutsdale, township, Brompton par., North- Riding Yorkshire, 7 miles W. of Scarborough, 1204 ac., pop. 60.
Trow Gill, near Ingleborough Cave, N. div. AYest- Riding Yorkshire; a remarkable opening in the lime- stone, with lofty perpendicular walls.
Trowbridge, market town and par., Wilts, on river Biss, Ilf miles SW. of Chippenham and 97 miles from London by rail—par., 2442 ac., pop. 11,394 ; town, 2080 ac., pop. 11,040, 2 Banks, 2 newspapers. Market- days, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. The mfrs. are woollen cloths, kerseymeres, and bedding; engineer- ing and brewing are also carried on. The 14th century parish church contains the tomb of the poet Crabbe, who was rector here from 1814 until his death in 1832.
Trowell, par. and vil. with ry. sta., in co. and 5f miles AY. of Nottingham, 1621 ac., pop. 421; P.O.
'Prowler’s Gill, rocky pass, on road from Skipton to Burnsall, Yorkshire.
Trowse, par. and ry. sta., Norfolk, pop. 1113 ; P.O., T.O.; consists of the township of Trowse Millgate, Carrow, and Bracondale, in bor. of Norwich, pop. 503 ; and the township of Trowse Newton, on SE. side of Norwich, pop. 610.
Troy House, seat of the Duke of Beaufort, Mitchel- Troy par., Monmouthshire, on river Trothy, 1 mile S. of Monmouth; contains some memorials of Henry V.
Troytown, hamlet, Puddletown par., Dorset, 3 miles NE. of Dorchester.
Trubley, par., mid. co. Meath, on river Boyne, 3 miles NE. of Trim, 854 ac., pop. 28.
Trudoxhili, hamlet, Nunney par., Somerset, 3| miles SAY. of Frome.
TrnffhUl, part of AYaterside vil., Dalmellington par., Ayrshire, pop. 410. Gazetteer of the British Isles, Statistical and Topographical, by John Bartholomew, F.R.G.S.
Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1887. Public domain image from Gedcomindex.com
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