Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 5
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AA    AA

AA, the name or ’3 rivers, in Western Europe, ing in the Grand Duchy of the lower Rhine,
viz. 1st, rises in Samogitia, runs through the falling into the Rhine, the other rising in Nassau,
Duchy of Courland into the bay of Riga; 2nd, in falling into the Lahn.

Saxony, falling into Lake Blanken; 3d, in Switz- Aargau, formerly a district, but formed into a
erland, falling into Lake Lucerne ; 4th, do. into canton of Switzerland; about 650 sq. m. in ex-
Lake Walstadten; 5th, do. into the Aar river; tent. Pop. in 1798 about 130,000.

6th, in Westphalia, falling into the Wehr; 7th, Aarhut/s, the second of the four bishoprics of
do. into the Vecht; 8th, do. into the Ems; 9th, Jutland; it is a very fruitful district, on ttxc2xbbn v.,
in Holland, failing into the Vecht, at Swartsluys ; side of the Peninsula, extending for about 60 m.
10th, do. into the Oldj’ssel; 11th, in Overyssel, along the shore of the Cattegat, bounded on the
falling into iake Giter; 12th, in Brabant, falling W. by the bishopric of Viborg, intersected by
into the Dommel; and 13th, in pas de Calais, numerous streams, abounding with fish, and is
France, falling into the sea at Gravelines.    richly adorned with forests, it contains the res-

Aach, the name of a river in Switzerland, and idences of a great portion of the nobility of Den-
of two others in Suabia, vnd also of a town in mark. The chief town of the same name is sit-
Suabia, about 30 miles N. of Constance.    uate on the coast, in 56. 10. N. lat. 10.13. E. loop.

Aahavs, the chief town of a small district of the The town - is divided into two unequal parts, by
same name, in the government of Munster, one water conveyed from a lake about 15 m. in the in-
of the Prussian states, in the province of West- terior. It is large and populous; and has sir
Phalia.    gates, two principal churches, two market-places;

A am- Char am, a village near Jerusalem, said to a university, a free-school, and a well-endowed
be the p.aee where Zacharius lived. It is fre- hospital, and. has a considerable trade in grain,
quented by pilgrims; and near it there is a con- timber, &c.
vent, a large elegant building, with a handsome    
Awrcn's Island, See St. Mala.

cupola, and under :t an extraordinary fine mosaic    Aarojisburg, t. Northumberland    Co.    Pa.    It is

pavement; the at ar, which is a very splendid situated a little more than a mile E. of Elk creek,
one, encompassed with marble steps, is said to be which unites with. Penn’s creek, falling into the
built on the very spot where John the Baptist Susquehanna, 5 m. helow Sunbury
was born.    
Aaronsburg, p.t. Centre Co. Pa.    15    m. E.

Aalborg, one of the four bishoprics of the Pen- Bellefonte,
insular province of Jutland, being the mobt
AbacA.or Weltenburg, a market town in Lower
northerly part, and about 120 square miles in ex- Bavaria, seated on the Danube, 7 m. from Ratis-
lenl, containing about 90,000 inhabitants. The bon. It is defended by a citadel, and is remark-
chief town, of L.e same name, is situate on the able fo^.Roman antiquities, as well as for its min-
south coast of the Gulf of Lymfiord, in N. lat. 57. eral.waters, which
are celebrated for curing vari-
3. E. long. 7. 56. Next to Copenhagen it is the or* diseases. Long. 11. 56. E. lat. 48. 53. N.
most considerable town in Denmark. It has an
tAbade, or Sheick Abode, a village of Egypt, on
exchange for merchants; the episcopal palace, the left bank of the Nile, 80 m. S. of Cairo; im-
two churches, two poor-houses, a hospital, con- mense architectural ruins testify its having been
vent and cathedral school-house, are all respecta- the site of a great and populous city,
ble edifices; and it has a considerable trade in    
Abadeh, a considerable town at the    mouth of

corn, herrings, fire-arms, saddles, gloves, &c. It the Tigris, province of Fars, Persia,
was taken by ihe Swedes in 1643 and 1658    
Abakansk, a town situate on a    branch    of the

Aar, a large river in Switzerland, which rises river Yenisei, in the province ot Kolhyvane,
In a lake, near Mount Saalberg, in the S. of the    government of Tobolsk, Asiatic    Russia. It was

canton of Bern, and running N. W. through the    founded in 1707, and rebuilt in    1725, and since

whole extent of the lake of Brienz and .Thun to fortified: some ancient tombs witli fine inscrip-
Bern, takes a circuitous course to Soleure; tions, bespeak it to have been a place of impor-
wlience it flows E. to Arburg, and N. E. to Brugg; tance, prior to the conquest of Siberia by Russia,
below which, being joined by the Reuss and    N. lat, 54. E. long. 91. 14.

Limmatt, it falls intv 'he Rhine opposite Wald-    Abalak, a town in the vicinity    of Siberia, cele

schut; also the name of two other rivers, one ris- brated for an image of the Virgin, which is visit

A 2

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