Brookes Universal Gazetteer (1850) Page 8 Right Column

Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer (1850), Page 8 Right Column
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Abingdon, Harford County, Maryland, United States (main entry)
Abingdon, Washington County, Virginia, United States (main entry)
Abington, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, United States (main entry)
Abo, Swedish Finland (main entry)
    Promontory of Finland
    Gulf of Bothnia
    Gulf of Finland
    Swedish Government
    Queen Christina
    Adolphus, Gustavus
Abomey, Dahomey (main entry)
    Gold Coast
Aboukir, Egypt (main entry)
    Abercrombie, Ralph
    Rossetta Branch
    Nile River
    Nelson, Lord
Abrantes, Estremadura, Portugal (main entry)
    Tagus River
Abrolhos Islands (main entry)
Abruzzo, Naples (main entry)
    Gulf of Venice
    Campagna di Roma
    Terra de Lavoro
    Pescara River
    Abruzzo Ulteriore
    Abruzzo Citeriore
    Aquila, Abruzzo Ulteriore
    Sulmona, Abruzzo Citeriore
Abs, Ardèche, France (main entry)
Aboutige, Upper Egypt (main entry)
    Abotis (synonym for Aboutige, Upper Egypt)
    Nile River
Abercombe, Gloucester County, New Jersey, United States (main entry)
Abyo, Philippine Islands (main entry)
    Abuyo (synonym for Abyo, Philippine Islands)
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Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)
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