which gives name to the Adriatic sea, and was formerlv of great note, hut has been much reduced by frequent inundations. It is seated on the Tartaro. 25 m. S. S. W. of Venice.
Adrianople, a city of European Turkey, in Romania, the see of a Greek archbishop, and formerly the European seat of the Turkish do- minion. It is eight m. in circumference, situ- ate in a plain, on the river Marissa, which here receives two tributary streams. Several of the mosques are very splendid, and many of the houses neat, but the streets are narrow and devi- ous. The seraglio is separated from the city by die river Arda, and commands an extensive view of the country, which is fertile, and famous for excellent vines. The commerce of the city hy the river is considerable, and celebrated for its beautiful red dye. The Turks took this city from the Greeks in 1362. It is 135 m. N. W. of Constantinople. Long. 22. 30. E. lat. 41. N.
Adriatic Sea. See Venice, Gulf of.
Adventure Bay, at the S. E. end of Van Die- mens land, so called from the ship in which Cap- tain Furneax sailed. Long. 147. 30. E. lat. 43.
23. S. v
JEgades or JEgates, three small islands on the W. side of Sicily, between Marsella and Trapani; their names are Levenzo, Favignana, and Mare- tima.
JEtna or Etna, a celebrated burning mountain of Sicily, now called by the natives Monte Gibel- lo. It is situated in the Eastern part of the isl- and, in long. 15. 0. E. lat. 38. 0. N. Pindar, who lived 435 years before Christ, calls it the Pillar of Heaven, on account of its great height, which is generally reckoned to be about 11,000 feet; and its circumference at the base 70 m. It affords an epitome of all the differences of climate. The summit is a league in circumference, and within formed like a vast amphitheatre, from whence flames, ashes, and smoke, issue in divers places. Eruptions of this mountain are mentioned by Diodorus Siculus, as happening 1,693 years before Christ; and Thucydides speaks of three erup- tions, which happened in 734, 477, and 425, B. C. From this period till 1447, there were about 18 different eruptions, the most destructive of which were in 1169 and 1329; there have been other eiuptions since, which have done immense dam- age, particularly those in 1669,1755, 1780, and 1787. In 1809 eruptions took place in 12 differ- enA^parts of the mountain, and covered the adja- cent land with lava to the depth of 40 feet, and another eruption occurred in 1822. |
Afghanistan, a country of Asia, stretching from the mountains of Tartary to the Arabian sea, and from the Indus to the confines of Persia. The inhab. of this wide domain have no written character, and speak a language peculiar to them- selves. They are a robust hardy race of men; and being generally addicted to a state of preda- tory warfare, their manners partake of a barbar- ous insolence. They avow a fixed contempt for the occupations of civil life; and are esteemed the most negligent of religious observances, of all the Mahometans. Their common dress consists of a shirt, which falls over the upper part of long and narrow trowsers; a woolen vest, fitted closely to the body, and reaching to the midleg; and a high turned-up cap of broadcloth or cotton, usually of one colour, and of a conic form, with two small parallel slits in the upper edge of its facing. The principal cities of Afghanistan are Candahar and Gabul, the former of which was the capital; but the late and present sultans have kept their court at Cabul. About the year 1720 an army of Afghans invaded Persia, took Ispahan, and made the sultan Husseyn prisoner. They kept possession of Ispahan and the southern prov- inces for ten years, when they were defeated in several battles, and driven out of the country by Nadir Kuli, commonly known in Eurone by the name of Kouli Khan. After Nadir haa deposed his sovereign, Shah Thamas, he laid seige to and took Candahar; but afterward received a consid- erable body of Afghans into his army, who be- came his favourite foreign troops. On bis assas- sination, in 1747, the general of the Afghan troops, though furiously attacked by the whole Persian army, effected a safe retreat into his own country, where he caused himself to be acknowl- edged sovereign of the Afghan kingdom. In 1808 the English E. India company deputed the Hon. Mount Stuart Elphinstone on a mission to Cau- bul, accompanied by a large military retinue. The mission left Delhi on the 13th Oct. the re- sult of their observations and enquiries on the then circumstances and condition of Caubul, (by which name the Afghan territory is generally called,) as well as the countries through which the mission passed, have been since published.
Africa, one of the four great divisions of the world, forming a peninsula to Asia, to which it is connected by a neck of land at the N. E. ex- tremity, about 60 m. across, called the isthmus of Suez. In its extreme length it extends from Cape Negro, in lat. 37. 21. N. to False Cape in lat. 34. 25. S. being about 4,300 m. and in its ex- treme breadth from Cape Verd in 17. 34. W. to Cape Guardafui in 51. 32. E. long, being about
4,100 m. It will however in the first place be well to consider Africa as divided by nature into two great parts, N. and S., by a chain of moun- tains, commonly called the Mountains of the Moon, supposed to extend across the entire con- tinent between the 7th to the 11th degrees of N. lat. North Africa will then on its other sides be bounded, on the E. by the Arabian gulf or Red sea, on the N. by the Mediterranean, and on the W. by the Atlantic ocean, approximating in form to a parallelogram; the mean length of which from W. to E. is about fifty degrees of long, and the mean breadth from N. to S. about 27 degrees of lat. forming an area of about 4,550,000 sq. m. of which the great deserts of Sahara, Tuarick, and Lybia constitute about one third of the ex- tent. N. Africa is subdivided into a great num- ber of kingdoms, states and territories; the most prominent of which are, Galla, Abyssinia, Sennaar, and Nubia on the E. bordering on the Red sea, Egypt, at the N. E. extremity, Lybia, Fezzan, and Barbary, (comprising, Tripoli, Tunis, Algiers, and Fez;) on the N. bordering on the Mediterranean, and Morocco at the N. W. ex- tremity, bounded by the Atlantic ocean ; a large extent of coast S. of Morocco, is called Azanago, and S. of the river Senegal in lat. 16. N. to Sier- ra Leone in lat. 8.30. the coast is occupied by sev- eral Negro tribes, the limits of whose territories are very imperfectly defined. Inland, S. of the great desert, are the kingdoms of Tombuctoo, Houssa, Cassina, and Wangara; and E. of the desert, are Ashber, Bornou, Begherm, Bergoo, Darfur, &c. &c. With the exception of the des- erts and the more mountainous districts, this part of Africa is well watered, and exceedingly fertile. The most celebrated river is the Nile, which, rising from various sources on the N. side of the |